Search results for "aga"

haka-haka [haka-hákà] n Opinion; belief, expectation of something which seems incredible. pala-palagay Ka haka-haka it mga tawo ay sabakey sida tong inakasay. The people’s opinion was that she was already pregnant when they were wed. (sem. domains: - Known, unknown, 3.2.5 - Opinion, 3.2 - Think.)

haka [hákà] vt To discuss, air an issue. háka, palagay Inahaka ninra nak mabalik pa kono si Marcos. They’ve discussed the possibility that Marcos will still come back. (sem. domains: - Mention, - Talk about a subject.)

haging [háging] vbt 1To almost hit something; to fly, hover close together; to pass close to something, specifically of a moving, flying object. haging Isutaney sida matumba tong mahagingan sida’t biseklita. She nearly fell down when the bike passed by her very closely. Malagat-lagat humaging kag mga eroplanong tig-ruha’t yawas sa mga bapor it kaaway. Soon the two-bodied aeroplanes hovered close together over the enemy ships. (sem. domains: - Hide your thoughts, - Change your mind, - Insult, - Recognize, - Mock, - Demonstrate.) 2To speak loud enough for somebody to over hear; to speak indirectly to somebody; to purposely let somebody overhear (as of intentionally speaking about something that is meant to be overheard by someone actually present). parinig, parunggit Ingpahagingan nida akot mahapros nak bisaya pag rayan nako sa inra. When I passed by their place, she spoke offensive words loud enough for me to overhear. syn: rungog 1, balita 1, sagap. (sem. domains: - Move quickly, - Vehicle, - Slip, slide, 2.3.2 - Hear, - Quiet.) der. pahaging

hagay [hagáy] 1adj Being entertained, fascinated, absorbed, infatuated, totally taken up with something (as of a lover or gambling etc.). 2v To be entertained, fascinated, absorbed, infatuated, totally taken up with something (as of a lover or gambling etc.). sugapa Sida ay gingtakwil it ida asawa ag mga anak dahil sida ay nahagayey it sugay ag inom. He was ostracised by his wife and children because he was totally taken up with gambling and drinking. Syn: libang 1. (sem. domains: - Attention, 9.3.2 - Completely.)

hagar [hágar] vbt To ask for something; to beg for something. hingán, hingi Inghagaran nako sida it litrato. I asked for a picture from her. syn: hingyo, albor 1. (sem. domains: 3.3.2 - Request, - Ask.)

haganas [haganás] adj Sound of rushing water. (sem. domains: - Ocean, lake, - River, - Flow, - Wave.)

hagan-hagan [hagan-hágan] 1adv Able to relax, breathe again, when a crisis is over; relief. Si Milo ay hagan-hagan mag-inom. Milo drinks moderately. (sem. domains: - Worried.) 2vi To subside, cool off as of a fever, anger, etc. Naghagan-hagan kag ida kabubut-on tong mag-abotey kag ida asawa. Her temper subsided when her husband arrived. Naghagan-hagan kag ida sagnat pagka-inom it buyong. His fever subsided after taking the medicine. syn: yamig 1. (sem. domains: - Recover from sickness.)

hagak-hingab [hagak-hingáb] vi To faint; to be unconscious. agaw-agaw ang paghinga Naghahagak-hingabey kag anak nak maisot yangey nayumos. The child who almost get drowned was nearly fainting. (sem. domains: - Hospital, 2.5.1 - Sick, 2.4.2 - Weak, - Sound, 2.4.4 - Tired, - Doctor, nurse, - Types of sounds.)

hagak [hágak] 1adj Asthmatic, as in a person who has Asthma. hikain Si Helen ay hagakon aber tong maisot pa. Helen was an asthmatic girl even when she was still young. (sem. domains: 2.5.2 - Disease.) 2v To pant; to have rasping breath. hika Nagpakahagak sida pagtukar sa kahanrig nak bukir. She had a rasping breath when she climbed the hilly mountain. syn: hapo, hika 1. (sem. domains: 2.5.2 - Disease.) 3vt To make a rattling noise in one’s chest when breathing. Ahagakon ray ikaw kung magtukar sa bukir. You’ll get a rattle in your chest if you climb the mountain. (sem. domains: 2.5.2 - Disease.)

habagaton [habagáton] adj Boastful. mahangin, mayabang syn: hambog 1, radaw 2. (sem. domains: - Boast.)

habagatnan [habagátnan] n South. (sem. domains: - North, south, east, west.)

habagat [habágat] n The monsoon wind that blows from the S-SW usually in the months of July-October; south wind. habagat Pag buyan it Hulyo hanggang October ay tig habagatey. Comes July to October are the months for winds that blows from s-sw. (sem. domains: - Wind.) comp. bandang habagatan

gutas [gutás] vi To faint; to have a convulsion. nawalan ng malay Nagutas sida pagkatapos it rayagan it mayado. She fainted after running a long distance. (sem. domains: 2.5.1 - Sick, 2.4.2 - Weak, 2.5.6 - Symptom of disease, 2.4.4 - Tired, - Lose consciousness, - Quiet.)

