Search results for "arti"

engreso [engréso] 1n Partial payment of a debt. (sem. domains: - Pay.) 2v To give partial payment for a debt; to pay-off gradually. engreso Nag-engreso ako it usang gatos pesos sa ako huyugan nak radyo. I gave partial payment for the radio that I bought on an instrallment basis. (sem. domains: - Pay.)

dugas [dúgas] v To spend, use wealth or belongings greedily, wildly, quickly (as of a member of a family who spends more than their share of the family money and wears others' clothes etc. without due care). Nadugasey nimo tong imo mana asing mahagar ka pa gihapon it parti. You have spent your wealth lavishly and why would you still ask for more of a share. (sem. domains: - Lose wealth, - Spend, 9.1.2 - Do.) der. mandurugas

drowing [drówing] 1n Drawing (as of the item drawn). (sem. domains: 6.6.5 - Art.) 2v To draw a picture (as of the skills of an artist, painter of pictures or of draftsmen who draw up plans for buildings). (sem. domains: 6.6.5 - Art.) der. pagdrowing

doktor-wakwak [dóktor-wákwak] (comp. of doktor, wakwak) 1n A flying witch disguised as a doctor who goes from house to house asking to treat the sick, but in fact they need strength from a person to maintain their spiritual powers. [This is a person who changes in ways that resemble features of the European vampire or werewolf. They often threaten children and the sick from whom they are said to "drink their blood" or draw strength via their touch. If they drink the blood of children they become young looking, and if of old people then they become old looking. The person "treated" or touched by them will get sick and may die. They exhibit other signs of supernatural power e.g. seeming to walk but not actually touching the ground, extremely quick aging if they don't get to "drink the blood" of someone, and the ability to avoid capture due to being able to move at superhuman speed.] (sem. domains: - Demon possession, 4.9.2 - Supernatural being.) 2n A game where a person has to untangle a group of participants. (sem. domains: - Game.) 3v To play the game where a person has to untangle a group of participants. (sem. domains: - Game, 4.2.7 - Play, fun.)

diklarar [diklarár] v To declare, announce something (as of executing authority by one's words). Ingdeklarar ni Marcos kag “Martial Law” it kag Septyembre 21, 1972. Marcos declared Martial Law last Sept. 21, 1972. (sem. domains: 4.5.3 - Exercise authority, 3.5.1 - Say.) der. diklarasyon

buyang₁ [búyang] n 1Cockfight, cockfighting (as of the fight to the death between two fighting cocks that are wearing spurs). [This is a traditionally male entertainment for which they rear fighting cocks and gamble. It is always popular at fiesta time, but where possible they will be held more regularly e.g. weekly, in the stadium-like cockpits. ] (sem. domains: - Gambling, 4.2.6 - Entertainment, recreation, - Chicken.) 2To participate in cockfighting (as of attending, betting on, or entering a fighting cock in a fight), (sem. domains: - Gambling, 4.2.6 - Entertainment, recreation, - Chicken.) der. buyang , der. buyangan , der. ibuyang , der. pangbuyang

busong [búsong] 1n Curse (as of the active declaration, impartation of evil or punishment on something or somebody). (sem. domains: - Curse, - Insult.) 2v To curse something or somebody (as of actively declaring, imparting evil or punishment on them). sumpa Abusungon ikaw it Dios pag indi ka magpati sa ida. God will curse you if you won’t believe in Him. (sem. domains: - Curse, - Insult.)

bukot₂ [búkot] (dial. var. buot) v To cover, wrap oneself completely in something, such as blanket or article of clothing; to hide oneself under something. talukbong Nagbukot sida’t kostal agor indi makilaya it ida nanay nak naghahanap sa ida. She covered herself with a sack so she wouldn’t be recognized by her mother who’s looking for her. (sem. domains: 7.6 - Hide, 7.3.7 - Cover.) der. pambukot

buko masyadong mahadag [bukô masyádong mahádag] (comp. of buko, masyadong, hadag) adj 1Dimly visible; not very clear, bright (as of light, visibility). [lit: not very clear/bright] (sem. domains: - Bright, - Eye.) 2Ambiguous; not very clear (as of speech). [lit: not very clear] Pay buko masyadong mahadag kag pagpinartihan it duta kada nag-inaway tong magmanghor. It seems the sharing of land is too ambiguous that’s why those brothers and sisters are quarreling. (sem. domains: - Meaning.)

