Search results for "apon"

libag [líbag] 1adj Out of tune; off key. sintunado Gusto gihapon nida gikanta aber sida ay libagon. She still wants to sing even if she’s off key. 2vi To be out of tune; to become off key. Buko maganda kag ida boses dahil perming naglilibag. His voice isn’t good because it often is off key.

kuralon [kuralón] n Thick nylon rope (1/4-3/8 inch diameter). kuralon Abang mahay tong kuralon nak ida gingbakay sa merkado tahapon. The thick rope she bought from the market yesterday was very expensive.

kuntuuson [kuntuusón] idiom - Convert to subentry Considering one’s prior rights (as of the first heirs settling a will). kung tutuosin Kuntuuson, amo pa gihapon parti kinang bayay nak rako. Considering our prior rights, that big house is still our share.

kumpyansa₂ [kumpyánsa] n Confidence. tiwala Katong ako maguyang ay sanay sa Hapon sa Maynila ay nupay ingga sida it kumpyansa nak indi sida giunhon it Hapon. My elder brother was used to the Japanese in Manila and it seemed as if he had confidence that the Japanese would not harm him. (sem. domains: - Trust.)

kumbaba [kumbabâ] vi To give in to somebody; to humble oneself. pakumbaba Nagpapakumbabaey gani ako ay asing nahangit gihapon sida sa ako. I gave in to him so why is it that he’s still angry at me. (sem. domains: - Humble, - Obey.)

kiwa [kíwa] v 1Decided, ready in oneself; look forward to; restless and wanting to go, leave. atat na atat Itahapon pa’t kiwa si Ursel nak mapa Boracay. Since yesterday Ursel was looking forward to going to Boracay. (sem. domains: 7.2.4 - Travel.) 2Restless to leave, to go home. (sem. domains: - Worried.)

kislap [kisláp] vi 1To sparkle; twinkle; flicker. Nagkikislap kag iwag it inra krismas tri. The lights of their Christmas tree are sparkling. (sem. domains: - Star.) 2To let something sparkle; to shine a light. kislap Apakislapon nako kag linti agor ahat nida ako makita. I’ll shine the flashlight so he can’t see me clearly. (sem. domains: - Shine.)

kinahangyan [kinahángyan] 1n Need. kinakailangan Bukoey kinahangyan nak magnunot pa ikaw it kaibahan dahil malupos ra kato gihanapon tong ida gingestaran. There’s no need for you to take a companion because it is easy to locate that address. Kag pagkaon ay usa sa tatlong pinaka importante nak kinahangyan it tawo. Food is one of the three important needs of man. syn: kailangan 1, kinahangyan 2. (sem. domains: - Necessary.) 2vt To need something; to be needed. Aya kinang kahon gipilakan dahil akinahangyanon kina nimo sa huli. Don’t throw that box away because you will need that later. syn: kailangan 1, kinahangyan 1. (sem. domains: 9.1.3 - Thing, - Situation, - Need.)

katong usa pang hapon [katóng úsa pang hápon] time Two days ago. noong isang hapon pa (sem. domains: - Day, - Before.)

katong Lunes nak hapon [katóng lunés nak hapón] (id. of kato) time Last Monday afternoon. (sem. domains: - Time of the day, - End, - Days of the week.)

kasayo [kasáyo] n A table companion; one who is eating with somebody. kasalo Si Maria kag ako kasayo katong kami ay nagkaon sa inra tahapon. Maria was my table companion when we dined at their house yesterday. (sem. domains: - Together, - Table.)

kapot [kápot] 1vi To make something stick, cling to something. Ipakapot nako kaling bayagon sa puno’t nidog. I will make the vine cling to the coconut tree. Ipakapot nako kaling nabasag nak plorera it tong pangdikit nak ‘epoxy.’ I’ll stick this broken flower pot together with epoxy glue. (sem. domains: 7.5.2 - Join, attach.) 2vbt To cling onto something or somebody; to stick onto something. Nagpakakapot tong anak sa ako tong sida ay naineksyunan. The child clung to me when she was given an injection. Nagkapot kag tiki sa ringring. The lizard clung to the wall. Kaling kahoy ay gingkakaputan it kinang ako mga ‘orchids.’ My orchids are clinging on this tree. (sem. domains: - Link, connect, - Stick together.) 3adj Prehensile; easily, soon clings, climbs somewhere (as of the tendrils of a vine, the arms of an octopus). kapit Maraling kaputan it bayagon it mga sitaw katong gingbutang nako nak mga kuray. The bean vines soon climbed on the fence that I put up. (sem. domains: 7.5.2 - Join, attach.) 4vi To catch a disease; to be infected. Ingkaputan sida’t sakit pagpagto sa ibang nasyon. She caught a disease when she went to another country. syn: tapon 1. (sem. domains: 2.4.2 - Weak, 2.5.2 - Disease.) der. kaputan

