Search results for "ay sa"

bangor nak [bangór nak] (comp. of bangor, nak) conj Because; since; due to the fact that; that's why. dahil Bangor nak maado kag raga, nag-uswag kag mga bag-uhan. Because the land was good, the immigrants prospered. syn: komo, dahil, tungor 1, imaw ngani, ay sa, bangor 2, kumo. (sem. domains: - Reason, 9.2.5 - Conjunctions.)

bastos [bástos] 1n Licentious; sexually promiscuous; orgiastic; violently sexual; crude. bastos Waya sida gimuyat it sine nak pay puro kabastusan kag palabas. She didn’t watch the movie that full of licentious acts. (sem. domains: - Sexual immorality.) 2adj Silly; discourteous; vulgar; unclean habits, behavior or speech; shameless; foolish in relationships. bastos (sem. domains: 3.5.5 - Foolish talk.) 3v To desecrate, perform sacriligeous acts in a sacred place. bastos Nahahangit kag Ginoo kung ingbabastos it tawo kag ida bayay sambahan. God gets angry if people desecrate his house of worship. (sem. domains: 4.9.9 - Irreligion.) der. kabastusan

batay sa [bátay sa] rel According to; in conformity, agreement with; depending on (something). batay, ayon Kag mga naunang tawo dili ay halin sa Bantoon, batay sa istorya ni Tang Poli. The first people here came from Banton, according to Uncle Poli’s story. (sem. domains: - Same, 4.1.5 - Unity, - Evaluator.)

basihang libro [basiháng líbro] (comp. of basihan, libro) n Basic book, textbook (as of a textbook for learning a subject in school). [lit: basic book] Ka mga istoryang bagay sa malinghor nak isip ay baling basihang arayan. The stories suited for the young minds are good basic textbook. (sem. domains: - Basic, - Study, - First.)

ay sa [ay sa] (comp. of ay, sa) conj Because. dahil Sidaey kag ako inghanap ay sa indi gihapon nako matakor. He’s the one I was looking for because I just couldn’t bear to give up and go ashore. Masyadong atras ako ay sa dahil tong yadag ay masyadong kwaney...! I was very short of time because the reason was that the soil was very what’s it called…! syn: komo, bangor nak, dahil, tungor 1, imaw ngani, bangor 2, kumo. (sem. domains: 9.2.5 - Conjunctions.)

angay [ángay] 1adj Suitable, suits you; fitting, becoming; proper, appropriate. bagay Angay sa ida kag ida tupi. Her hair cut is becoming to her. (sem. domains: 5.3 - Clothing, - Right, proper.) 2v To suit, be suitable; to look good, becoming, fitting; to be proper, appropriate. (sem. domains: 5.3 - Clothing, - Right, proper.) comp. angay kina sa imo

bangor₁ [bangór] 1n Reason. dahilan Ni-o kag imo bangor asing malarga ikaw pa Manila. What is your reason for leaving for Manila. (sem. domains: 3.2 - Think, - Reason.) 2conj Because. syn: komo, bangor nak, dahil, tungor 1, imaw ngani, ay sa, kumo. (sem. domains: - Clause conjunctions, - Reason.) comp. bangor nak , der. bangranan

bandang habagatan [bándang habagatán] (comp. of banda, habagat) loc Southwards; in the South West (as of to, towards, facing, from where the south-westerly monsoon wind comes from). [lit: vicinity SW-place] hilaga Kag inra bag-ong bayay ay sa bandang habagatan makikita. Their new house can be seen towards the south. (sem. domains: - North, south, east, west.)

bagay [bágay] 1n Thing, matter, item, issue (as of more abstract concepts). (sem. domains: 9.1.3 - Thing.) 2adj Suits somebody; looks lovely on somebody (as of clothes). bagay Bagay sa ida kag puyang baro. A red dress looks lovely on her. (sem. domains: - Compatible, 5.3 - Clothing.) 3adj Acceptable; suitable; appropriate, in harmony with. Nabagay kag ida baro sa ida. Her dress suits her. (sem. domains: - Compatible.) 4v To adjust, adapt one thing to another (as of one language to another in translation etc.) ayon, iayos Inabagay kag pagsalin it Biblia sa mga kaugalian it tawo. The translation of the Bible was adapted to the customs of the people. (sem. domains: - Compatible.) 5vt To harmonize with others socially; to go along with something; to blend. Ingbabagay nida kag mga kwerdas it gitara. He tunes the strings of the guitar. Kag kanta ay inabagay sa tuno it gitara. The song lyric goes with the melody on the guitar. syn: tuno. (sem. domains: - Compatible.) 6vt To tune an instrument; to harmonize, blend one's voice or instrument with that of others when singing. (sem. domains: 4.2.3 - Music.) der. pakigbagay

arendo [aréndò] 1n Brideprice. Kag arendo nak inghagar it tatay sa nagpapangasawa sa ida anak ay duta ag bayay. The dowry asked by the father of the would be groom is a house and lot. [This is the price in money or property that the father of the bride requests from the groom's family at the time of the wedding. This recognizes that an item of great value, i.e. his daughter, is changing hands. ] (sem. domains: - Arrange a marriage.) 2vbt To pay a brideprice (as of a payment or gift by the groom's family to the bride's family). doti Ing-arendo nida kag mga alahas nida sa ida ingpapang-asawa. He gave jewelry as dowry to the girl he was about to marry. (sem. domains: - Arrange a marriage.)

