Search results for "sinra"

parehas [paréhas] adj 1Same; an identical match; something which matches or goes well together (such as clothes). Magkaparehas it kulay kag ako blusa ag bag-ong sayway. My blouse and new pants have the same color. syn: tuyar 1.1, pareho, hawig, ambit 1, tugma. (sem. domains: - Same.) 2Same; identical; both. parehas Parehas sinra nak maadong kandidato. They are both good candidates. (sem. domains: - Same.) comp. dapat magraog sa parehas nak laban

panuyi [panuyî] vt To gather seashells, octopus, crabs, at low tide at night using lights. pang-ilaw Kada igwa’t hunas sa gab-i, sinra ay nagpapanuyo nak gador. Everytime there’s the low tide at night, they bring lights and gather shells or octopus or crabs. [The light used was originally a torch, suyî usually made of dried coconut leaves (bayagbag) but now petromax lanterns are used.]

panikop [panikóp] (der. of sikop) v To catch something in one’s hand (as of a fish). Abang ayo magpanikop tong asawa ni Amy kada permi sinrang libre it suya. Amy’s husband is good in catching fish by hand that’s why they are free of having to buy viand. (sem. domains: 6.4.2 - Trap, 6.4.5 - Fishing.)

pangyada [pangyáda] v To fish with single circular throw-net. Nagpangyada si Dinoy para inggwa sinra it suya. Dinoy fished with single circular throw net so they would have viand to eat.

pangruhang kabuhi [pangruháng kabúhì] n Afterlife, next life, second life. ikalawang buhay Nagsumpaan tong magnobyo nak sinra ay makita sa pangruhang kabuhi kung sinra ay mamatay. The two lovers had a pledge that they will meet in their second life if they die.

panghaluan [panghalu-án] vi To go fishing for catfish, mudfish. dalág Nagpanghaluan sinra itahapon. They went fishing for mudfish yesterday. (sem. domains: 6.4.5 - Fishing.)

pangalag-kalag₁ [pangalag-kálag] 11.1v To offer food to soul’s of dead relatives on the household altar or at the tomb. pangaluluwa Includes rice boiled egg, coconut wine, cigarette, meat or fish. The boiled egg is stood on top of the rice. This is served hot and prayers said. The soul’s eat or smell it first and it gets very cold. Then children can eat the food. 22.1v To carol for money on “all soul’s day”. Sinra ay nagpangalag-kalag it tong adlaw it patay. They went on caroling for money during all soul’s day.

pang-angkon [pang-ángkon] vi To claim. pagmamay-ari Nagpang-angkon sinra it inra parti sa duta. They claimed their share of that land.

panata₁ [panátà] 1n Vows. 2vi To vow; to make a vow. panata Nagpanata sinra sa harap it Dios nak indi sinra magbuyag bilang magasawa. They had made a vow to God that they will not part ways as husband and wife.

pamunggan [pamunggán] v To ferry, pull boats across on hand-held ropes. hawakan Nagbutang sinra it pisi nak pamunggan para sinra ay maka-tabok sa suba. They used hand-held ropes for ferrying the boats so they could cross the lagoon.

pamidong vbt To frown; to look with contempt. simangot Ingpamidungan ray nida tong ida kaaway tong magkita sinra. She frowned at her enemy when they met with each other. syn: kusmor, mosmos.

pala₂ [pálà] vt To be blessed (i.e. with something from God). pála‘ Ingpala sinra it ruhang anak nak mabuot. They were blessed with two kind children.

pakinabangan [pakinabángan] v To benefit from something. Waya gador sinra it napakinabangan sa inra parting payay dahil naubos it ambo. They got no benefits from their share of the rice because it was eaten by rats.

pakikipag-impon 1n 1.1vbt To group things, people together; to form into groups. Nag-impon anay sinra bag-o magmartsa. They first grouped together before marching. Aimpunon nako kag tanang aray-on bag-o puruson. I will group all the things together to be carried before wrapping them. 2n Fellowship.

pahog₁ [páhog] v To treaten somebody. Naghalin sina Rose sa inra bayay dahil sinra ay ingpahog nak amatyon. Rose left their house because they were threatened with being killed.

pagbulig-buligan [pagbulig-buligán] (der. of bulig) n/ger Cooperation; cooperating; being cooperative; helping eachother (as of in a certain activity). bayaníhan Nagbubulig-buligan sinra pag di hanraan sa inra lugar. They cooperate when there’s a party in their place. (sem. domains: - Cooperate with.)