bubog [búbog] n Particles, pieces, shards of something broken (as of bottles). Soksok it tsinelas agor indi ka masuag it bubog it botilya. Wear thongs so that the particles of broken glass won’t stick into your feet. (sem. domains: - Piece.)

balingag [balingág] adj Poorly, unevenly executed (as of work done e.g. a crooked haircut, sewing of an article of clothing). Muyati yang kag ako buhok nak balingag kag pagkatupi. Look at my haircut that was unevenly cut. (sem. domains: - Symmetrical.) comp. balingag it isip , comp. balingag it uyo

balingbing [balíngbing] adj Two-faced person; turncoat; changing positions (as of a politician who changes his opinions or political parties). Pagkatapos it eleksyon, maramo kag naging balingbing. After the election, many turned two-faced. [This term is borrowed from the Tagalog word for the fruit called sabilír "carambola, five corners, star fruit" which has protruding two-sided ridges on it, that look like a star when cut crossways. These two sides of each point on the "star" is the basis for this reference to politicians facing both ways at once or changing from one side to another. It resembles the English expression "changing horses mid-stream".] (sem. domains: - Contradict.)

bisaya parti sa minatay [bisáya párti sa minatáy] (comp. of bisaya, parti, minatay) n Eulogy. [lit: word about dead-person] luksáng parangál (sem. domains: - Funeral.)

batikuyon [batikúyon] n Gizzard of a bird (as of the muscular part in the neck of the bird that crushes the food). balun-balunan Paborito nako nak parti it manok ay kag batikuyon. My favorite part of a dressed chicken is the gizzard. syn: balon-balunan. (sem. domains: - Parts of a bird.)

binlor [bínlor] 1n Tiny broken particles of rice that are to be discarded (as of what is left after the full clean grains have been taken off for cooking). (sem. domains: - Steps in food preparation, 6.2.6 - Process harvest.) 2adj Having broken particles of rice that are to be discarded (as of what is left after the full clean grains have been taken off for cooking). (sem. domains: - Steps in food preparation, 6.2.6 - Process harvest.)

badaran₂ [bádaran] (der. of badar) v To pay for something in full at a particular time (as of something of great value). (sem. domains: - Pay.)

aboy [abóy] part Do you think, suppose?; in your opinion?. [This particle is the 2nd position enclitic in the Verb Phrase as well as moveable.] kaya Kung ato anay aboy abuhian kag manok, indi mawagit? Do you think that if we let the chicken run free for a while it won’t get lost? Nio aboy kag imo masisiling diling bersikulo? What do you think this verse means? Pati nidog aboy ay natumba it tong bagyo? Do you think the coconuts also fell over in that typhoon? (sem. domains: 9.2.6 - Particles.)

anay₁ [ánay] part 1First; for a while; for the time being; for now; (not) yet, just yet, for a while yet (as of a polite request or delay). [This particle occurs in the Verb Phrase, as the 9th position member of enclitic particles that occur 2nd position to the verb or negator.] muna Magpahuway anay kita. Let’s rest a while first. Bag-o sida mag-aray it liksyon, nagbabasa anay sida it dyaryo. Before he studies his lessons he first reads the paper. Butangan anay ruto. Put it there for now please. Umai sida anay it balita. Tell her first what the news is. Umai sida it balita anay. Tell her the news first. Kaling maisot anay kag kaligusi bag-o kinang marako. Bath this small one first before that big one. (sem. domains: - A short time, 9.2.6 - Particles, - First.) 2Please; come on! (as of expressing polite social pressure). (sem. domains: 9.2.6 - Particles, 3.3 - Want.) 3Not just yet; not for a while yet. Indi anay kita gihalin. Let’s not leave just yet. Aya anay ikaw gikaon. Don’t eat for a while yet. (sem. domains: 9.2.6 - Particles, - After.) 4Just a minute!
Aya anay.

