Search results for "arti"

ngani₂ [ngánì] part 1Should really do something; guess something should be done; really the one (as of coaxing strongly or emphasizing [enclitic particle]). ko nga Alimpyuhan ngani nako ka bayay. I guess I really should clean the house. Kuyang ngani kag ida sinsilyo sa ako. The change she gave me was really not enough. Asing imbuyag ninro ngani sida? Why did you really separate from her? (sem. domains: 9.2.6 - Particles.) 2Really; I told you so! (as of emphasis or repeating a previous statement [enclitic particle]). Oho ngani! Yes it really is! Kapilay ngani ako. I’m really tired. Aya ngani gipakig-idamo ruto! I told you not to play over there! syn: gador, talaga. (sem. domains: 9.2.6 - Particles.) comp. maado ngani

nagsuay-suay [nagsuay-súay] v To discuss animatedly (as when holding different views or doubts). nagkasagutan Tong magmanghor ay nagsuay-suay parti sa duta nak partihon. The children discussed all about the land which is to be divided among them.

nagpapayupok it guya [nagpapayúpok it guya] v To double-up laughing; to explode loudly laughing. (sem. domains: - Enjoy doing something.)

mogmog [mógmog] v To break, free, crumble up particles by hand (as of lump of cooked rice before frying). durog Amogmogon anay ninro kinang kan-on bag-o sabagon. You have to break up particles of that cooked rice before frying it.

mismo [mísmo] dem Itself; right there; really; especially; particularly (as of the intensifying demonstrative). mismo Ako mismo kag nagpagto. I went myself. Sa tunga mismo it banwa sida nag-iistar. He lives right in the middle of town. Ikaw mismo kag rason asing hali ako. You are particularly the reason why I am here.

mga parti it tanom [mga párti it tanóm] (comp. of parti, tanom) n Parts of a plant. [lit: plural parts of plant] (sem. domains: 1.5.5 - Parts of a plant.)

mga parti it yawas [mga párti it yáwas] (comp. of parti, yawas) exp Parts of the body. [lit: plural parts of body] (sem. domains: 2.1 - Body.)

mayabo [mayabó] adj Milky; delicious (of food particularly avocado, squash, root crops). Soft fleshly rootcrop, as of one that is good tasting. malinamnam Bukoey kailangan nak gatasan pa kag mayabong abokado. There’s no need to put milk on a milky avocado. (sem. domains: - Food from roots.)

mataliwan [matalíwan] v To die. sumakabilang buhay Bag-o magtaliwan kag ida lolo ay ingpartihan sida it mayapar nak duta. Before his grandfather died he was given a big share of land.

martilyo [martílyo] n Hammer. martílyo (sem. domains: 6.7 - Tool.)

mapisik [mapisík] adj Lots of energy, agile. maliksi Si Lydia de Vega ay mapisik kung parti sa pagrayagan. Lydia de Vega has lots of energy when it comes to track and field events.

manyanita [manyaníta] 1n Greeting in songs in early morning, particularly on their birthday. 2vbt To greet somebody in songs in early morning on their birthday. Amanyanitahan namo si Gail isag sa aga-aga. We will greet Gail in songs at dawn tomrrow.

manog-pulso₂ [mánog-púlso] n One who reads a pulse to diagnose sickness, fractures, curses. tagapulso Si Laning ay maayo nak manog-pulso kung parti yang ra sa naaswang. Laning knows how to read pulse if it pertains only to someone who is bewitched.

mama₁ [mámà] vt 1The 'betel nut chew' which was made from a mixture of betel nut, lime and the leaf of a particular vine. [Betel nut chew contains iúngga 'betel nut', ápog 'powdered lime' and iúdò 'leaf of a vine', ground together in the cut off base of a large cone shell.] (sem. domains: 5.2.5 - Narcotic.) 2To chew betel nut chew. nganga Puya kag bibig nida dahil nagmama sida. Her lips are red because she chews betel nut. syn: nganga 2. (sem. domains: 5.2.5 - Narcotic.)

