Search results for "sinra"

saprok [sáprok] vt To roll, swell specifically of waves. hampas Ingsaprok sinra it abang ragko nak bayor kada nagkuyob kag inra baroto. Big waves rolled over their boat so they sank.

sang-ayon [sang-áyon] vbt To agree that something is true. sang-ayon Nagsang-ayon si Mayor sa ida mga tawuhan nak dapatey sinrang tas-an it sweldo. Mayor agreed with his employees’ proposal that they should be given a raise. syn: sugot, sumpa, sunduan, promisa 1, tugot.

salisi [salisí] (dial. var. hinalisi) vi To miss meeting each other on the way (by going opposite directions or ways); to cross on the way. salisi Nagkasalisihan sinra pagsakay sa dyip kada waya sinra gikinitaan. They missed meeting each other when riding on different jeeps, so they didn’t see each other. Nagsalisi kag ako suyat sa ida. My letter crossed hers on the way. syn: hinalisi. (sem. domains: 7.6 - Hide.)

salin [sálin] vbt To translate; to transfer. salin Salinan sa balde kinang tubi. Transfer the water into the pail. Nagsasalin sinra it Biblia sa Asi. They’re translating the Bible into Asi. syn: saydo.

sahoy [sáhoy] 1adj Busy; to be in a hurry. abalà Asing sahoy? Why are you in a hurry. 2v To hurry, do something hurriedly; to be very busy. Nasasahoy sida dahil sa gutom. He’s hurrying because of his hunger. Sinra ay nagkasahoy tong inra kasay. They were very busy during their wedding.

sagasa₁ [sagása] v To go straight through water, mud especially of vehicles (as of proceeding despite rough, difficult terrain, weather). sagasa Gingsagasa it dyip kag baha agor sinra ay makatabok. The jeep went straight through the flood so that they could cross to the other side.

sadaw [sadáw] 1n Folk dance. 2vi To dance. katutúbong sayáw Nagsadaw sinra nina Fred tong pista. Together with Fred, they danced during the fiesta. syn: bayli 1, uyok 2.

sabor₁ [sábor] vbt To scatter (usually seeds, grains). sabog Nagsabor sinra it binhi sa lanas. They scattered seeds in the rice field. Ingsaburan it azolla kag kahon nak di payay. The rice paddies were scattered with azolla.

sabagay [sabágay] part Perhaps; if; because; the reason is; maybe (shows uncertainty). sabágay Kung sabagay waya ra ako’t masyadong awat kada mabubuligan ka nako it pagyuto. Anyway I don’t have any other work yet so I’ll be able to help you in cooking. Sabagay waya ra ako’t utang nak buot sa kandidatong kina kada indi ra ako nida mapabuto. Maybe I won’t vote for that candidate because I have no debt of gratitude to him. Si Raul ag Maria ay nagpakasay it sinra yang, sabagay sa idadey ra sinra. Raul and Maria got married just by themselves perhaps because they are old enough. Ingparaya nako kang Bob kag suyat sabagay kilaya ra nida si Judy. I send the letter to Judy thru Bob, anyway, he knew her too. syn: tutal. id. kung sabagay

sab-itan₂ [sab-ítan] v To pin money on bride and groom by ones in-laws, relatives the night before, at the wedding (it also shows the relative’s wealth!). sabit-sabitan Tong gab-i bag-o sinra kasayon ay nagpabayli para magsab-itan. The night before the wedding they had a dance in order to have pinning of money on bride and groom by ones relatives.

sa₂ 11.1case To, in, at (which is the non-personal oblique case marker occasionally having the spatial meanings ‘from, on’ as well). sa Nagpagto sinra sa sapa. They went to the river. Nakabutang kag Pepsi sa frige. The Pepsi is in the frige. Hagto sida sa eskwelahan. She’s at the school. 22.1case Ownership; belongs to somebody (as of possession indicated by the oblique case marker). Sa ida katong dyip. That jeep is her’s. 33.1temp On, at, for, in (as of future or duration of time). Mapa-Maynila ako sa Sabado. I’ll go to Manila on Saturday. Katong programa ay sa alas tres sa masunor nak Sabado. That program is at three o’clock on the following Saturday. comp. ay sa , comp. kumporme sa , id. sa ap-at nak tuig , id. Sa Lunes nak hapon , id. sa masunor nak adlaw , id. sa ngasing nak paabuton nak Lunes , id. sa ngayan nak , id. sa nio , id. sa pitsa beynte it Enero , id. sa suyor it usang semana , id. sa usang adlaw , id. sa wakas

ruto [rutó] (irreg. infl. rutong; irreg. infl. to; irreg. infl. rutoo; irreg. infl. tong) 1loc There far away (as of the general term for a location which may be visible or beyond one's sight). doon Nakapagtoy sinra ruto sa Romblon. They have been over there to Romblon. (sem. domains: 8.5.1 - Here, there.) 2time At that distant time (as of a distant time before, AFTER an event). (sem. domains: 8.4 - Time.)

