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wayat kabusganan [wayá't kabúsganan] (irreg. infl. wayat kabusgan) idiom - Convert to subentry Endless appetite; a bottomless pit. walang kabusugan Kada kataba naong anak ay pay waya’t kabusganan sida kung nakaon. That child is very fat because he seems to have an endless appetite when eating.

wayat impapanigan [wayá't impapanígan] saying - Convert to subentry Neutral; doesn’t side with anyone; impartial. walang pinapanigan Waya’t impapanigan kag bansa nak Switzerland. Switzerland is a neutral country.

wayat impipili [wayá't impipílì] (id. of pili) idiom - Convert to subentry Impartial; without favouritism. pili, itinatangi

wayat ibuhi [wayá't ibúhi] (comp. of waya, ibuhi, buhi) n No way to support financially. walang ibubuhay Tatlo yang kag ida gustong anak dahil kung sumobra ruto ay sinra’y waya’t ibuhi. They only wanted to have three children because adding another member would mean that they have no means to support it. (sem. domains: 6.8.3 - Share wealth.)

wayat iba kundi ay si [wayá't ibá kúndì ay si] idiom - Convert to subentry The one and only; incomparable; none other than (lit: ‘none other except for ___’ as used in public introductions). walang iba kundi ay si Kag ako bisita ay waya’t iba kundi ay si Mayor Ylagan. My visitor was none other than Mayor Ylagan.

wayat diperensya [wayá't diperénsya] (comp. of waya, diperensya) adj Without defect, blemish, injury, fault; perfect, unblemished, faultless. (sem. domains: 2.5 - Healthy, 6.3.8 - Veterinary science, - Perfect, 7.9 - Break, wear out, 1.5.7 - Plant diseases.)

wayat buot [wayá't buót] (comp. of waya, buot) id Immature; irresponsible. [lit: without inner-being] walang isip Waya’t buot nak kabadi kag ida napangasawa. He married an immature woman. (sem. domains: - Immature in behavior, - Trust.)

wayat dipekto [wayá't dipékto] (comp. of waya, dipekto) adj Without defect, blemish, injury, fault; perfect, unblemished, faultless. (sem. domains: 2.5 - Healthy, 6.3.8 - Veterinary science, - Perfect, 7.9 - Break, wear out, 1.5.7 - Plant diseases.)

wayaey it ibang apagtuan [wayâ-ey it ibáng apagtu-án] idiom - Convert to subentry Nothing else could be done about something. wala nang iba pang pupuntahan

wayat aber usang kidit [wayat aber usang kidít] say Undefiled, innocent, without wrongdoing (lit. not even one fingertip). (sem. domains: 4.3.5 - Honest.)

wayat batyagon [waya't batyágon] adj Without feeling. waláng pakiramdám

waya sidat kakayahan nak magtao it kasadya nak ma... [wayâ sidá't kakayahán nak magtaó it kasádya nak ma] v To not have the ability to give pleasure to his wife by holding an erection; to be impotent (as of a man).

waya sa oras [wayâ sa óras] 11.1idiom - Convert to subentry Unexspectedly; without giving prior signs, symptoms, notice of something (lit:‘no hour’). wala sa oras Dahil sa pag-abot it mga hapon sa ato bansa kag mga rayaga ay nagkahadlok ag sinra ay napa-asawa it ’waya sa oras’. Because of the arrival of the Japanese in our country the young women were afraid and they got married to someone without giving any notice. 22.1idiom - Convert to subentry Premature birth. Dahil sa ida kasasaka sa barko para magtinra, sida ay napa-anak it waya sa oras. Because of her climbing up onto the ship to sell things she gave birth prematurely.

waya ra hingan [wayâ ra híngan] part Not much. walang gaano Waya ra hingan it destruso sa mga pananom katong nagligar nak bagyo. There was not much destruction of plants during the past typhoon. Waya ra hingan it likot sa bayay aber waya’t tawo. There’s not much garbage around the house even though there aren’t any people.

waya puat [wayâ púat] (id. of puat) idiom - Convert to subentry Non-stop; continuous (means the same as puat ‘non-stop’). Asi arang waya puat it binagyo hali sa ato. Why do you suppose there are continually typhoons here in our area.

waya pa ikaw namumuslok nak maguslit ka [wayâ pa ikáw namumuslók nak magúslit ka] idiom - Convert to subentry You haven’t died yet you silly old thing (as of an insult to elders). hindi pa namamatay Ya pa ikaw namumuslok nak maguslit ka agor wayaey it mabisaya sa ako. You haven’t died yet you silly old thing so that nobody will scold me.

waya napigahe ka nababatyagan [wayâ napigahé ka nababatyagán] v To be unable to control feelings. hindi napigilan ang damdamin Napauwang si Loyd pagkakita nida sa ida kaaway dahil waya nida napigahe ka ida nababatyagan. Loyd cried when he saw his enemy because he couldn’t control his feelings.

waya natupong sa hungot [wayâ natupóng sa húngot] n Young person (lit. not able to reach height of coconut shell dish, dipper). (sem. domains: - Youth.)

waya nangayani₂ [wayâ nangayáni] adj Nothing to show for something (what the money was spent on), (lit. not named). hindi namalayan Waya’t nangayani katong ako kwarta nak nasweldoey. I have nothing to show for the money which I spent from my wages.

waya nangayani₁ [wayâ nangayáni] (id. of pangayan) adj Nothing to show for it (lit. ‘it its not named’).

waya nalagat [wayâ nalagát] time In no time at all. parang kailan lang Pay waya nalagat ay Abril ray. In no time at all it’s April again.

waya man ra [wayâ man ra] adj None either; “(I) don’t have any either”. wala naman yon

waya lugar sa isip [wayâ lugár sa ísip] (id. of isip) adj Unable to think about that now (lit: ‘no time/space to think’).

waya kita nagkaintyendihan [wayâ kitá nagkaintyendíhan] (comp. of waya, nagkaintyendihan, intyendi) exp To not understand eachother/ to misunderstand eachother. (sem. domains: 3.2.4 - Understand.)

waya ka it pakiayam [wayâ it paki-ayám] (comp. of ayam) exp It's none of your business!; You don’t have any business with (me)! walang pakialam Asi? Waya ka’t pakiayam sa ako! Why? You don’t have any business with me! (sem. domains: 9.2.7 - Interjections.)