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tabog₁ [tábog] v To chase away, drive somebody out in anger, strong emotion. taboy Ingpangtabog it nanay kag ida mga anak paeskul dahil orasey ay nag-iidamo pa sinra. Their mother sent her children out in anger to go to school because it was already time and they were still playing. (sem. domains: - Annoyed, - Chase away.)

tabo₃ [tábò] 1vi To join up; to meet (as of people meeting, rivers joining up, pieces of timber joining together). kita Nagtabo kag ragat ag sapa pag-inuyan. The sea and the river joined up when it rained heavily. Matabo ako kang Rosa sa inro hampig. I will meet Rosa near your place. (sem. domains: 7.2.2 - Move in a direction.) 2vt To close up an opening; to join things together (as of bringing, putting, joining things together e.g. stitching up an opening or tear in cloth, or joining pieces of timber together at a certain point). Ingtabo it doktor kag imo ing-operahan. The doctor stitched up the place where you had the operation. Atabuon nida kag nagisi nak baro nida. She will stitch up her torn dress. (sem. domains: 7.3.2 - Move something in a direction.) der. atabuan , der. patabo

tabaku n It makes an excellent cigar fillers. The midribs and powdered leaves of Philippine tobaccos are used by Chinese for producing lye to be used in making soap. The fresh leaves are used in poultices as a sedative and maturative. A decoction of the dried leaves is used for enemas for expelling certain intestinal worms. tabaco Nicotiana Tabacum

syanaw [syánaw] v To fly swiftly; fly off in all directions as of a flock of birds that have been disturbed. nabulabog Dahil nagsyanaw kag mga manok, nakita nako katong mananakaw. Because the chickens flew swiftly, I saw and recognized who the thief was. syn: paler 2, yupar 1. (sem. domains: 1.6.6 - Animal group.)

sya-ag [sya-ág] n To scatter abruptly in all directions as of animals, people. (sem. domains: - Move quickly, - Animal movement.)

suypok₁ [súypok] vbt To sit; to bob down (as in sitting position). salampak Nagsuypok yang sida hina sa lamesa ay buko ra dapat sida hina. He just sat on the table when he’s not supposed to sit there. [A less polite word than “ingkor”. Could be said in anger or to children.; Vulgar term]

sunranan/sinunranan [sunránan/sinunránan] (der. of sunor-sunor) n Good, harmonious relationships.

sunor-sunor₂ [sunor-sunór] 11.1v To copy, imitate, follow a pattern. Asunuran nako kag ida tabas. I’ll copy the design from her dress. Ikaw permi ay ako asunuron. You’ll be the one I’ll follow always. 2obedient 2.1adj Obedient; conforming to one’s wishes; in agreement. 2.2vt To obey somebody in something one does; to conform to somebody’s wishes about something. susunod Asunuron nida kag tugra it ida nanay. He’ll obey his mother’s advice. Asunuran kono nida kag hiwas it mga kabatan-on ngasing. He said that he’ll conform to the ways of the youth today. 3adv Repeatedly; one right after another. Nagpayupok sida it sunor-sunor. He fired shots repeatedly. Ingpapasunor kag mga eskwela it mga maestra bag-o magsaka sa ‘stage’. The children are being lined up by the teachers before going up on the stage. Ipasunor anay nako kaling mga bisaya bag-o ahanapon sa diksyonario. I will first alphabetize these words before looking for them in the dictionary. der. sulunranon , der. sunranan/sinunranan

sumpo₁ [súmpò] vt To correct an action; to stop an action or habit. tuwid Masusumpo nak gador kag imo kaisog sa maguyang kung malapo ka it tudo-tudo. Your rebellion against your parents will stop when you are whipped severely.

sumpa₃ [súmpà] 1n Curse; rejection, plague, as of a disaster or epidemic. (sem. domains: - Curse.) 2n 3vt To curse somebody; to reject somebody. sumpaín Asumpaon ka it imo maguyang pag kinang kriminal kag imo apakasayan. You will be cursed by your parents if you marry that criminal. Indi nako isumpa sida. I will not curse him. (sem. domains: - Curse.)

suman₁ [súman] 1n Cakes of sticky rice (or cassava, arrowroot or sweet potato) wrapped in leaves. (sem. domains: - Food from seeds.) 2vbt To cook sticky rice, etc., wrapped in leaves (the rice is thick when wrapped, and then further cooked). suman Isuman namo kaling rahon it batag. We will use these banana leaves to wrap the sticky rice cakes. [Sticky rice (mayagkit) may have ordinary rice (bugás) mixed with it. It is partially cooked until thick (sanglay) then wrapped in leaves of banana (batág) or coconut (nidog).] (sem. domains: - Cooking methods.)

suma pa [suma pâ] PH Sorry, I'd like to, but please understand that, I can't because I'm in the same position of need. It's becuase I'm so beautiful than no- one's courting me! (sem. domains: - Personally.)

