Search results for "apon"

disarmas [disármas] (der. of armas) v To remove, disarm somebody of a weapon (as of removing one's own weapons or disarming a defeated opponent). (sem. domains: - Defeat, - Weapon, shoot.)

digdig [dígdig] v 1To herd, prod a group of animals to move somewhere (as of with a stick e.g. moving pigs to an enclosed place). digdig Paghaponey ay inadigdig ni Pedro kag ida mga alagang bibi pasuyor sa kuray. When it’s sunset Pedro herds his ducks to go inside the fence. (sem. domains: - Animal movement.) 2To make, forcefully encourage children to go somewhere (as of with a "stick"). (sem. domains: - Willing.) der. padigdig , der. pangdigdig

butawan [butáwan] (dial. var. banuoy) v To appear, become visible, come into view suddenly or unexpectedly (as of a soldier suddenly appearing or a boat just becoming visible in the distance). sungaw Nahinabo nganing bumutawan kag ruhang ragkong Hapones nak bapor halin sa Marinduque usang aga it kag Oktubre, 1944. Now it happened one morning in October 1944, that two huge Japanese ships appeared unexpectedly coming from Marinduque. syn: buyhot, butho. (sem. domains: - Appear.)

buringot₁ [buringót] adj Neglected, untidy in appearance (as of children). dungisin Aber buringotey kag ida mga anak ay waya gihapon nida giiintidaha. Even though her children are very untidy she doesn’t bother to care for them. (sem. domains: - Untidy.)

buno [bunô] v To stab a person with a sharp weapon, instrument. (sem. domains: 2.5.3 - Injure.)

buhalhal [buhálhal] adj 1Indifferent; careless; untidy; irresponsible (as of an adult who should take more care of things). buhaghag Buhalhal pa gihapon kag anak nida ay rayaga. Her child is still carefree in her ways even though she’s a young lady. Buhalhal kung nagtatakos sida it uling kada kaisot kag usang balde.

Buhalhal kung nagtatakos sida it uling kada kaisot kag usang balde.

(sem. domains: - Below standard, - Immature in behavior, - Indifferent, - Careless, irresponsible.)
2Carelessly, loosely, poorly filled with charcoal (as of a bucket, container not containing a full quantity). (sem. domains: - Careless, irresponsible, - Work poorly.)

bugkos [búgkos] 1n Bundle (as of a number of things tied, bound together). (sem. domains: 7.5.4 - Tie, - Group of things.) 2v To wrap, bind cloth around something; to bandage. magbigkís Nagbugkos sida it purong sa uyo. He wrapped a handkerchief around his head. syn: gapos. (sem. domains: 7.5.2 - Join, attach.) 3v To tie in a bundle (as of sticks, wheat). Gingbugkos tong tatlo it Hapon ag gingraya roto sa Tabunan ag ingbaril it tong tatlong Hapon. The Japanese tied the three of them up together and took them to where they were buried and the three Japanese shot them. (sem. domains: 7.5.4 - Tie, - Group of things.) 4n Knot of hair tied at the back, top of the head (as of any knob-like style). (sem. domains: - Hairstyle, 7.5.4 - Tie.) 5v To tie the hair at the back of the neck in a knot (as of in any knob-like style). (sem. domains: - Hairstyle.) 6v To tie, tie-up things together for some purpose (as of restraining animals, people). (sem. domains: 7.5.2 - Join, attach, - Group of things.)

budon [budón] 1n A mute; a person who can’t speak. pipi Rahagto pa gihapon budon sa pakikimusta riling ida usang manog-agwada it kag panahon it mga Hapon. It is still there a mute one greeting this one here who fetched water by boat during the time of the Japanese. (sem. domains: - Mute.) 2v To become mute. pipi Dahil sa sobrang buyong sida ay nabudon. Because of an overdose medicine he became mute. (sem. domains: - Mute.)

bubô [bubô] v 1To pour a small amount of liquid, oil somewhere (as of when carefully adding fish sauce to cooking, pouring hair oil into one's hand for rubbing into the hair, or daubing a little perfume onto one's clothes etc.). (sem. domains: 5.4.5 - Anoint the body, - Pour, 5.4.3 - Care for hair.) 2To anoint with a liquid, oil (as of pouring water, oil on one's head in Christian, other religious ceremonies). tapon, natapon Nagbubo sida it kape sa bahugan. He poured coffee in the container for pig’s food. (sem. domains: 5.4.5 - Anoint the body, - Religious ceremony, - Pour.) 3To spill a little liquid. Nabubo nida kag tubi sa baso nak nasakro. His water spilled because somebody tipped over the glass. syn: baldiyo, basya, udak 1, ilwak, bubo. (sem. domains: - Pour, - Happen.)

abtik [ábtik] 1adj Agile, lively, active, energetic, fit. Maabtik gihapon sida aber maguyangey. She’s still energetic even though she’s old. (sem. domains: 2.4.1 - Strong.) 2sta To be, become agile, lively, active, energetic or fit. maliksi Naabtik sida pagkaehersisyo. He becomes energetic after doing exercise. syn: liksi. (sem. domains: 2.4.1 - Strong.) 3vt To hasten, speed up or increase the pace. bilisán Ing-abtik nida kag pagpanaw agur indi sida maulihi pa-mitingan. He hastened his walking so that he wouldn’t be late for the meeting. (sem. domains: - Move quickly.) der. maabtik

asinta₂ [asínta] v To aim a weapon (as of a bow and arrow or gun). (sem. domains: - Weapon, shoot, 6.4.1 - Hunt.) der. asintado

asintado [asintádo/asintáda] (der. of asinta) adj Accurate, good at shooting with a weapon (as of aiming and shooting a bow and arrow or gun). [male/female terms] (sem. domains: - Weapon, shoot, 6.4.1 - Hunt.)