maayam mag-arti [ma-áyam mag-arti] (comp. of ayam, arti) id 1Knows how to act (as in a drama or play). (sem. domains: 4.2.5 - Drama.) 2Graceful; artistic; knows how to be graceful (as of acting, miming and dancing well). (sem. domains: 4.2.4 - Dance.)

lugra [lúgra] 11.1vbt To get more than necessary at a particular time (as of buying, eating with the idea of greed also). abuso Indi nako gilugrahan it tao it kwarta kag ako anak agor indi maging abusador. I wont give my children money that’s more than necessary so that they will not become abusive. 22.1adj Abusive; taking advantage of; cheating. Ngasing nak pirmi sidang ingtataw-an it pagkaon ay nagiging lugrador. Now that he’s being given food often, he’s becoming abusive.

liksyon [liksyón] 1n Lesson; lecture. 2vi To start the lesson; to lecture on something. liksiyón Karamo kag waya gipapamati habang si Mrs. Factor ay nagliliksyon. Many are not listening while Mrs. Factor was starting her lesson.

larga₁ [lárga] 1vi To embark; to set sail; to go on a journey (usually by boat); to travel (usually over water). paaalisin Sauno ikaw malarga? When will you leave? Apalargahon si Jane it ida nanay pa-Manila insulip. Jane’s mother will let her travel to Manila tomorrow. (sem. domains: 7.2.4 - Travel.) 2vbt To allow to continue without restriction; to loosen an article or clothing. Inglargahan nako kag ako iro it pakaon it isra hanggang nakaubos it sampuyong bilog. I allowed my dog to continue eating fish until he consumed ten pieces. Largahi kag imo sinturon agor makakahingab ka it maado. Loosen your belt so you can breathe well.

laban [lában] 1vbt To challenge or compete against in a fight or contest; to oppose. laban Inglabanan it mga pulis kag inra kaaway. The policemen fought against their enemies. Akalabánon nako katong kabadeng kandidata sa inra partido. I’ll oppose that woman candidate in their party. (sem. domains: - Sports, - Hinder.) 2vt To enter something in a contest. Ilaban nako kaling ako putahe sa laban-labanan it pagyuto. I’ll enter this recipe of mine in the cooking contest. (sem. domains: - Sports.) comp. dapat magraog sa parehas nak laban , comp. laban sa buot , der. laban-labanan , der. labanan

kwartil [kwartíl] n The hold of a ship. kwartil

kwartir rawn [kwártir rawn] n Curved wooden edging, beading...for a ceiling. Nagbakay si Bulog it kwartir rawn dahil ida agamiton sa bayay ni Manang Guia. Bulog bought curved wooden edging because he will use it in Aunty Guia’s house.

kuyaba [kuyábà] n Alcoholic residue; lees of wine (as of particles left after fermentation). latak Karamong kuyaba kag suka nida. Her vinegar has a lot of residue.

kuntuuson [kuntuusón] idiom - Convert to subentry Considering one’s prior rights (as of the first heirs settling a will). kung tutuosin Kuntuuson, amo pa gihapon parti kinang bayay nak rako. Considering our prior rights, that big house is still our share.

kuntento [kunténto] 1adj Contented. 2vi To be content. masiyahán, kuntento Indi sida makuntento it maisot nak parti sa lugit. He isn’t contented with a small share in the copra. syn: satispitso.

kiling₂ [kíling] 1vi To lean to one side; to be lopsided; to rock, roll, tip from side-to-side as of a boat. hilig Nagkiling kag bayay tong natumbahan it nidog. The house leaned to one side when the coconut fell on it. Nagkiling-kiling kag batil pag nag-aandar. The boat tips from side to side when it starts to move. Nagkiniling tong mga pangarga ni Banlam dahil waya nakamada’t maado. Banlam’s cargoes rolled from side-to-side because they were not stacked up properly. syn: linggi. (sem. domains: - Boat.) 2vbt To side with somebody; to favor somebody over others; to be biased; to be partial towards. kilingan, kampihan Ingkilingan nida kag ida amigo tong di anay buko ka ida hali. He sided with his friend And not with his relative when there was a fight. syn: kampi, apin 2. (sem. domains: - Prefer.)