Search results for "aga"

ugot [ugót] 11.1adj Irritable. 1.2vi To be irritated. nagalit, nagngalit ang bagang Ing-ugtan sida sa nakitang kadat sa sala. She was irritated by the mess she saw in the lounge. syn: napika, sapot 1. 1.3vt To irritate somebody. Ingpaugot it anak kag ida maestra dahil ingbabaan kag ida marka. The child irritated his teacher because his mark was lowered. 22.1vbt To have a temper tantrum. Nagpaugot kag anak tong waya nabakye it idamuan. The child had a temper tantrum when he wasn’t bought a toy. Ingpaugtan it anak kag dulse. The child was caused to have a temper tantrum because of the candy.

ugali [ugálì] 1n Customs; habits. 2vt To make something a habit, to see to it that something is always done. ugalì Ugalia bagang buhosan kag kubita pagkatapos it ihi. See to it that you pour water down the toilet after urinating. syn: sulunranon.

udog [udóg] vt To rock something from side-to-side (as of a hammock, boat). habog, ugoy-ugoy Udugan anay baga kag rudan pay nag-uuwangey busa tong anak. Will you please rock the hammock of the baby it seems like he’s crying.

ubra [úbra] v To succeed. magtagal

ubo₂ [ubó] 1n Cough. Ipamuyat nako ka ako anak sa doktor dahil di ubo sida. I’ll take my child to see the doctor because he has a cough. (sem. domains: 2.2.2 - Cough, sneeze.) 2adj Having a cough (as of coughing a lot). (sem. domains: 2.2.2 - Cough, sneeze.) 3vi To cough; to have a cough. ubó Nag-uubo sida kada aga-aga. He’s coughing every early morning. (sem. domains: 2.2.2 - Cough, sneeze.) der. pakaubo

tuyar [tuyár] (irreg. infl. tyar) 11.1adv Like; similar to (as of comparisons of equality). kagaya Sida ay tuyar nako it taas. She is like me in height. Tuyar sa uyan ka ida yuha. Her tears fell like rain. Tuyar kali ka ako baro. My dress is like this. syn: pareho, hawig, ambit 1, tugma, parehas 1. (sem. domains: - And, also, - Evaluator, - Combinative relation.) 22.1vbt To imitate, copy something; to mimic. ganitó, ganiyán,gayahin Patuyari ako siling ni Pablo. Imitate me said Paul. Aya gipatuyari kag ako bisaya. Don’t mimic how I speak. Apatuyaron nako kag tabas it ako baro sa imo. I will copy the style of my dress from yours. der. patuyaran

tuwang [tuwáng] 1n 1.1n Partner; helpmate (as of a friend, spouse). kabiyak 22.1v To help somebody do something. katimbang Tuwangi baga ako’t suyor it payay sa sako. Will you help me put these rice grains in the sack.

tutal₁ [tutál] time Now that. kungsabagay Tutal nasa-idadey ra ako pwede ako mag-asawa. Now that Iam of age I can get married.

tutal₂ [tutál] part Anyway; because; the reason is ... kunsabagay Nunutan yang kinang anak tutal marakoey ra sida. Just take along the child, anyway he’s already big. syn: sabagay.

tusay [túsay] v To tumble together; to wrestle as of two or more people. nagpangbuno Ingtusay si Badlong it aswang tong gab-e’y sida magpauli. Badlong wrestled against a witch when he went home late in the night. (sem. domains: 4.8.2 - Fight.)

turok [turók] 1vi To pierce or sink deeply into something (words, into one’s heart, mind or something into the ground). Tanan nak ida gingbibisaya ay nagtuturok sa ako puso. Everything he’s saying cuts deeply in my heart. Indi magturok sa raga katong tagrokon dahil sa katugas. The pole won’t sink into the ground because it’s hard. 2vbt To stick or pierce something with something sharp or pointed. turok Iturok nimo kinang tinayuman nak kwadan hina sa rayaag. Stick the pointed bamboo there in the yard.

turag [turág] vt To take a short cut. Nagturag sida sa tunga it lanas ni Tang Bunong. He took a short cut in the middle of Tang Bunong’s ricefield. Aturagon it pulis kag kabungkagan para maabutan katong preso. The police officer will take a short cut in the forest in order to overtake the prisoner.

