Search results for "rayaga"

kaba kag rughan [kabá kag rúghan] idiom - Convert to subentry Heart beats fast when in love. kaba nang dibdib Indi kabisaya si Ronnel sa ida gingpapangrayaga dahil di kaba kag rughan nida. Ronnel can’t speak to the girl he’s courting because his heart beats so fast. (sem. domains: - Heart.)

jas-jas [jás-jas] adj Ordinary, nobody (as of rank, importance). Aya gibastusa kinang rayaga dahil buko kina jas-jas kag pamilya. Don’t abuse that lady because their family is not an ordinary family. (sem. domains: - Appearance, - Emphasize.)

ispoting [ispóting] adj Well dressed man; “dressed to kill”. pustura Abang isputing ray tong binata dahil mapangrayaga. That young man is again well dressed because he will court someone. (sem. domains: 5.3.4 - Clothes for special occasions, 5.3.5 - Clothes for special people.)

ismol [ismól] v To belittle somebody; to put somebody down. minamaliit Ida gingismol tong nagpapangrayaga sa ida dahil karamong bisyo. She belittled the one courting her because he has many vices. (sem. domains: - Insult, - Criticize.)

ingkoy it rayaga [íngkoy it rayága] (comp. of ingkoy) n Flat nape of neck on a young woman (as of the sign of youth and beauty. In an old woman it thickens and is a sign of aging). [lit: nape-neck of young-unmarried-woman] (sem. domains: - Woman, 2.1.1 - Head, - Youth.)

indi giatubangon [índì giatubángon] v Won’t see, receive face-to-face. ayaw harapin Karamong hangit nak kayaki sa ida dahil indi giatubangon nida kag nagpapangrayaga sa ida. Many men are angry at her because she won’t receive face to face the ones courting her. (sem. domains: - Welcome, receive.)

hinay [hínay] 1adj Weak, sickly. (sem. domains: 3.4.1 - Feel good.) 2adj Weak; slow of pace. (sem. domains: 2.4.2 - Weak.) 3vi To become weak or slow. Naghinay kag ida boses pagkanta. Her voice became weak when she sang. Naghinay kag ida rayagan. His running became slow after 3 kilometers. (sem. domains: - Decrease.) 4vt To decrease the volume, speed, strength, etc. mahínà Ahinayan nako kag tunog it radyo. I’ll decrease the volume of the radio. (sem. domains: - Decrease.) 5vt To become poorer; to be on a tighter budget; to go down in the world. (sem. domains: - Poor, 2.4.2 - Weak.) 6vt der. mahinay

hayog [hayóg] vt To play with somebody or something; to entertain a child by playing with him. Naghahayugan kag mga anak sa rayaag. The children are playing together in the yard. Puro rayagan kag inra ginghimo kag naghahayugan sinra’t ida iro. When she was playing with her dog, all they did was run. syn: hamag. (sem. domains: 4.2.7 - Play, fun.)

gutas [gutás] vi To faint; to have a convulsion. nawalan ng malay Nagutas sida pagkatapos it rayagan it mayado. She fainted after running a long distance. (sem. domains: 2.5.1 - Sick, 2.4.2 - Weak, 2.5.6 - Symptom of disease, 2.4.4 - Tired, - Lose consciousness, - Quiet.)

