Search results for "aga"

bayadubay [bayadúbay] n Spadix; stalk of the coconut flower (as of the fibrous part that when young, moist can be beaten and used as a paint brush). bagaybáy (sem. domains: 1.5.5 - Parts of a plant.)

balik-balik [balik-bálik] (der. of balik) 1adj Repeatedly; again-and-again; keeps returning, coming back. (sem. domains: - Start again, - Many, much, - Return.) 2v To do something repeatedly, again-and-again. mulít mulî, paulit-ulit Si Nene ay nagbalik-balik it trabaho dahil sala kag pagtrabaho. Nene had to do her work again and again because its always wrongly done. (sem. domains: - Start again, - Many, much, - Return.)

balagtasan [balagtásan] 1n A debate in poetic form which is performed, presented by two or more people debating back and forth (as of poetic repartee). bálagatasan (sem. domains: - Poetry.) 2vi To debate on poetic form (as of two or more people composing and presenting their arguments in the form of poetic repartee). balagatasín Kabade ag kayaki kag nagbalagtasan it tahapon. Yesterday, it was a man and a woman who debated in poetic form. (sem. domains: - Poetry.)

bati₃ [bátì] v To greet somebody. batahín Ingbati nako kag ako maestra it maadong aga. I greeted my teacher with good morning. syn: abi-abi. (sem. domains: - Greet.) der. pagbati

batakon it yasog [batákon it yásog] (comp. of batak, yasog) id Cowardly, puisillanimous (as of the English expression "no balls"). [lit: pulled-up testes] duwag Aya baga gikahadlok sa ruyom nak pay ikaw ay batakon it yasog. Don’t be scared of the dark like you’ve got small balls. (sem. domains: - Cowardice.)

basyada [basyáda] v To bevel the edges of timber (as of planing, shaping to make an angle). Ingbasyadahan ni Bulog kag kisami para magandag muyatan. Bulog had to bevel the edges of the plywood for the ceiling to make it nice to look at. (sem. domains: 7.8.3 - Cut.)

basihang libro [basiháng líbro] (comp. of basihan, libro) n Basic book, textbook (as of a textbook for learning a subject in school). [lit: basic book] Ka mga istoryang bagay sa malinghor nak isip ay baling basihang arayan. The stories suited for the young minds are good basic textbook. (sem. domains: - Basic, - Study, - First.)

baoy [ba-óy] (dial. var. buoy) 1v To get something. kuha Imbaoy nida kag kaldero sa aparador. She removed the pot from the cupboard. (sem. domains: - Take something from somewhere.) 2v To take, remove something from somewhere. (sem. domains: - Take something from somewhere.) 3n A catch of fish. (sem. domains: 6.4.5 - Fishing.) 4v To catch fish (as of getting fish by any method of fishing). (sem. domains: 6.4.5 - Fishing.) 5v To take a course of study, subject; to take, sit for an exam, test; to get, achieve a certain grade, mark in an exam. nakakuha Nakabaoy ako it 96% sa amo eksam. I got a 96% on our exam. (sem. domains: - Evaluate, test, - Study.) 6v To choose, select, hire for a job or certain purpose (as of getting a job). nakuha, natanggap Abang sadya si Arlene dahil nabaoy sida sa trabaho. Arlene is very happy because she was hired. Abay-on kuno kami nak maging ninang sa kasay ninra. They said that they’ll chose us to be sponsors for their wedding. (sem. domains: 6.1.1 - Worker, - Choose.) 7v To remove, fire from a job. (sem. domains: - Take something from somewhere, 6.1.5 - Unemployed, not working.) 8v To get rid of a bad physical sensation; to be cured of a sickness; to have pain, sickness go away (as of resulting in a positive situation). naalis Nabaoy kag ako sagnat it tong buyong. I recovered from my fever because of the medicine. (sem. domains: - Recover from sickness.) 9v To get the point of something; to understand, catch on to what somebody is talking about; to know somebody’s thoughts intuitively; to be inspired by an idea from somebody. nakuha Nagbaoy ako it ideya sa libro. I got the idea from the book. Nabaoy baga nimo kag ida intrimis? Did you get his joke? Nabaoy ni Jesus ka inra isip. Jesus know their thoughts. (sem. domains: - Instinct, 3.2.4 - Understand.) comp. abay-an it ngayan , comp. ingba-oy it Dios , comp. nabaoy ka isip , comp. nabay-an it hingab , comp. nabay-an sida it ngayan , comp. nabay-aney , der. bay-unon , der. bay-unon , der. baya , der. gingbabay-an , der. mansigbaoy , der. pangbaoy

angay [ángay] 1adj Suitable, suits you; fitting, becoming; proper, appropriate. bagay Angay sa ida kag ida tupi. Her hair cut is becoming to her. (sem. domains: 5.3 - Clothing, - Right, proper.) 2v To suit, be suitable; to look good, becoming, fitting; to be proper, appropriate. (sem. domains: 5.3 - Clothing, - Right, proper.) comp. angay kina sa imo

badlo [bádlò] n Phlegm; thick mucus in the throat (as of a symptom of tonsil or respiratory illness). plema Aya gitunla ray kinang imo badlo. Don’t swallow again your phelgm. (sem. domains: 2.2.4 - Mucus.)