tupong [tupóng] 1adj Just touching, meet in the middle, as of two objects. (sem. domains: - Between.) 1.1adj Level; Point, place at which items meet, touch (as of blinds meeting, touching one-on-one); Equal with something, somebody (in height, length) Tupongey baga kami it ako manghor. My younger sister snd I are the same height now. 1.2vt To equalize; to level something. ipapantay Atupungon nako kag kuray. I’ll level the fence. Itupong nako’t kuray kag yagari. I’ll use the saw for leveling the fence. 22.1vbt To reach the same level as somebody else (as of achievement, height) Natupungan nida kag inarayan it ida maguyang. He was able to reach the same level with the education gained by his brother. Atupungan nako kag ida marka, kada mapakaestudyo pa ako. I’ll study more so I can reach the same level with his mark.

tunong₁ [tunóng] n Earring lock. Indiey magamit kag ida panika dahil nawagit kag tunong. Her earrings can’t be used because the lock was lost.

tunor₂ [túnor] (irreg. infl. sugbo) v Sunset. lubog Maganda magpasyar sa ragat pag tunorey kag adlaw dahil bukoey mainit. It’s lovely to stroll by the sea after sunset because it’s not hot any more.

tunrog [túnrog] vbt To find or see a specific thing or place; to be aware of the presence of something; to know the location of something. alam Abutangan nako it pabantala kag tinrahan agor matunrog kag tawo magbakay roto. I’ll put a poster on the store so that people will see it and come and buy there. Natunrugan nako kag ingbutangan it bolpen. I found where I put my ballpen. Tunrugan baga nimo ka amo bayay? Do you know where our house is?

tuno [túno] n Tune; melody. tuno syn: bagay 5.

tunga-tunga it aga [tunga-túngà it ága] time Mid-morning. tanghálì

tunga-tunga₃ [tunga-tungâ] v To have ocean waves break on offshore sandbars, spit before reaching the shore (and causing still-water areas along the shoreline between the sand bar and the beach). Nagtunga-tunga kag ragat sa baybay it Odiongan. The ocean breaks on sandbars just offshore along the Odiongan beach.

tuna [túnà] 1part Beginning at; since, from sometime onwards (as of beginning-post-span time, at some point in the past); starting from (a place). Mag-aaray sinra tuna alas otso. They’ll begin studying at eight o’clock. Tuna tong usang buyan ay perming nag-uyan. Since last month it has rained often. Nidog kag gingtunaan it amo pag-away. Our fight began over a coconut. Kag pakarera ay tuna sa Odiongan. The race starts from Odiongan. Tuna pa it katong Martes ay masakit sida. She has been sick since last Tuesday. Tuna pa it katong usang tuig sida it ka kapangrayaga sa imo. Since last year he has been the one courting you. syn: raginot 1.1. 2vbt To start something. simulâ Nagtuna sida’t trabaho tong Lunes. She started work last Monday. Atunaon nako sa primero kag pagbilang. I will start my counting from the beginning. Matuna ako’t paali insulip. I’ll start to come tomorrow. Niong oras matuna ka ato miting? What time will our meeting start? Atunaaney nako kag estorya. I’ll now begin the story.

tumoy₁ [tumóy] v To have, feel the pain extending to another part of the body; to feel sympathetic pain in another part of one’s body. umaabot Pagnahapros kag ako braso ay pay nagtutumoy sa ako abaga. When my arm hurts it seems like the pain extends into my shoulder. (sem. domains: - Pain.)

tum-oy [túm-oy] v To dip, immerse something completely in water. ilubog Tumoyan it maado kinang sayap sa ragat para makabaoy it maintik nak isra. You dip fully well the fish net in the sea so it can catch small fish. syn: yum-oy 1, yum-oy 2. (sem. domains: 1.3.4 - Be in water.)

tulin [túlin] 1adv Fast; quickly. Katulin ka ida pagrayagan pagkakita nida sa aswang. His running was fast when he saw the witch. syn: rali, raan, ragli 3. 2vbt To go, run, do something quickly, fast. mabilis Nagtulin sida it pagto sa school. He went quickly to school.

tulak [túlak] v To push, shove something. Talaga rang ingtulak nida tong ida amo sa hagran. It’s really true that he pushed his boss down the stairs. syn: tuyor.

tulay [tuláy] n 1Bridge. tuláy (sem. domains: - River.) 2A go-between. tagapamagitan tuláy (sem. domains: - Diplomacy.) der. patulay