Search results for "aga"

kasagsagan [kasagságan] 1n Time, height of most activity (as when a flower blooms, crops are in season, an event is at its height etc.). kasalukuyan Kasagsagan ngasing it tig-ani kada puro sahoy kag mga tawo. It’s the height of the harvest now so people are all busy. (sem. domains: - Season, 8.4 - Time, 6.2.5 - Harvest.) 2adj Seasonal, of happenings, events. kasaganaan Tong kasagsagan it tulingan ay kasagsagan ra it pusoy ni Awi. During the season of tulingan its also the season when Awi plays poker. (sem. domains: - Season, - Happy, 6.2.5 - Harvest.)

kalabitos [kalabítos] n Tacks (as of tiny nails 1/2’ long). Kag sapatero ay naggagamit ra it kalabitos sa sapatos nak ingpapando. The shoemakers are using tacks on the shoes they repair. (sem. domains: 7.5.2 - Join, attach, 6.7.5 - Fastening tool, 6.6.3 - Working with wood.)

bunggeysyos [bunggéysyos] (der. of bungga) adj Extravagant, expensive, high class celebration (as of a wedding, birthday party, anniversary; extravaganza with "all the frills"). (sem. domains: - Celebrate.)

bali baga [báli bagá] (comp. of bali8, baga) 1rel Perhaps (as of conjecture or anxiety). (sem. domains: - Possible.) 2part Lest; in case (as of conjecture or anxiety). (sem. domains: 9.2.6 - Particles, - Reason.) 3interj Afraid so! (sem. domains: 9.2.7 - Interjections.) 4id In other words. Bali baga ay wayaey ka’t susukton sa ako. In other words you don’t have any accounts to settle with me. (sem. domains: 9.2.6 - Particles.)

bali7 [báli] adj Altogether; In all; total; overall value, worth. bale Bale ap-at nak adlaw ruto. Four days altogether there. syn: bakwi 2, halaga 3. (sem. domains: - Add numbers, - Value, 8.1.5 - All.) comp. baling ara

bagahis [bagáhis] n Baggage, luggage (as carried when travelling). bagahe Raya-raya ni Eno tong ida bagahis aber hariin sida magpagto. Eno always carries his travelling bag with him wherever he goes. (sem. domains: - Bag.)

yuag [yúag] vbt To go somewhere. nakaabot Nakayuag baga kami ruto sa parti it kinang kweba. We have gone somewhere in the part of that cave. [Vulgar term.]

yubkanon [yubkánon] n Newly harvested rice. bagong ani Ingtagana ni Nita kag usang pasong nak yubkanong payay. Nita set aside about 25 gantas of newly harvested rice.

yubok [yubók] vt To pound, beat rice in a mortar with a large pestle. gumagawa ng pinipig Nagyuyubok sinra it mayagkit sa yusong. They are pounding the sticky rice in the mortar.

yugaw₁ [yúgaw] 1n Porridge; gruel (usually made out of rice). 2vbt To make porridge. lugaw Nagyugaw yang kami it kuman kag aga. We just made porridge this morning.

yukso [yúkso] v Large fish jumps, flies out of water. lumuksó Nagyukso kag mananakaw sa gaha ag nagrayagan sa kanidugan. The theif jumped out the window and ran into the coconut grove. Nabali kag ida siki sa kataas it ida niyuksuhan. Her foot was broken due to the height that she jumped. syn: uybo-uybo. (sem. domains: 6.4.5 - Fishing.)

yum-oy [yúm-oy] 1vt To submerge, immerse in water; to dip completely in water. inilubog Kag mga tawo ay ingyum-oy sa tubi tong sinra ay ingbunyagan. The people were submerged when they were baptized at the river. syn: tum-oy, yum-oy 2. 2vi To become submerged in water. inilubog, itinugmaw Nayum-uyan sida it humbak. She was submerged by the wave. syn: yum-oy 1, tum-oy.

yumar [yúmar] v To unnecessarily put, lay something dirty against something clean. pina-upî Ingpayumar yang nida tong isra sa lababo kitang kinaon it uning. She just laid that uncleaned fish in the sink that’s why it was eaten by the cat.

yumos [yúmos] 11.1adj Drowned. Yumosey tong anak tong sida ay nabaoy sa tubi. The boy was already drowned when he was taken out of the water. 1.2sta To drown. lúnod Nayumos si Nonie sa ragat. Nonie drowned in the sea. (sem. domains: 2.6.6 - Die.) 22.1sta To be choked, drowned by weeds (as of plants) Nayumos kag ida pananom it mga hilamunon dahil gingbadaan sida maghilamon. Her plants were drowned by the weeds because she neglected to weed. 33.1v To be overwhelmed by feelings, circumstances. Ako ay nayumos sa kalisor pagkamatay it ako Tatay. I was overwhelmed by grief when my Father died.

yungayngay [yungáyngay] vi To drop the head on one side; almost asleep while sitting up. Nagyuyungayngayey sida pagabot it hospital. His head was already dropping on one side when he reached the hospital. (sem. domains: 5.7.1 - Go to sleep, - Lose consciousness.)

yunggok₂ [yúnggok] v To physically hurt, hit, push on the back of the neck; punch somebody. binatukan Ingyunggok ni Bebilita tong nagpapangrayaga sa idang bayo. Bebilita hit the widow suitor who was courting her. (sem. domains: - Quarrel.)

yuntor [yúntor] 1n Layer, coat of something; layered stack (as of coats of paint, nail polish and a stack of plates). Ruha kag yuntor it cutex sa ako kuko. There are two coats of nailpolish on my nails. 2v To become thick, hard, dry (as of a liquid which becomes hard to use). tigas Kag pintura ay nagyuntor’ey dahil nak rugay’ey nak waya gigagamita. The paint became thick because it wasn’t used for a long time.

yupa yang [yúpa yang] idiom - Convert to subentry The size of one’s forehead; small. isang nuo lang Miski baga yupa yang nak duta indi ninra igbaligya. Even if their land is only the size of their forehead they won’t sell it.

yupo [yupó] vi To put out joint; to dislocate slightly (as of a bone). bali Kag ida suka sa abaga ay nayupo tong sida ay nahuyog sa santoy. His shoulder bone was slightly dislocated when he fell out of the santol tree.