sulunranon₃ [sulunránon] n Traditions; customs; teachings. paniwala Usay sa mga sulunranon namo ay kag pag amin sa damot it maguyang kung gab-i. One of our customs here is to kiss the hands of our parents when night comes.

sulunranon₂ [sulunránon] n Tradition. kaugalian Kag inra pamilya ay inggwa it sulunranon nak mag-amen sa mga maguyang. Their family has its tradition of kissing the hands of their elders.

sulunranon₁ [sulunránon] (der. of sunor-sunor) n Traditions; customs; teachings. syn: ugali 2.

suli [sulî] 1adj Wrong position, way round (as of shoes or other things); breech birth; backwards; upsidedown. suhi Nahirapan sida sa ida panganay pag anak dahil tong ida anak ay sulî. She had a hard time when her eldest child was born because he was in the wrong position. (sem. domains: - Order, sequence, - Unusual birth.) 2vt To invert; to turn upside down, inside-out, back-to-front. baliktad Asulion nako kag baro pagkatuyog. I’ll turn my clothes back-to-front when I go to sleep. Asulian ka nako’t punra. I’ll turn the pillow inside-out for you. syn: baliskar 2, patuwar, kalikar.

sukot₂ [súkot] 11.1n The payment owed for doing something, or from a sale of something. 1.2vbt To collect payment, debts that are owed; to collect donations. singil, kulekta Ingsukot ako nida it badar sa isra. He collected the money I owed for the fish. Nagpapanukot kag tubero it badar sa tubi. The water man is out collecting the payments for the water. Nagpapanukot sinra para sa kumbento. They are collecting donations for the convent. 22.1vi To pay the consequences of one’s actions (lit. to pay the debt). Asukuton ikaw it sakit sa huli it imo kaiinom. You’ll pay for your drinking in the end by being sick. der. manogpanukot it buhis

suka-tai [súkà-tá-i] (der. of suka, tai) n Vomiting and diarrhoea (as of gastro-enteritis type of illness where both vomiting and diarrhea are present and cause dehydration). (sem. domains: - Stomach illness, 2.5.6 - Symptom of disease, 2.2.8 - Defecate, feces.)

subli [súblì] 1vi 1.1n A substitute; a successor. 1.2vbt To be a substitute; to do in one’s place; to follow, succeed somebody in a position, work. Si Cristo kag nagsubli sa ato sa krus. Christ substituted for us on the cross. Asublion nako kag trabahong ya nida natapos. I’ll do in her place the work that she didn’t finish. Ingsublian nida kag ida tatay sa pagiging manogrumaya it inra negosyo. He followed his father as manager of their business. 22.1adj Taking turns; alternately. 2.2vi To take a turn at doing something; to do alternately; (as in sharing work, wearing each others clothes, always of two or more actors). Masublian kita it tsinelas isag. We’ll take turns wearing the slippers later. Nagsusublian sinra sa pagyuto. They’re taking turn in cooking.

subaybay [subáybay] vbt To follow-up something in business. Ingsubaybayan gador ni Inday kag pagpalakad sa inra panaderya. Inday followed-it-up the operation of their bakery.

subasta₁ [subásta] vbt To bid; to tender for something (as of getting a construction job, land bid, or auction). subasta Ingpasubasta sa mga taga Maynila kag patrabaho sa pantalan. The bid for the work on the pier was given to those from Manila. Ingpasubastahan ninra it mataas kag duta. They made a high bid for the land. (sem. domains: - Buy, 6.8.4 - Financial transaction.) der. pasubasta

su-ot-su-utan [su-ot-su-útan] n A game without getting a score and penalty for the loser is a certain action. (sem. domains: - Game.)

ssst [ssst] n To call, gain the attention of a close friend, family. (sem. domains: - Attention.)

sotsot [sótsot] v To hiss; to say sss (as when gaining somebody’s attention). sitsit Tong indi makita it tatay tong ida anak nagsotsot yang sida ag sa nak raan nag-abot kato. When their father can’t find his child he just says sss and all at once his child appears.

somsoman [somsóman] 11.1n Food for snacks with alcoholic drinks, sometimes a prepared dog meat dish. pulotan (sem. domains: 5.2.2 - Eat.) 1.2v To eat snacks with alcoholic drinks. Asomsomanon ninra kag adobong manok. They’ll eat the fried chicken with their alcoholic drinks. Asomsomanan ninra kag inra inumon it piniritong isra. They’ll have the fried fish for their snack with alcoholic drinks. 22.1n Topic of drinking conversation. 2.2vt To talk about something while drinking. Narunggan nako nak inra ingsusomsoman si Tang Juan. I heard that they were talking about Uncle John while drinking. syn: tsismis 1, usoy.