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tawag₁ [tawág] vt To call somebody by name; to summon; to bid at an auction; to telephone. tawag Atawagon nako sidang ’Ankol’. I will call him ’Uncle’. Nagtawag it doktor si Norma. Norma called a doctor. Ingtawag si Heather nak magtrabaho sa opisina sa Manila. Heather was summoned to work in the office in Manila. Ipatawag yang nako ikaw pag-abot nida. I’ll just call you when she arrives. Syn: ayaba 2.

tatag₂ [tatág] vt To organize. itatatag Ato itatag kali nak partido para sa masunor nak eleksyon. We will organize this party for the next election.

tartar₂ [tártar] vi To use, fill available space; to cover a space. tadtad Ingtartar kag ida siki it mga namok. His leg was covered with mosquito bites. Natartaran kag imo braso it mga inindiksyonan. Your arm is filled with injection marks.

tapat₂ [tapát] part Even more (as of concession contra-expectation). lalo Nagramo kag ida manok kada tapat sidang nagpakaalaga it iba pa. Her chickens increased therefore she got even more to take care of. syn: imbis nak, lalo, miski 1.1.

tanso₂ [tansô] 1n A copper; a fake imitation gold,silver as jewelry ,swindler. (sem. domains: 1.7.1 - Natural.) 2sta To be swindled. tansî, peke Natanso si Margie. Margie was swindled.

tanra₁ [tánrà] 1vt To remember; to be able to remember; to recall. Asing indi nako matanraan ka ida ngayan? Why is it that I can’t remember her name. Marali sida makakatanra. She easily remembers things. 2vi To remember intentionally. tanda Nagtanra rang gador sida magbalik. He did remember to return.

tanom₂ [tanóm] 1n Plants (as of a general term for all vegetation). (sem. domains: 1.5 - Plant.) 2n Plant; herb; shrub; bush (as of anything that of a medium size between grass and trees). (sem. domains: 1.5.2 - Bush, shrub.) 3v To plant. magtaním Itanom nako ling buyak sa gardin. I’ll plant this flowers in the garden. (sem. domains: - Growing flowers.) comp. matatamnaney it gayabon kag imo liog , comp. mga parti it tanom , comp. tanom sa isip , der. itanom , der. pagkatanom , der. paninanom , der. tanom , der. tanuman

tan-ag n The bast fiber is widely used for tying bundles. Also made into rope which is used for tethering carabaos and horses, and for making halters. The bark and leaves are used to poison eels. A decoction of the leaves is said to be antiscabious. tanák Kleinhovia Hospita

tan-a₁ [tán-a] 11.1part Would have but didn’t; was supposed to do something but didn’t (as of contrafactual or hypothetical relationsand a thwarted plan); would have....; should have... sana Nag-abot tan-a si Neysa itahapon. Neysa was supposed to arrive yesterday. Ikaw tan-a kag amo impili nak lider. You would have been our choice for leader. Nagpali tan-a ako pero ay nag-uyan. I would have come but it rained. Kung waya giuyan nagpali tan-a ako. If it hadn’t rained I would have come. Nabakay nida katong baro tan-a kung waya ka giabot ag nagsiling nak mahay. That dress was the one she would have bought if you hadn’t arrived and said it was expensive. Kung tan-a ay nag-uyan natanom kag payay. If it would have rained the rice would have been planted. Mapa-Manila tan-a ako ugaling waya ako’t kanunot. I would have gone to Manila but I didn’t have a companion. 22.1part Think; might (as of a polite softener when complaining). Inggwa tan-a ako it ireklamo. I think I have a complaint to make.

tamor₂ [tamór] vt To pay back a debt of gratitude; to show appreciation for somebody’s help; to respect somebody. iginagalang Si-o ka imo ingtatamor it rako nak maestra? Who is the teacher that you respect most.

taming [tamíng] n Shield; protection. Katong pinakarakong bato kag ginggamit nak taming it mga sundalo. The biggest rock was the one the soldiers used as a shield. syn: bayabag 4, sagang 1, sapong, harang 3, abang.

talusira [talusíra] vt To break, destroy a love relationship. talusira Ikaw kag unang nagtalusira it ato maadong pagsusunranan. You were the first to destroy our good relationship.

talinto [talínto] 1n Concentration; attention. Nawagit kag ida talinto sa pag-aray tong mapabarkada. He lost his attention for studying when he got involved in a peer group. 2vi To concentrate, pay attention or attend to (usually one’s work). Pag waya si nanay sa bayay, kag mga anak ay waya gitatalinto sa inra trabaho. When mother is not in the house the children do not attend to their work. der. talentado

talinong [talínong] n It is a fleshy herb which makes a very good spinach. The flowers are pink and produced in abundance. Some varieties are grown for ornamentation. Talinum triangulare (sem. domains: - Food from vegetables.)

talilis [talílis] n Swiftness; fast speed. talilis Kag talilis it amo padalupig ay raog pa ka gingyayagor it usang batalyong bungkos sa kanidugan na Tatang Tatong. The swiftness of our runnung was as if we were being chased by a batallion of wasps in Uncle Tatong’s coconut plantation.