gusto [gústo] 1v To want; to like; to desire. ibig, hangad, hilig Gusto nakong apatubuan kag rayaag it buyak agor maganda. I want to grow flowers in the yard in order to make it beautiful. Nio kag imo gustong inuman? What would you like to drink? syn: mahilig, mu-ot, gusto 3, hilig 1, yain 3, udon 1.1. (sem. domains: 3.3 - Want.) 2vi To have a liking for something, somebody. Nagkakagusto sida sa mga rayagang mahaba it buhok. He has a liking for women that have long hair. (sem. domains: 2.6.5 - Male, female, 3.3 - Want, - Like, love.) 3vi To like something or somebody; to find something pleasing (eg. to one’s taste). Nagugustohan nako kag tapoy. I like the black rice. Waya nako nagustuhi kag ida batasan. I didn’t like her character. syn: mahilig, mu-ot, hilig 1, gusto 1, yain 3, udon 1.1. (sem. domains: - Happy for, - Like, love.) 4vi To allow somebody else to decide what they want; to leave a decision up to somebody else. Apagustuhan ka nako kung niong oras ikaw magtuna it trabaho. I’ll allow you to decide on what time you start to work. 5vt To want; to like. gustó Agustuhon pa nako nak magsakay sa bapor kesa sa eroplano. I’ll like riding in a ship more than in an airplane. Inggusto nida nak maging maestra. She wanted to be a teacher. comp. gustong bisayahon , der. pagusto-gusto

dusta [dústà] vt To belittle, treat with contempt or condescension. dusta Dinustaey ako’t ida nanay dahil pobre yang kami ag indi nida mabaton nak magpangrayaga sa ida anak. I was belittled by her mother because we are too poor and she won’t accept me courting her daughter. syn: libak 2, insulto 1, insulto 2. (sem. domains: - Criticize.)

diskarte [diskárte] 1n A plan, move in a game or courtship. (sem. domains: - Game, 3.3.1 - Decide, plan, - Romantic love.) 2vt To plan, make a move in a game or courtship. diskarte Waya sida nadiskarte rutong rayaga aber gustong-gusto nida kato. He doesn’t make the move to court to that lady even though he likes her very much. (sem. domains: - Game, 3.3.1 - Decide, plan, - Romantic love.)

buhi₃ [búhì] (dial. var. alimpuwas) 1adj Loose, free, escaped (as of an animal that has got out of a pen or a prisoner who has escaped from jail). (sem. domains: - Escape.) 2v To get free, loose; to get away; to escape (as of an animal to get out of a pen or a prisoner to escape from jail). Inghahanap ninra kag inra karabaw nak nakabuhi it gab-i. They are looking for their carabao that got loose last night. (sem. domains: - Escape.) 3v To let something go free, loose, escape (as of untying an animal or opening a door for a prisoner to get out of jail) bitiw, bitiwan, pakawalan Tong ako ingbuhian kag manok sa kulungan, nagrayagan sinra sa mayado. When I let the chickens out of the chicken coop, they ran away. Aya gibuhii katong itlog nak mababasag.! Don’t drop those eggs because they will break! (sem. domains: - Set free.) 4v To let something drop, fall from one's grasp (as of dropping a glass). (sem. domains: - Fall, - Put down.) comp. bag-ong buhi , comp. pay bag-ong buhi nak kambing pagliwas it kumbento

buhalhal [buhálhal] adj 1Indifferent; careless; untidy; irresponsible (as of an adult who should take more care of things). buhaghag Buhalhal pa gihapon kag anak nida ay rayaga. Her child is still carefree in her ways even though she’s a young lady. Buhalhal kung nagtatakos sida it uling kada kaisot kag usang balde.

Buhalhal kung nagtatakos sida it uling kada kaisot kag usang balde.

(sem. domains: - Below standard, - Immature in behavior, - Indifferent, - Careless, irresponsible.)
2Carelessly, loosely, poorly filled with charcoal (as of a bucket, container not containing a full quantity). (sem. domains: - Careless, irresponsible, - Work poorly.)

badoy [badóy] adj Out-moded, old-fashioned style; out-of-style, unfashionable, badly matched clothes. Abang badoy raw tong nagpapangrayaga sa ako magpamaruan. The one courting me wears clothes that are out of fashion. (sem. domains: 5.3.9 - Style of clothing.)

batyes [bátyes] n Pothole, corrugation on a road. lubak Karamong batyes sa karsada kada indi kaparayagan it matulin kag dyip. There are many potholes in the road that’s why the jeep can’t gain high speed. (sem. domains: - Vehicle.)