gusto [gústo] 1v To want; to like; to desire. ibig, hangad, hilig Gusto nakong apatubuan kag rayaag it buyak agor maganda. I want to grow flowers in the yard in order to make it beautiful. Nio kag imo gustong inuman? What would you like to drink? syn: mahilig, mu-ot, gusto 3, hilig 1, yain 3, udon 1.1. (sem. domains: 3.3 - Want.) 2vi To have a liking for something, somebody. Nagkakagusto sida sa mga rayagang mahaba it buhok. He has a liking for women that have long hair. (sem. domains: 2.6.5 - Male, female, 3.3 - Want, - Like, love.) 3vi To like something or somebody; to find something pleasing (eg. to one’s taste). Nagugustohan nako kag tapoy. I like the black rice. Waya nako nagustuhi kag ida batasan. I didn’t like her character. syn: mahilig, mu-ot, hilig 1, gusto 1, yain 3, udon 1.1. (sem. domains: - Happy for, - Like, love.) 4vi To allow somebody else to decide what they want; to leave a decision up to somebody else. Apagustuhan ka nako kung niong oras ikaw magtuna it trabaho. I’ll allow you to decide on what time you start to work. 5vt To want; to like. gustó Agustuhon pa nako nak magsakay sa bapor kesa sa eroplano. I’ll like riding in a ship more than in an airplane. Inggusto nida nak maging maestra. She wanted to be a teacher. comp. gustong bisayahon , der. pagusto-gusto

guroy-guruyon [guroy-guroyón] adj Rough surface or edge (like wood). magaspang (sem. domains: - Ugly, - Appearance, - Calm, rough, - Look.)

guhar [guhár] vt To chop down bamboo. putol ng kahoy Naguhar ninra tong mga ragkong kahoy. They were able to cut down the big timber. Nagpangguhar sinra it agamiton sa pagpatulay it bayay. They went to cut down timber that will be used for building a house. Riin kamo gipapangguhar? Where do you chop down trees? (sem. domains: 1.5.3 - Grass, herb, vine.)

groseri [gróseri] 1n Grocery store; store for manufactured, canned goods. groserya Nagpamakay ako it mga kailangan sa kusina sa groseri. I brought my kitchen supplies at the grocery store. (sem. domains: - Buy, - Price, - Store wealth, - Bargain, - Store, marketplace, - Sell.) 2v To buy, shop for groceries, manufactured, canned goods. Naggroseri si Lany it kuman tong aga. Lany bought groceries earlier this morning.

granil [graníl] n Timber marker which has adjustable pegs of wood to draw straight lines parallel with edges of timber. Kag karpentiro ay naggamit it granil para magtadlong tong ida ingyayagari. A carpenter uses a timber marker so that he can saw the wood straight. (sem. domains: 1.5.1 - Tree, - Wood, - Lumbering, 1.2.1 - Land, 1.5.5 - Parts of a plant.)

giwanon [giwánon] n Water running, seeping through rocks into the sea. bukal Kag giwanon ay asa kweba sa bayusbusan it ragat sa puno it pampang sa tayurtor it Guyangan. The water runs out of the rocks into the sea in a cave on the seashore at the foot of the cliff below Guyangan ridge. (sem. domains: - River, 1.3.2 - Movement of water, - Flow, - Spring, well.)

giryunan it ragat ag langit [giryunan it ragat ag lángit] n Boundary of sea/sky. hangganan ng dagat at langit (sem. domains: 1.1 - Sky.)

giltak₂ [gíltak] 1n A crack (as in parched or dry ground, wood or skin etc.). (sem. domains: - Furrow, 1.2.1 - Land, 2.1.4 - Skin, 1.5.7 - Plant diseases.) 2vi To crack (as of parched ground, wood, fruit or skin). Nagiltak kag raga pag linog. The earth cracked during the earthquake. (sem. domains: - Furrow, 1.2.1 - Land, 2.1.4 - Skin, 1.5.7 - Plant diseases.) der. pagiltak

gilit [gílit] n Razor blade. Bakyi baga ako it usang gilit sa tinrahan. Will you buy me a razor blade in the store. (sem. domains: 6.7.1 - Cutting tool.)

giling [gíling] vt To mill; to grind grain to remove the husk; to grind, mince meat. giling Abuyaron liwat ag pagkatapos ay ipagilingey. It’s dried again in the sun and afterwards it’s ground. (sem. domains: - Mill grain, - Steps in food preparation.) der. gilingan , der. pagiling , der. panggiling

gayuma [gayúma] vbt To use a love potion; to cast a spell on somebody; to hypnotise; to seduce somebody to go with them (as in love affairs). gayuma Gusto ni Maria nak agayumahon si Noli. Maria would like to cast a spell on Noli. (sem. domains: - Traditional medicine.)

gayor-gayor [gayor-gayór] vt To rub with one’s hand; to bring back the feeling. hilot Agayor-gayuran nako kag ida nagpapaminhor nak siki. I will rub his numb feet with my hand to bring back the feeling. (sem. domains: - Touch.)