rumog₂ [rúmog] v To lunge at, grab an opponent or enemy in a fight. pangbuno Ingrumog ni Raul si Ricky tong magsinuntukan sinra sa karsada. Raul lunged at Ricky when they had a fight in the street. (sem. domains: 4.8.1 - Hostility.)

rilham [rilhám] vbt To flare up in anger; to get angry; to make somebody get angry. ginalit Ingrilhaman ni Rolly tong kalaban ni Lito para magsuntukan ray sinra. Rolly made Lito’s opponent so angry that they boxed each other.

repara [repára] v To help provide needs. Si Frida kag nagrepara it mga anak sa bapor tong maglarga sinra paManila. Freda helped provide the needs of the children in the boat when they sailed to Manila. (sem. domains: - Provide for, support.)

rasay [rasáy] 1n Prayer. syn: ampo 2, pangamuyo, rasay 2. 2vt To pray; to recite prayers in church; to offer prayers for somebody, or for the dead. manalángin Nagrasay sinra para sa kalag ni Cainan. They offered prayers for the soul of Cainan. syn: ampo 2, pangamuyo, rasay 1.

raphag [raphág] v 1To fall facedown, prostrate (as of body suddenly falling flat out). dapa Nagraphag sinra sa sayog tong maglusob kag mga rebelde. They fall flat on the floor when the rebels attacked them. (sem. domains: 7.1.3 - Lie down.) 2To throw oneself on another person, animal, to restrain or catch it. (sem. domains: 7.1.3 - Lie down.)

raos [ráos] 11.1vi To experience something. Nakaraos rang gador sinra sa hirap. They had really experienced hardships. (sem. domains: 3.4 - Emotion.) 22.1vi To do something without encountering any complications; to accomplish everything; to get by on; to be able to manage alright. raós Nakaraos ra kag pabayli nak waya gador it gulo. We were able to manage to hold the dance without any trouble. (sem. domains: 9.1.2 - Do.) 33.1v To overcome difficulties and win through (euphemism for relief after a bowel movement). (sem. domains: - Save from trouble.) der. paraos

rahalin [rahalín] prep From out of; from. galing Tong sinra ay masunugan kag inra tanang pagkaon ay rahalin sa mga bulig it mga hali. When their house was burned their food came from their relatives help.

rada [rádà] 1n Cheating; deceit; dishonesty. Nagraog sinra dahil sa rada. They won because of dishonesty. syn: ihig, tuso 2.1. (sem. domains: - Deceive.) 2adj Dishonest; deceitful. Indi raha pwede kag mga marada nak mayog-idamo. Dishonest players are not included there. 3vbt To cheat somebody with something; to deceive somebody with something; to be dishonest to somebody. dáyà Nagrada sinra it pagbilang it balota tong eleksyon kada nagraog tong inra kandidato. They cheated in the counting of the ballots last election that’s why their candidate won.

ra₂ 11.1part Also; as well; too. din Nagtatrabaho ngani ra kuno kamo ruto. They say it’s true that you’re working there too. Nagkakanta ra si Carmen. Carmen is also singing. Buko ra ikaw mabuyungon. You aren’t homesick too. Pulos ra sinra maayam magkanta. All of them too know how to sing. Kag ida ra nabilin nak suyat ay ruha. She also left behind two letters. Mauma ako sa ida ag pati ra tan-a sa ida Nanay. I will tell her and supposedly should include her mother also. 22.1part Not yet either; not…though. Buko pa ra kato kag ato asakyan. Our ride isn’t here yet either. 33.1part Fairly; moderately; quite. Mabuot ra sida. She’s quite kind. 44.1part Come on! (as of social pressure). 55.1part Still kept on (as of skepticism). comp. ayos yang maado ra sa waya , comp. buko man ra

puyor₃ [puyór] v To trim branches of trees; cut wood or bamboo. putol Nagpuyor sinra it kahoy para ikuray. They cut wood to be used as fencing. (sem. domains: - Trim plants.)

pusoy [pusóy] 1n A card game. (sem. domains: - Card game.) 2vi To play the card game ‘pusoy’ (perhaps poker). pusoy Nagpupusoy sinra kana Myrna. They are playing the card game ‘pusoy’ at Myrna’s house. (sem. domains: - Card game.)

pursige₁ [pursigé] v 1To pursue, persevere in a hope, project. sikap Nagpusige si Norma nak makapatinrog sinra it bayay. Norma pursued the hope that they would be able to build a house. (sem. domains: 7.2.6 - Pursue.) 2To enforce a rule, standard. (sem. domains: 4.6.6 - Government functions.)

punsyon [púnsyon] n Celebration; party; feast. handaan Tong si Lyne ay nakapasa sa eksamin ay nagkaingwa sinra it marakong punsyon sa inra bayay. When Lyne passed the examination they had a big celebration at their house. syn: bangkiti 1, buda, pilo, punsyun.