bada [bádà] vt 1To give up, stop doing something. napabayaan, hinayaan Ingpabad-an sida’t ida asawa pag-anak dahil ingnerbyos sida. Her husband ignored her when she gave birth because he was so nervous. Pabad-e yangey sida mag-ininom. You just leave him to drink as long as he wishes. Ingtakaw kag amo manok dahil napabada-an namo it pagkandado kag kulungan. Our chicken was stolen because we neglected to lock the chicken coop. (sem. domains: - Abandon.) 2To be deserted, abandoned by one's spouse or parents. (sem. domains: - Abandon.) 3To miss a vehicle; to be left behind by somebody or something (as of a vehicle being early or somebody being too late to catch it). iniwanan, naiwasan Nagbada sida it pagsigarilyo kag nagkasakitey sida. She stopped smoking when she already got sick. Badaey ikaw gikaydo, busog pa ako. Never mind about cooking, I’m still full. Badaey magrayagan sa suyor! Stop running inside. Nabadaan ako it dyip dahil nagkakatuyog pa. I was left behind (i.e. missed) by the jeep because I was still sleeping. Ingbadaan ako it dyip dahil karugay ako mag-ilis. I was left behind by the jeep because I took so long to dress. (sem. domains: 7.2.4 - Travel, 5.9 - Live, stay.) comp. bada pang , comp. badaey , comp. pabad-ey! , der. pabada

abot-abot [abot-ábot] (der. of abot) 1adv Intermittently; comes and goes; comes from time to time. (sem. domains: - Interval.) 2v To visit, reach many places; to travel widely. Si Nene ay nakakaabot-abot sa ibang lugar it katong sida’y rayaga pa. Nene reached many places when she was still single. (sem. domains: - Visit.) comp. abot-abot yang , der. abot-abutan , der. paabot-abot

agubay [agúbay] vbt 1To put an arm around the shoulders of somebody when accompanying them (as of showing affection, care and guidance). samahán, sabayán Ging-agubayan ni Tony si Gloria papauli para hagto magpangrayaga. Tony accompanied Gloria going home so he could court her on the way. (sem. domains: 7.2.5 - Accompany, - Show sympathy, support.) 2To support somebody financially, morally and spiritually (as of parents supporting children). (sem. domains: - Give, donate, - Interested.)

tudo-tudo [tudo-túdo] 1adv To do something continuously; intensively. Tudo-tudo sinra it rayagan dahil igwa sinra it inghahabol. They ran and ran because they had someone they were chasing. syn: puat 2. (sem. domains: 8.4.7 - Continue, persevere.) 2vi To do something continuously and intensively. tudo-tudo Nagtudo-tudo sinra it away dahil waya’t nagsasaway sa inra. They fought and fought because no one restrained them. (sem. domains: - Series.) 3vt To intensify something; to increase something. Ingtudo ninra kag kakusog it radyo. They increased the volume of the radio.

parada₁ [parádà] vbt To perform sorcery; to be sorcerised. ipakulam, limot Ingparadaan si Rudy it tong ingpapangrayaga nida kitang wayaey sa sarili. Rudy’s girlfriend performed sorcery on him that’s why his not in his right senses.

yukso [yúkso] v Large fish jumps, flies out of water. lumuksó Nagyukso kag mananakaw sa gaha ag nagrayagan sa kanidugan. The theif jumped out the window and ran into the coconut grove. Nabali kag ida siki sa kataas it ida niyuksuhan. Her foot was broken due to the height that she jumped. syn: uybo-uybo. (sem. domains: 6.4.5 - Fishing.)

yunggok₂ [yúnggok] v To physically hurt, hit, push on the back of the neck; punch somebody. binatukan Ingyunggok ni Bebilita tong nagpapangrayaga sa idang bayo. Bebilita hit the widow suitor who was courting her. (sem. domains: - Quarrel.)