Search results for "tang"

sanggot [sánggot] 1n Curved knife, hand scythe, used in tuba (coconut wine) gathering to cut the coconut flower; sickle used in harvesting rice. (sem. domains: - Plant product.) 2sta To be cut by such a knife. hiwa Nasanggot si Tang Igo itahapon. Uncle Igo was cut by the knife for gathering tuba yesterday. (sem. domains: - Plant product.) 3vt To cut the coconut flower, or rice, with such a knife. Asangguton ni Tang Igo kag buyak it nidog agor matuyo kag tuba. Uncle Igo will cut the coconut flower with the knife so that the coconut nectar (wine) can drip out. (sem. domains: - Plant product.) der. sanggutan

sangab [sángab] v To get tangled, caught up with some part of a bicycle, motorbike (as of one’s clothes, thongs, legs). nadali Nasangab si Eba pag-angkas sa honda. Eba got tangled up in the spokes of the wheel when riding pillion on the motorbike.

sana [sanâ] (dial. var. banranan; dial. var. banran) v To implicate somebody in a misdeed; to blame somebody; to suspect; to accuse somebody of doing something, usually without proof; to point finger at. bintang Aya gipangsana kung waya ka ra it ebidensya. Don’t accuse somebody if you got no evidence. syn: habla, akusar, banran. (sem. domains: - Blame.)

samtang [sámtang] conj While. habang Kag mga mangunguma ay nag-aaradoy samtang marako pa kag tubi sa lanas. The farmers are plowing their fields while the water is still deep in the rice paddies.

sampot₃ [sámpot] vi To arrive. dating It tiang yang ra ikaw nasampot it waya’t pamalay kitang waya’t nagsapoy sa imo. You just arrived without further notice, that’s why nobody fetched you.

samantalang₂ [samantálang] conj While. Nagpapanursi sida it mga gising baro samantalang katuyog pa kag anak. She is mending the wornt out clothes while the baby is still asleep. syn: miyentras, habang, hastang 2, hanggang 3.

salirsir [salírsir] vt To stagger drunkenly; to walk crookedly. Nagsasalirsir si Tatang Jun aber buko yango. Uncle Jun walks crookedly even though he’s not drunk.

saliping [salíping] 1adj Extra fingered, toed, hands, feet. (sem. domains: - Finger, toe.) 2n Extra fingers, toes on hand, feet. iping Si Tang Rufi ay an-om kag damot, kag usa hagto ay saliping kada kag tawag sa ida ay si “Tang Rufi nak silipingon”. Uncle Rufi has a six fingered hand. One has an extra finger so he’s called “Uncle Rufi who is extra fingered”. (sem. domains: - Finger, toe.)

salimbabatang [salimbabatáng] n Sparrow. Maya Nakarakop si Lino it tatlong salimbabatang. Lino was able to catch three sparrows.

saliborbor [salibórbor] v 1To coil around prey, as of a python. (sem. domains: - Snake.) 2To squeeze to death.(as of animal tying up the rope over the body). (sem. domains: 6.4.6 - Things done to animals.) 3To get tangled as of fishing net. (sem. domains: - Fish with net, - Fishing equipment.)

saliabor [saliábor] (irreg. infl. suliabor) 1adj Mixed-up; entangled. syn: salimuyakot. 2vi To get entangled; mixed-up; to be confused (as of people walking every direction at once; all talking at once, rope tangled among branches, mixed-up things or work to be done). buhol-buhol Nagsaliabor kag mga tawo sa tunga it banwa tong di pista. During the fiesta, people went to every direction around the town. Nagsaliabor kag ida tugon sa ako isip kada ako nalimutan tong iba. What she said to me got mixed-up in my mind that’s why I forgot some of them. Pag magsinaliabor kinang bunang sa kahon, ako ikaw aragpakon . If the thread on the box get entangled with each other, I’ll spank you.

salamin [salamín] v To look in a mirror. salamin Kaling maisot nak pila sa yupa - nak sa ano mang oras ako magpanalamin ay imaw it nakikitang raan. This small scar on my forehead - whenever I look in the mirror that is what I see straightaway. syn: ispiho. (sem. domains: - Reflect, mirror.) der. panalamin

salad [sálad] 11.1n Vegetable dish (i.e. leafy vegetables boiled in water). 1.2vbt To boil leafy vegetables quickly (in water to which flavouring foods like garlic can be added and water is drained off). salad Nagsalad ako it mga tangkong. I boiled the leafy greens in water. [Green leafy vegetables e.g. cabbage (repolyo), vegetable tops (usbor), leaves (rahon), chinese cabbage (pitsay) are boiled then flavoured with garlic (bawang), tomatoes (kamatis), citrus (suwa, arangha), soy sauce (toyo), vinegar (suka), onions (sibuyas), salt (asin).] 22.1n Fruit salad (made with macaroni, mayonnaise and sometimes chicken).

sabor₃ [sábor] 11.1adj Tangle up. 1.2vi To become tangled up. buhol-buhol Nayutok kag kambing tong nagsabor kag ida higot sa badabas. The goat was strangled when his rope became tangled around the guava tree. 22.1v To wrap, entwine around the neck of a baby especially of the umbilical cord. buhol Karugay magliwas kag ida anak dahil nak nagsabor kag ida pusor sa ida liog. The baby took a long time to come out because his umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck.