Just a minute!
(sem. domains: - A short time, 9.2.6 - Particles.)
comp. anay yang , comp. aya anay , comp. aya anay yang , comp. indi anay

ara [arâ] part 1Let’s try to (as of invitation). [This particle is the 13th position enclitic in the Verb Phrase.] kaya Mapanaw ara kita ruto. Let’s try to walk there. syn: marahil, siguro. (sem. domains: - Suggest, 9.2.6 - Particles.) 2Do you suppose perhaps?; I surmise, think, assume, presume (as of speculation). Kung kag inro ingtao sa inra ay kali, naubos ara? If you had given them this, do you suppose it would have all been given away by now (assumption: it is not all gone yet). Kung ikaw ara kag ida ingbadaan, mahahangit ka? Do you think perhaps that if he’d neglected you, you would be angry? Pati nidog ara ay natumba it tong bagyo. Do you think perhaps the coconuts also fell over in the typhoon. (sem. domains: - Possible, 9.2.6 - Particles.)

arti [árti] 1adj Melodramatic (as of putting on a turn to draw attention to oneself). arti Aya giinarti kung ingwa kita it mga bisita.
tr Don’t behave temperamentally when we have visitors.
(sem. domains: - Show off.)
2v To be, act melodramatically (as of behaving in an obvious, unpleasant way so as to draw attention to oneself). (sem. domains: - Show off.) 3adj Fussy, finicky or choosy (as with food etc). arti Nag-aarti sida sa pagkaon. She’s being choosy about her food. (sem. domains: - Discontent.) 4vi To fuss, be fussy, finicky or choosy (as with food etc). (sem. domains: - Discontent.) 5v To act in a drama, play or mime. Kaayo mag-arti tong artista ruto sa inra palabas. The actress is very good in acting in their play. (sem. domains: 4.2.5 - Drama.) 6vi To be, act gracefully or artistically. Nag-arti sida pagsadaw sa entablado. She acted gracefully when they danced on the stage. (sem. domains: 4.2.4 - Dance, 4.2.5 - Drama.)
comp. maayam mag-arti , der. artista

artista [artísta] (der. of arti) n Actor; actress; artist; pop, movie star (as one who is famous for being able to act, dance or sing). PC (sem. domains: 6.6.5 - Art, 4.2.5 - Drama.)

artisyan [artísyan] n Artesian well; underground deep well, bore (as of a deep bore that is more likely to have unpolluted water). (sem. domains: - Spring, well.)

asak-asak [asak-asák] 1n Sparks of burning material (as of from a fire, fireworks). Kag asak-asak it kayado sa sunog ay paibabaw. The sparks from the flames of the fire are going upwards. Kag asak-asak it kwites ay nakakasilaw. The sparks of the fireworks are bright. (sem. domains: 5.5.5 - What fires produce.) 2vbt To give off sparks of burning material (as of flying particles from a fire, fireworks). buga Nag-aasak-asak kag baga sa kalan. The fire on the charcoal stove is giving off sparks. syn: alipatok 1. (sem. domains: 5.5.5 - What fires produce.) 3n Splashes, scattered drops of water (as of from a faucet). (sem. domains: 1.3.2 - Movement of water.) 4vbt To splash, splatter with water (as of water from a faucet). (sem. domains: 1.3.2 - Movement of water.) der. pangasak-asak

baga₁ [bagá] 1part Question; is it so?; is that the one? (as of an action, person, time, place etc). [This particle is the 6th position enclitic in the Verb Phrase as well as moveable.] kaya Naglargay baga si Ann? Has Ann left already? Mabuot baga kag imo maestra? Is your teacher nice? Sida baga kag nagraog nak Miss Odiongan? Is she the one who won Miss Odiongan? Riin baga ikaw naghalin? Where was it you came from? syn: no, baga 2. (sem. domains: - Question words.) 2part Sf Tag question; isn’t it? kaya NagpaMaynila sinra baga? They went to Manila didn’t they? syn: no, baga 1. (sem. domains: 9.2.6 - Particles.) 3part In my opinion; I think; what I mean is. [moveable particle] Kaado baga tong baro nak imo ingsoksok it kag Lunes. I think the dress you wore on Monday was nice. Katong puya baga! I mean that red one! (sem. domains: - Think about.) 4part Please won’t you; Come on! (as of applying polite social pressure or request). [moveable particle] Hipos baga kamo raha! You there, please bequiet! (sem. domains: 4.3.7 - Polite, 4.3.8 - Change behavior.) comp. bali baga , id. matuor baga

agay-ay [agáy-ay] n Dirt-like particles left by wood borers (as of their feces). Karamong agay-ay nak makikita sa banyo pag-aga. In the morning you can see particles of wood dust from borers in the bathroom. (sem. domains: - Lumbering, - Insect.)