alas₁ [álas] (irreg. infl. ala) adv O’clock; the time of day; the time by the clock (as with Spanish numerals 2-12 for the hours, and minutes). alas Kag ato paning-ugto ay sa alas-onse. Our lunch will be at eleven o’clock. Mahalin kita it ala-una. We leave at one o’clock. (sem. domains: - Time of the day.) comp. ala una , comp. alas dos , id. alas dose

bestida [bestída] (der. of besti) 1n Good clothes; best dress; nice, stylish outfit for women (as for going to church or a special event). (sem. domains: 5.3.2 - Women's clothing, 5.3.4 - Clothes for special occasions.) 2v To wear a good dress. bestida, damit Nagbestida yang sida pagabay sa kasay. She just wore a dress when she acted as attendant at a wedding. (sem. domains: 5.3.2 - Women's clothing, 5.3.7 - Wear clothing, 5.3.4 - Clothes for special occasions.)

atabuan [atabú-an] (der. of tabo) nom Meeting place; place of assembly, venue. tagpuan Ka amo atabuan ay sa M/V Fortuna. Our meeting place will be at the M/V Fortuna boat. (sem. domains: - Meeting, assembly.)

bayuong [bayú-ong] n A rectangular woven basket like a large shopping bag for carrying vegetables or chickens on a journey. bayóng Kag mga prutas nak raya nida pa Manila ay sa bayuong nida gingsuyor. The fruit which he brought to Manila was put in the woven travelling basket. (sem. domains: - Weaving baskets and mats.)

bloki [blóki] n 1Block of ice (as of the ice-blocks sold in long thin plastic bags for eating, or large blocks of ice from an iceplant used for freezing fish etc.). Usang bloki nak yelo kag ako ingbakay sa planta. I bought one block of ice from the ice plant. (sem. domains: - Piece.) 2Brick. (sem. domains: 6.5.3 - Building materials.)

banhaw [bánhaw] To rise from death, the dead; to come back to life after death; to resurrect somebody (as of a real physical event that has good spiritual connotations). nabuhay Abanhawon it Diyos kag mga namatay sa pag-abot ni Kristo. At Christ’s coming, God will resurrect the dead. Nabanhaw si Kristo pagkatapos it tatlong adlaw nak pagkamatay. Christ rose again three days after his death. syn: buhi 2. (sem. domains: - Life after death, - Resurrection.) der. pagkabanhaw

tudo-tudo [tudo-túdo] 1adv To do something continuously; intensively. Tudo-tudo sinra it rayagan dahil igwa sinra it inghahabol. They ran and ran because they had someone they were chasing. syn: puat 2. (sem. domains: 8.4.7 - Continue, persevere.) 2vi To do something continuously and intensively. tudo-tudo Nagtudo-tudo sinra it away dahil waya’t nagsasaway sa inra. They fought and fought because no one restrained them. (sem. domains: - Series.) 3vt To intensify something; to increase something. Ingtudo ninra kag kakusog it radyo. They increased the volume of the radio.

sinyas [sínyas] n Signal given; gesture to indicate its time to act. Kada nagsala kag inra drama ay sala kag sinyas it inra puno. Why their drama was wrong was because the signal of their director was wrong.

habok [hábok] (dial. var. butod) 1adj Bloated, enlarged, puffed up, full of air (as of when full of air e.g. balloon or dead body of an animal). 2vi To become enlarged, bulge, swell up by filling with air (as of a balloon or dead body of an animal).. Kag ako binakay nak tinapay sa panaderia ay naghahabok. The bread I bought at the bakery was just filled with air. (sem. domains: - Stretch, 8.2 - Big, 1.1.2 - Air.) der. pahabok , der. panghabok

sako-saki [sako-sakî] adj Always takes over; always wants to run, control something (but often with a bad result). dali-dali Agar maadoey kag timpla it icing it keyk ugaling ay sako-sako ka ra it girugangi pa nimo kitang abang dutaey. The icing mixture for the cake was just right but you had to take over and kept adding to it so now you see it’s very runny.

hilway [hílway] 1adj Comfortable; to feel free, at peace or not inconvenienced; relieved; to feel at ease. Mahilwayey sida nak nag-abotey tong ida kabulig tahapon. She feels relieved because her helper arrived yesterday. Mas hilway pa kag ako buhay kung waya ikaw hali. My life is at peace if you are not here. (sem. domains: - Relaxed, - Comfortable.) 2vi To be comfortable; to be relieved from trouble; to be at peace. gaan, luwag Nahilway sida pagkamatay it ida asawa. She was relieved from trouble when her husband died. Naghilway kag inra pangabuhi katong nakatrabahoey kag inra mga anak. Their life was peaceful when all their children had jobs. Nagpapahilway sa ako kag imo pagbulig sa ako. Your help to me caused me to be relieved. (sem. domains: - Relaxed, - Comfortable.)

atubangan [atubángan] (der. of atubang) 1n Front of somebody or something (as of the front of one's body or the front of a building). harapán (sem. domains: 8.5.5 - Spatial relations.) 2loc The area in front of something; opposite with no obstacle between (as of the front yard of a house, at the front of a church before the altar, a building across the road from somewhere). katapát Kag inra bayay ay sa atubangan it sinehan. Their house is opposite a moviehouse. (sem. domains: 8.5.5 - Spatial relations.)

yuya [yúyà] v 1To develop motion sickness. nahihilo Nayuya ako tong kami ay nagsakay sa biniray dahil makusog. I got motion sickness when we joined in the “biniray” because the sea was rough. syn: lipong 1. (sem. domains: - Stomach illness.) 2To become dizzy. (sem. domains: 2.5.6 - Symptom of disease.)