binawian it hingab [binawí-an it hingáb] (comp. of bawi, hingab) id To die. (euphemism) [lit: took-away breath] nalagutan ng hininga Binawianey it hingab tong ida nanay ay waya gihapon nida gipatawara. His mother died already but he didn’t ever forgive her. (sem. domains: 2.6.6 - Die.)

balagtasan [balagtásan] 1n A debate in poetic form which is performed, presented by two or more people debating back and forth (as of poetic repartee). bálagatasan (sem. domains: - Poetry.) 2vi To debate on poetic form (as of two or more people composing and presenting their arguments in the form of poetic repartee). balagatasín Kabade ag kayaki kag nagbalagtasan it tahapon. Yesterday, it was a man and a woman who debated in poetic form. (sem. domains: - Poetry.)

ay sa [ay sa] (comp. of ay, sa) conj Because. dahil Sidaey kag ako inghanap ay sa indi gihapon nako matakor. He’s the one I was looking for because I just couldn’t bear to give up and go ashore. Masyadong atras ako ay sa dahil tong yadag ay masyadong kwaney...! I was very short of time because the reason was that the soil was very what’s it called…! syn: komo, bangor nak, dahil, tungor 1, imaw ngani, bangor 2, kumo. (sem. domains: 9.2.5 - Conjunctions.)

bitay [bítay] v To hang, execute by hanging somebody by the neck until dead (as of in personal revenge or an official execution). NOUN Ingbitay it mga hapon kag inra mga kaaway tong gira. The Japanese hanged their enemies during the war. (sem. domains: - Execute.) der. pabitay

bili₂ [bilî] v To bath, bathe. ligô, paligo I’ll bathe our dog this afternoon. Ako abilian kag amo iro isag sa hapon. syn: kaligos 1. (sem. domains: 5.6.2 - Bathe.) der. pabili

batak [bátak] v To pull up, upwards; to haul in (as of hauling in a fishing net, pulling up an anchor or one’s pants). hilahin Ingbatak it nanay kag nag-uus-os nak sayway it ida anak. The mother pulled up her child’s trousers that were falling down. Nagbatak sinra it sayap nak haponey. They hauled in the fish net because it was already dark. syn: isa 2. (sem. domains: - Lift.) comp. batakon it yasog , der. pabatak

bas-ok [bás-ok] 1vbt To put, throw useful or valuable things in an inappropriate place (as of clean clothes in a box like rubbish to be disposed of); to discard carelessly by throwing unused things somewhere out of the way. tapon Ibas-ukon nako sa rugo kag mga yamit. I’ll throw the clothes in the corner. Abas-ukan nida it yamit kag kahon. He’ll throw the clothes on the box. (sem. domains: 7.3.4 - Handle something, 5.8 - Manage a house, - Throw.) 2v To impose a burdensome, inappropriate responsibility on somebody (as of the care of one's children being put on the grandmother). (sem. domains: - Agree to do something.)

barbaro [bárbaro] adj Primitive, barbaric ways. bárbaró Barbaro pa gihapon it ugali kag mga ita ay nag-iistarey sa banwa. These Negritos are somewhat primitive in ways even though they live in town. (sem. domains: 4.1.6 - Disunity.)

atipuyong [atipúyong] (dial. var. balis) 1n Pain in the head; headache; sickness with head pain that lasts between sunrise and sunset. Waya gihapon nauuli-i si Ruby it ida atipuyong. Ruby has not recovered from her sickness with pain in her head. [This is believed to be caused by borrowing a comb or hat from somebody who is infected in a similar way. ] (sem. domains: - Pain.) 2v To get, have a headache, sickness with head pain. (sem. domains: - Pain.)

baruan man kag amo, amo gihapon [barú-an man kag amô, amô gihápon] say Even though you put a dress on a monkey, it's still a monkey (lit. even though the monkey has a dress-put-on [it], monkey nevertheless). (sem. domains: 9.2.7 - Interjections.)

adap₁ [ádap] 1adj Being bred (as of an animal); being germinated (as of a plant). (sem. domains: 6.2 - Agriculture, 6.3 - Animal husbandry.) 2v To breed an animal; to germinate, grow a plant. lahian Maadap tan-a sida it lahi ni Brandy. He wants to breed a strain of dog from Brandy. Aadapon nako kaling klase nak buyak ni Ninay. I will grow the kind of flower Ninay has. Ipaadap namo kaling amo iro kana Nang Cel. We will let our dog breed with the one at Aunty Cel’s. (sem. domains: 6.2 - Agriculture, 6.3 - Animal husbandry.) 3v To imitate, take on the ways of somebody. (sem. domains: - Imitate.)

baghot [bághot] v To throw, eject, toss something or somebody out. ihagis, itapon Ingbaghot ni Arlene tong regalo it ida manang dahil buko nida gusto. Arlene threw out the gift of her sister because she didn’t like it. (sem. domains: - Throw.)

bomba₁ [bómba] 1n Bomb (as of made with explosive materials). (sem. domains: - Weapon, shoot.) 2v To bomb something (as of using bombs made with explosive materials). bomba Abumbahan kono it mga Hapon kag Manila. They said that the Japanese will bomb Manila. (sem. domains: - Weapon, shoot.)