kapon [kapón] 1adj Castrated (pig, dog, carabao, etc.). (sem. domains: 1.6.7 - Male and female animals, 1.6.2 - Parts of an animal.) 2vt To castrate an animal. kapon Ingkapon nida kag inra iro kada nagpakataba. He castrated their dog that’s why it became very fat.

kanugkog [kanúgkog] n The sound of an engine. Pauno’y kag him-ong it aga ay binasag it kanugkog it ruhang ragkong bapor it Hapon. How the silence of the morning was shattered by the sound of those two big Japanese ships. (sem. domains: 6.7.9 - Machine, - Sound, - Types of sounds.)

kamhan [kámhan] v To meddle; to grab, make use of something done by another. makialam Aber sahoy sida ay gusto pa gihapon nidang kamhan kag trabaho it iba. Even though she’s too busy she still wants to meddle in other people’s work. (sem. domains: - Meddle.)

kalit [kalít] vt To do something for a short time (by comparison with other activities). saglit Ako anay akaliton tong labahan habang katuyog pa kag mga anak. I’ll do the washing of clothes in a short time while the kids are sleeping. Akalitan nako’t plantsa kag mga yamit ngasing nak hapon. I’ll do the ironing of the clothes within a short time this afternoon. Nagkalit ako’t pabanwa bag-o mag-uyan. Before it rain, I went to town for awhile. (sem. domains: - A short time.)

kahinangyan [kahinangyán] 1n Need; necessity. kinakailángan Bukoey kahinangyan nak magnunot pa ikaw it kaibahan dahil malupos ra kato gihanapon tong ida gingestaran. There’s no need for you to take a companion because it is easy to locate that address. (sem. domains: - Necessary, - Need.) 2pv Need; necessary; should; must. (sem. domains: - Necessary, - Need.)

kahapunon [kahapúnon] n Afternoon. hapon (sem. domains: - Time of the day.)

iwas [íwas] vbt To avoid somebody; to escape. iwas Sunor nak sunor gihapon sida aber ako ey inaiwasan sida. He still keeps following me even if I’m avoiding him. syn: iway, ilag, likaw. (sem. domains: - Avoid, - Ignore.)

itsang [itsáng ] adv To suddenly happen without notice, foreknowledge, awareness or control. para bang, bigla na lang Itsang giabot kag amo bisita itahapon. Our visitors came without notice yesterday. Pagnabugrit kag amo uning, itsang gililiwas kag tai nida. When our cat had diarrhea, her feces came out without her being aware of it. (sem. domains: - Notice, - Warn, 7.4.6 - Not have.)

itahapon kag hapon [itahápon kag hápon] (comp. of itahapon, hapon) time Yesterday afternoon. [lit: yesterday the afternoon] (sem. domains: - Yesterday, today, tomorrow.)

itahapon [itahápon] (irreg. infl. it hapon) (der. of hapon) time Yesterday. kahápon (sem. domains: - Yesterday, today, tomorrow.) comp. itahapon kag hapon

it kumang hapon [it kumáng hapon] (id. of nak) time Earlier this afternoon. mamayáng hapon (sem. domains: - Time of the day.)

it hapon [it hápon] irreg. infl. of itahapon

insulip [insulíp] 1n Tomorrow. bukas (sem. domains: - Yesterday, today, tomorrow.) 2vi To be caused to stay until the next day; to prolong an activity until the next day. bukas Maiinsulipan kami roto sa Romblon kung wayaey it mabalik nak motor isag sa hapon. We will have to stay until tomorrow in Romblon if there’s no motorboat to return this afternoon. (sem. domains: - Yesterday, today, tomorrow.)