taktak₂ [táktak] 1n The dropping, laying of a large fishing net in the sea. (sem. domains: - Fish with net.) 2v To drop, lay a large fishing net in the sea. Ataktakon isag kag bag-ong sayap. The new fishing net will be laid out in the sea. Ataktakan ninra kag yuta. They lay the net around the school of fish. (sem. domains: - Fish with net.) 3v To drop a net in an encircling position around a school of fish. (sem. domains: - Fish with net.)

taksil [táksil] v To have adulterous relations with somebody; to have an affair with somebody. kaliwa Nagtataksil kono sida sa ida asawa kada sida ay gingbuyagan ag gingbadaan it mga anak. They say she committed adultery on her husband so he separated from her and the children ignored her.

takor₁ [takór] 1adj To attached, as of curtain being hang. syn: salpak. (sem. domains: 7.5.2 - Join, attach, - Stick together.) 2adj To install, as of electricity. (sem. domains: 7.5.2 - Join, attach.) 3n Place where something is attached. (sem. domains: 7.5.2 - Join, attach, - Stick together.) 4vbt To attach something (with long term use or significance e.g. curtains, side car on a bycicle, house hold fittings like faucets, utilities like electricity, the pinning of one’s graduation ribbon); to install. kabit Ingtakor nida kag sayd-kar sa bisikleta. He attached the side-car to the bycicle. Nagtakor it ribon si N. Lori kang Inday. Aunty Lori attached the graduation ribbon to Inday’s blouse. Waya pa kami nagpatakor it koriyente sa amo bayay. We have not had electricity attached to our house yet. Waya nida natakor kag hos sa gripo. He was not able to attach the hose to the faucet. (sem. domains: 7.5.2 - Join, attach, - Stick together.)

takingking [takíngking] (dial. var. balingling) v 1To tip dangerously to one side, as of a boat on a rough sea; to be in a lopsided position; to try to keep one’s balance. kiling Nagtaking-king kag “Manila City” nak barko sa kabug-at. The boat “Manila City” tipped dangerously to one side because of the heavy load. (sem. domains: - Boat.) 2To be disconcerted; to be thrown off balance; to be thrown for a loop (as of figurative usage). Kung ingtakaw tan-a nida kag ako bayon nak kwarta ay matakingking dahil waya ako’t agastuhon. If he had managed to steal the money I brought I’d have been thrown for a loop because I’d have had nothing to spend. (sem. domains: - Disappointed.)

takbo [takbó] vbt To elope; to run away from a situation; obligation. Hinaey kina, ayaey gitakbohi kundi ay batuna yangey. It’s already there, don’t run away from that situation, instead just accept it. Itakbo nako kaling pundo. I’ll run away with this money. Atakbuhan nako ka ak nobyo. I’ll elope with my boyfriend.

tahi [tahî] 1n The stitches; design of something. yari Kag tahi it ida baro ay natastas. The stitches of her dress was unraveled. Asunoron nako kag tahi it ida palda. I’ll copy the design of her skirt. syn: hukot, higumok. (sem. domains: 6.6.1 - Working with cloth.) 2vt To sew; to stitch; to suture. Natahiey nida kag gisi’t ida sayway. She has already sewed the torn on her pants. Kag ida inoperahan ay ingtahi liwat it doktor. Her operation was sutured again by the doctor. syn: sursi. (sem. domains: 6.6.1 - Working with cloth.) 3v To sew, dressmake, to have something sewn made by dressmaker, tailor. (sem. domains: 6.6.1 - Working with cloth.)

tagtag₁ [tágtag] 11.1vi To fall, come off from where something is put, attached. Natagtag kag bunga pag mahangin. The fruit falls off when its windy. 1.2vbt To drop something; to take something down; to pull something off; to fall off of where something is attached or stuck. taktak Gingtagtag nako kag mga dekorasyon pagkatapos it amo parti. I took down the decorations after our party. Ingtagtag nako kag mga bato. I dropped the stones. Ingtagtagan nako sa hagran it baybay kag ako tsinelas. I dropped the sand from my thongs on the steps. 2v To abort a fetus (sem. domains: - Miscarriage.) 2.1vt To miscarry; to abort; to lose a baby in pregnancy. nagpalaglag Matatagtag kag ako ingsasabak pagnag-undag-undag kag dyip. My pregnancy will miscarry with the jolting of the jeep. Ingtagtag nida kag anak dahil waya sida it asawa. She intentionally aborted the child because she got no husband. Nagpatagtag katong rayaga dahil sida’y nahuda nak maaayamang sabak The young girl had an abortion because she was ashamed of being pregnant. (sem. domains: - Miscarriage.)

tagos₂ [tagós] n Stain which penetrates. tagos Inggwa it tagos kag ida baro sa rako it ida regla. The stain penetrated her dress because she has a heavy menstruation.

tagipusuon [tagipusú-on] (der. of puso) n Heart; emotional heart (as of the centre of one's emotions). puso [The puso 'heart' is the physical organ in the body.] syn: puso 1. (sem. domains: 3.4 - Emotion.) comp. hugot sa tigipusuon , comp. hugot-hugot sa tagipusuon

taga roma [taga Róma] (comp. of taga, roma) id From Rome; Roman (as of the name of the language, nationality and people of Italy whose capital city is Rome). (sem. domains: - Country, - City, 3.5.3 - Language.)