sabagay [sabágay] part Perhaps; if; because; the reason is; maybe (shows uncertainty). sabágay Kung sabagay waya ra ako’t masyadong awat kada mabubuligan ka nako it pagyuto. Anyway I don’t have any other work yet so I’ll be able to help you in cooking. Sabagay waya ra ako’t utang nak buot sa kandidatong kina kada indi ra ako nida mapabuto. Maybe I won’t vote for that candidate because I have no debt of gratitude to him. Si Raul ag Maria ay nagpakasay it sinra yang, sabagay sa idadey ra sinra. Raul and Maria got married just by themselves perhaps because they are old enough. Ingparaya nako kang Bob kag suyat sabagay kilaya ra nida si Judy. I send the letter to Judy thru Bob, anyway, he knew her too. syn: tutal. id. kung sabagay

sa₂ 11.1case To, in, at (which is the non-personal oblique case marker occasionally having the spatial meanings ‘from, on’ as well). sa Nagpagto sinra sa sapa. They went to the river. Nakabutang kag Pepsi sa frige. The Pepsi is in the frige. Hagto sida sa eskwelahan. She’s at the school. 22.1case Ownership; belongs to somebody (as of possession indicated by the oblique case marker). Sa ida katong dyip. That jeep is her’s. 33.1temp On, at, for, in (as of future or duration of time). Mapa-Maynila ako sa Sabado. I’ll go to Manila on Saturday. Katong programa ay sa alas tres sa masunor nak Sabado. That program is at three o’clock on the following Saturday. comp. ay sa , comp. kumporme sa , id. sa ap-at nak tuig , id. Sa Lunes nak hapon , id. sa masunor nak adlaw , id. sa ngasing nak paabuton nak Lunes , id. sa ngayan nak , id. sa nio , id. sa pitsa beynte it Enero , id. sa suyor it usang semana , id. sa usang adlaw , id. sa wakas

rukwang [rúkwang] v To look down into something deep (as of a well). yuko Nagrukwang pang gador sida sa bal-ong kitang nahuyog. He still look down into the well that’s why he fell down.

ruki [rukî] 1.1vi To bend over; to hunch up/over; to bend one’s head to look down at the ground. yukò Nagruko sida pagsuyor sa kweba dahil mababa ag makitir. He had to bend over when entering the cave because it’s low and narrow. Nagruko sida tong masasapoy nida tong ingutangan nida it kwarta. He looked down when he was about to meet the person from whom he had borrowed money. syn: suong 1.

rugang [rúgang] 1vbt To increase an amount; to add to something. magdagdág Nagrugang kag nanay it donasyon sa eskwelahan. The mother added a donation to the school. Arugangan nako it usa pang gantang kag ako binakay nak bugas. I’ll add one more gantang of rice to what I am buying. syn: abuno 1, rugli. (sem. domains: - Earn.) 2n Surcharge. Naghagar it rugang sa pamasahe kag kunduktor it dyip. The conductor of the jeep asked for a surcharge to the fare.

ruga-ruga₁ [ruga-rugá] adj Dare to do something. ako-ako Ruga-ruga pa ka gani it kanta kitang naglibag. You still dared to sing and see you went out of tune.

rudan₂ [rúdan] 1n A swing (made of wood); a hammock (often used as a child’s craddle) hung by opposite ends. duyan Ida ingbubutang anay sa rudan kag anak agor makakatuyog. She first puts the baby in the hammock so that he’ll fall asleep. 2vt To put a child in a hammock (rudan); to swing or rock a child in a hammock. Inarudan kag anak it ida yaya hanggang matuyugan. The child is rocked in the hammock by his nurse until he falls asleep.

roro [róro] n Vehicle ferry which is flat on both ends where the doors drop-down allowing vehicles to drive on and off either end. roro Si Jose ay nagsakay sa roro pa Batangas. Jose boarded the ferry with a dropped back going to Batangas. [They also carry some cargo and passengers.] (sem. domains: - Boat.)

rektanggulo [rektangguló] adj Rectangle. paríhabâ syn: kwadro 1.

rayom [ráyom] 1n Depth of something in feet, meters or fathoms. 2adj Deep. 3loc Depths; bottom; underneath. 4vbt To deepen something. malálim Arayuman ninra ka buho nak abutangan it likot. They’ll deepen the hole where the garbage will be damped. Ingparayuman namo kang Badlong kag kanal agor makailig kag tubi. We had Badlong make the ditch deeper so the water could flow. comp. sa irayom it duta , comp. sa irayom it raga , der. irayom , der. karayom-rayuman , der. marayom , der. pairayom , der. parayuman

rasok [rasók] 11.1adj Firm, tightly packed, as of a bag of grain. . (sem. domains: - Stick together.) 22.1vbt To pack something down, such as dirt in a ditch, grain in a container, clothes in a suitcase; to shake down. siksik Ingrasok nako kag butangan it bugas para maghusto kag ap-at nak kilo. I shook down the rice container so the four kilos would fit in. Arasukon nako kag maleta it yamit tapos asarhan. I’ll pack the suitcase with clothes and then close it. (sem. domains: - Stick together.)