Search results for "aga"

Prisensya it Dios [Prisénsya it Diós] n Presence of God. prisensya ng Dios Nababatyagan nato kag prisensya it Dios pag narasay it hugot sa ato tagipusoon. We can feel the presence of God when we pray with all our hearts.

parada₁ [parádà] vbt To perform sorcery; to be sorcerised. ipakulam, limot Ingparadaan si Rudy it tong ingpapangrayaga nida kitang wayaey sa sarili. Rudy’s girlfriend performed sorcery on him that’s why his not in his right senses.

paandara kag isip [pa-andará kag ísip] (comp. of paandar, isip) id To turn one’s brain on; to get one’s mind working; to use one's brains; to have to think. gamitin ang isip Ayaey baga gipangutana basta paandara yang kag imo isip kung pauno maggamit it diksyunaryo. Don’t ask question you just turn your brain on to how to use the dictionary. (sem. domains: - Beginning, 3.2 - Think.)

norte [nórte] loc North. hilágà

mura₁ [múra] vt To swear at somebody; to drive out, away somebody (as of children, spirits). mura, pagalitan Mahilig sida magpangmura. She’s fond of swearing at people. Ingmura nida tong anak nak suplado. She drove out that boy because he’s very naughty. syn: mulay, bisaya.

mumog [mumóg] 1vi To fall apart; to break up into small pieces. To crumble , siparate into particles with the hands, as of cold rice, food. syn: wagas. (sem. domains: - Separate, scatter.) 2vt To break up into small pieces. durog, mumog Inamumog anay nako kag paig nak kan-on bag-o sabagon. I break up the cold rice into small pieces before frying it. (sem. domains: 7.9 - Break, wear out.)

maisog it kurason [maísog it kurasón] idiom - Convert to subentry Inner strength in the face of fear, danger (lit: brave heart). malakas ang loob Maadoy maisog it kurason kag ida nanay nak naglaban ruto sa nagpanakaw sa inra. Its good that his mother has inner strength in face of fear to fight against those who robed them.

it mas aga sa alas kwatro [it mas ága sa álas kwátro] time Earlier than 4:00. mas maaga sa alas kwatro (sem. domains: 8.4 - Time, - Before.)

huypa [húypa] v To become calm, die down (as of ocean, typhoon). maaliwalas Pagkatapos it huyop it bagyo ay naghuypaey kag ragat. After the typhoon has blown the sea becomes calm. (sem. domains: - Wind, - Calm, rough.)

ermitanyo [ermitányo] n Hermit; exclusive relationship (as of possessive or clinging ways). ermitanyo Aya baga gipakakulong sa inro bayay pay ikaw ay ermitanyoy. Please don’t just stay in your house as if you’re a hermit. (sem. domains: - Separate, alone.)

buysit [búysit/búysyit] excl Swear word for a person, like calling them a "bastard". Buysyit talagang tawo ka! Waya ka’t kapuyus-puyos. You’re really a bastard of a person! You’re absolutely useless. [It is from the English swear word "bullshit", but has changed it's meaning to more like the English "bastard".] (sem. domains: - Obscenity.) der. pangbuysit

yaway [yáway] 1n Saliva; dribble; spit. (sem. domains: - Mouth.) 2v To dribble saliva; to foam at the mouth. Perming di panyo kag ida anak dahil nagyayaway gihapon. Her child always has a handkerchief because he always dribbles. (sem. domains: - Mouth.) 3v To wipe saliva on somebody to counteract evil spells, curses and the power of evil spirits. laway Si Nene ay ingyawayan ni Batoy para mabaoy kag usog. Batoy used saliva as medicine against the power of evil spirits. [This is often done by putting saliva on one's finger and wiping it on the stomach or effected part of a baby.] (sem. domains: - Curse, 2.5 - Healthy, 2.5.5 - Cause of disease.) der. nagyayaway-yaway

yantap [yántap] adj Good, calm weather. maganda Yantap kag panahon tong kami ay nagpaali dili sa Nasuli. The weather was good & calm when we came here to Nasuli.

tumba [túmba] 11.1sta To fall over from an upright position (usually sideways). Natumba it hangin kag kataas nak nidog sa habig it amo bayay. The tall coconut tree beside our house fell over because of the wind. Natumba kag sanrig nak ingpasanrig sa bayay. The ladder that was put against the house fell over. 1.2vi To fall over. tumba Nagtutumba kag mga mataas nak gusali pag-naglilinog. Tall Buildings fall over when there’s an earthqauke. 22.1vt To turn something over on its side. Apatumbahon it panray kag lamesa agor mabutangan it siki. The carpenter will turn the table over on its side in order to put on the legs. syn: pabalinsay, balintong 2.

trol [trol] 1n Net on beam like wheelbarrow to catch young milkfish. (sem. domains: - Fish with net.) 2v To push a triangular shaped net to catch fish, shrimps in shallow water (as of a ‘wheel-barrow’ shape on floats. It is used by one person to catch bángus, young milkfish). Kag mga tawo ay ginggagamit kag trol pag sinra ay nagpapang-rakop it similya it bangus. People use a triangular push-net when they are catching newly hatched milkfish. (sem. domains: - Fishing equipment.)

talahuron₂ [talahúron] adj Respected, honorable kagalang-galang Sina Jhon ay talahuron nak tawo. John is a respected person. (sem. domains: 4.3.2 - Admire someone.)

sako-saki [sako-sakî] adj Always takes over; always wants to run, control something (but often with a bad result). dali-dali Agar maadoey kag timpla it icing it keyk ugaling ay sako-sako ka ra it girugangi pa nimo kitang abang dutaey. The icing mixture for the cake was just right but you had to take over and kept adding to it so now you see it’s very runny.

sablag [sáblag] n Hindrance. sagabal der. kasablagan

pulot [pulót] n Honey. TAGALOG! Abang rako nak pulot kag nabaoy ni James pagpuhag it tong bayay it pudyukan. James got a big quantity of honey when they smoked out the beehive.

patabo₁ [patábò] n Arrival gift (to be given when one arrives, comes home from somewhere). Waya ako it nabakay nak patabo sa Cagayan. I wasn’t able to buy any arrival gift from Cagayan.

pansin [pánsin] vt To notice something. pansin Napansin baga nimo sidang sabakey? Did you noticed that she’s pregnant?

paglibor it gulong [paglíbor it gulóng] saying - Convert to subentry When circumstances are reversed (lit. when the wheel turns). pag-ikot ng gulong Kinang ida kamiminaisog sa ida maguyang ay ida mababatyagan, nak sa paglibor it gulong ag sida ay magkaanak ra tyar ra kina ka ida maaagoman. The insolence she showed to her parents, she’ll feel what it’s like when the circumstances are reversed in the coming years when she has children who do likewise.

pagabok [pagabók] (der. of gabok) vi To allow something to deteriorate, decay (as of wood or clothing). Ingpagabok anay ninra kag mga ringring nak tabla bag-o ilisan. They let the wooden walls become poor in quality before changing it. (sem. domains: - Soft, flimsy.)

mayubog mayutaw [mayubóg mayutáw] adj On and off; up and down. lulubog-lilitaw Kag baroto sa ragat ay mayubog-mayutaw. The boat on the sea goes up and down.

masapnot [masápnot] adj Rough skin; sticky. magaspang Masapnot kag anit it tong gingihaw nak karabao. The butchered carabao has a rough skin. syn: yanggusong.