pagbuhon [pagbúhon] n Whole timbers; building materials. pagbuhin Agar inggwa’y sinra it mga pagbuhon waya ray ra sinra it makitang karpentero. Now that they have the building materials they were not able to find a carpenter.

pag [pag] 1time When; at some time (as of when something happens). kapag Pag Paskwa kag ataw-an it regalo. Gifts will be given out at Christmas. Pag mauyan 2conj If. Amat ay makapakarsada sinra pag nalinga ikaw it bantay sa inra. In case they go out on the road if you are distracted while watching them.

pabuda [pabúda] (der. of buda) 1n A feast, big party, celebration, banquet being put on, held in somebody's honor (including the preparation of lots of food). (sem. domains: - Celebrate.) 2vbt To have a feast, big party, celebration with lots of food put on, held in somebody’s honor. handaan Nagpabuda sinra pagtapos nida’t eskwela sa kolehiyo. They prepared a party after she finished her college studies. Ingpabudahan sida pagkapasa sa eksamin it doktor. There was a big celebration for her after she passed the exam to be a doctor. Gingpabuda ninra kag karabaw sa ida pakasay. They had a carabao for her wedding celebration. syn: kasadyahan. (sem. domains: - Celebrate.)

pabagti [pabágtì] 1n First visit of boy’s parents to girl’s home to get permission for a marriage. (Calatrava) (sem. domains: - Arrange a marriage.) 2vbt To have the boy’s parents visit the girl's family for the first time to ask permission for her to marry their son. pamanhikan Nagpabagti sinra para kang Susan. They visited Susan’s parents for the first time to ask permission for the marriage. Ingpabagtian si Susan tong usang domingo. The visit was made to ask for Susan’s hand in marriage, last week. syn: pasaka. (sem. domains: - Arrange a marriage.)

paandam [pa-ándam] (der. of andam) 1n Warning; the telling of somebody to be careful. babala Waya nataw-i sinra it paandam bag-o magbagyo ngani waya sinra nakapauli. They weren’t given warning before the typhoon came so they weren’t able to go home. Syn: paanram 2. (sem. domains: - Warn, 3.5 - Communication, - Alert.) 2vbt To warn, tell somebody to beware, be careful or prepared (as in the face of approaching danger). Ingpaandaman sinra nak igwa’t paabutong bagyo. They were warned that there was an approaching typhoon. (sem. domains: - Warn, - Alert.)

pa₃ part 1Still (as of continuing doing something); still, more (as of still having some more). [This particle is the 1st position enclitic in the Verb Phrase.] pa Nagtatrabaho pa ako. I am still working. Kaon pa ngani kamo. Please eat some more. Igwa pa ako it bugas. I still have some rice. Hina pa sinra. They are still there. Sa usa pang adlaw mapanha kami. We’ll visit there the day after tomorrow. (sem. domains: 8.4.7 - Continue, persevere, 9.2.6 - Particles.) 2(Not) yet; still (not) done something. Waya pa man yang pati nakapamahaw si Juan. Juan hasn’t even had breakfast yet. Waya pa ako it bugas. I have no rice yet. (sem. domains: 8.4 - Time, 9.2.6 - Particles.) 3Even more so; the one picked on anyway (as of emphasis and disapproval). Man-ong ako pa kag ida ingpasapoy sa ida anak. Why did he even have me meet his child anyway. Nagbasa sida it ruhang libro pa, bag-o magkatuyog. She read two more books before going to sleep. (sem. domains: 9.2.6 - Particles.) comp. ag iba pa , comp. bada pang , comp. , comp. kauno-uno pa , comp. pa...ey

oras [óras] 11.1time Hour. óras 22.1n Time. 33.1conj When; the minute that something happens (as of simultaneous or overlapping events). Oras nak mag-abot sinra atawagan nako kamo. The minute they arrive I’ll call you. Magpalakpakan kamo sa oras irawat nako kali sa ida. You clap when I hand this to him.

o₁ [o] part Sf 1Come on! (as of informal polite request which increases urgency [sentence final]). o Hina yaki sinra, o! Oh come on there they are! Buligi baga ako, o. Come on help me please. (sem. domains: 9.2.6 - Particles, - Insist.) 2Let’s see if (as of a challenge [sentence final]). Buong kag baso o. Let’s see if the glass is broken. (sem. domains: 4.8.2 - Fight, 9.2.6 - Particles.)

nobedad [nobedád] n A disaster that befalls somebody (as of a fire, sickness). karma Naubos kag inra kabuhayan dahil narayanan sinra it nobedad tong masunog kina tanan. Their belongings were all consumed when the disaster befell them the time when everything was burnt.