asi₁ [ásì/asî] ques 1Why? bakit Nak asi gador nak nahadlok ka, inggwa baga it murto. And why are you afraid, is there really a ghost? (sem. domains: - Question words.) 2Why!; why did you do that?; what did you do that for? (as of rebuking someone). [The literal asî "why" must be used carefully because it often connotes a rebuke (sense 2). To avoid misunderstanding the question phrase ní-o kag rasón nak ásing...? "what is the reason why...?" can be used instead.] (sem. domains: - Discipline, train.) 3What happened, what went wrong?; how come, how did that happen? (as of a range of questions for information about a sudden unknown event). (sem. domains: - Question words.) comp. asing indi

balita [balítà] 1n News. balità syn: haging 2, rungog 1, sagap. (sem. domains: 3.5 - Communication.) 2vbt To tell, receive news; to news something abroad to people; to inform somebody about something. balita Nagbalita ako sa ida it tungor sa miting. I told her about the meeting. Nabalitaan nako sa ida kag pag-abot ninro. I heard from her about your arrival. (sem. domains: 3.5 - Communication.)

bakwi [bakwî] 1adj Dislocated, bent backwards, specifically of body parts (as of a baby’s head falling back or an arm bent back). (sem. domains: 2.5.3 - Injure.) 2vt To bend, break a joint by bending it backward or opposite to its natural way of movement (as of when breaking apart the bones of a chicken ready for cooking). bakwi Ingbakwi nida kag pako it manok. He broke the joint of the chicken’s wings backward. syn: bali7, halaga 3. (sem. domains: 7.8.1 - Break.) 3sta To be dislocated, bent backwards, specifically of body parts (as of a baby’s head falling back or an arm bent back). Nabakwi kag braso nida. His arm was dislocated. (sem. domains: 2.5.3 - Injure.)

bali8 [báli] 1adj Good; nice; skilled; pleasant sounding and looking. magalíng Si Joey ay kabaleng manogbayle. Joey is a good dancer. syn: maado. (sem. domains: 8.3.7 - Good.) 2vt To do something well. Abalihon nako kag human it keyk agor magugustuhan nida. I’ll bake the cake well so she’ll like it. syn: maayo, intelihente. (sem. domains: 8.3.7 - Good, - Expert.) comp. bali baga , comp. bali-waya , comp. baling kinitaan , der. kabali

ayo [áyo] 1adj Good; intelligent; knowledgable; skilled; extremely capable. magaling Abang ayo si Karpov mag-idamo it tses. Karpov is very good in playing chess. (sem. domains: - Intelligent.) 2n Wisdom; intelligence; knowledge; skill. Syn: maayam 1. (sem. domains: - Intelligent.) der. maayo

ayugaan ag hugton ray [ayuga-án ag húgton ray] (comp. of yuga, hugot) exp To loosen and retighten something again. Para magsigo kag turnilyo ay ayugaan ag hugton ray. In order that the screw will fit-in we will loosen it and tighten it again. (sem. domains: 3.5.1 - Say.)

ayuton [ayutón] (der. of yuto) n Burning, smoldering firewood (specifically of wood or bamboo). panggatong Ingbaoy kag mga ayuton sa abuhan nak indiey magamit. He got the firewood which we won’t use in the wood fireplace. (sem. domains: 5.5.6 - Fuel.)

baag-baag [ba-ag-bá-ag] vbt To do everything possible to help relieve, revive a patient (as of slapping and warming up the skin of somebody who is cold, and treating a sick or dying person in an appropriate way). baag-baag Ingkabaag-baagan nina Ante Soling si Manang Inday tong usang gab-i nak nagpanguyog. Aunt Soling and Neysa tried everything possible to help relieve sis Inday who was trembling with cold the other night. (sem. domains: 2.5.7 - Treat disease.)

bilat [bilát] n Very large vagina. (crude) poki Abang raku baga’t bilat kag ida lola. Her grandmother has a very big vagina. syn: nabuywa. (sem. domains: - Female organs.)

bayumbo [bayúmbò] n Voting booth. presinto Naghuman sinra it sampuyong bayumbo para magamit sa eleksyon. They made ten voting booths to be used for the election. (sem. domains: - Election.)

bakadan₂ [bakadán] n A floatable object on, with which to stay afloat on water (as of floaties, inner tubes, timber, empty plastic containers or empty coconut shells used by children when swimming in the ocean). salbabida Naggamit sinra it bakadan tong magkaligos sinra sa ragat. They used floats when they went swimming in the sea. syn: batang. (sem. domains: - Swim.)

basa₁ [bása] vt To read (as of books or music). bumása Nakakabasaey baga ikaw? Are you able to read yet? Abasahan nako ikaw it istorya ni Rapunsel. I’ll read to Rapunsel’s story. Ingbasa nida kag nota it kanta. He read the music of the song. (sem. domains: - Read.) der. balasahon , der. pagbasa

barbar [bárbar] vt To unroll, unwind, uncoil, unscrew something. kalasín Buligi baga ninro ako it pagbarbar it gripo dahil indi nako kaya. Will you help me in unscrewing the tap because I can’t manage it. Ingbarbar nida kag pisi sa kahoy. She unrolled the rope from the tree. (sem. domains: 7.3.5 - Turn something.)

banta [bántà] 1vbt To threaten somebody with something bad. balaan Abantaan nako sida agor indiey magliwat it panakaw. I’ll threaten him so that he’ll not steal again. (sem. domains: - Threaten.) 2n Threat. (sem. domains: - Threaten.)

bagahe [bagáhe] n Baggage (as of any kind of things carried by someone travelling). daládalahan Abang ramo nak bagahe si Gail pagpauli halin sa Maynila. Gail had a lot of baggage when she come back from Manila. (sem. domains: - Bag.)