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abi₁ [ábi] part 1Know for sure or certain; known to be (as of certainty or a recognised fact). [This particle is the 6th position enclitic in the Verb Phrase as well as moveable.] (sem. domains: - Known, unknown.) 2For example. [This particle is the 6th position enclitic in the Verb Phrase as well as moveable, and closely follows the conditional pronoun kung "if".] (sem. domains: - Explain.) 3Please tell them to understand my importunity or inability to help (as of applying social pressure when sending a message through an intermediary regarding one's inability to respond as requested). daw Pasensya abi nak waya kami it bugas. Please say I’m sorry but we have no rice. (sem. domains: - Advise.) 4Come on, please! (as of applying social pressure to coax someone to do what is wanted). (sem. domains: - Persuade.) 5Hope so; I wish; lucky things! (as of a statement of wish or envy). (sem. domains: - Jealous, 3.3 - Want.) 6Because in someone's opinion (as of why a certain action was taken). (sem. domains: - Explain.) comp. abi nimo

tura [turâ] 1adj Extra; unused; left-over (food, wares, used clothing, etc). natira Ataw-an ikaw it ako natura nak sayway dahil tamaey ka ako. I will give you my extra trousers because I have enough already. Waya it natura sa ida baligya nak lapis. None of the pencils which she was selling are left over. syn: hanay, tigana, laan 2.1, yain, sobra 1. (sem. domains: - Separate, scatter.) 2vt To reserve; to set aside for a purpose; to save something; put something aside for somebody else (usually food). Gingturahan nako si Karen it mansanas nak gingtao ni Mr. Valera. I reserved an apple for Karen from the one’s given by Mr. Valera. Ingturaan ninra ako it suya dahil naulihi ako. They saved some viand for me because I was late. Turae kami it itlog kung maabot. Put some eggs aside for us when they arrive. (sem. domains: - Separate, scatter.)

pasador₂ [pasádor] v To tell, inform, let somebody know something final. ipaalam Ingpasador kami ni Merry nak pyesta sa Batiano sa Mayo. Merry told us that its Fiesta time in Batiano during the month of May.

yantap [yántap] adj Good, calm weather. maganda Yantap kag panahon tong kami ay nagpaali dili sa Nasuli. The weather was good & calm when we came here to Nasuli.

paglibor it gulong [paglíbor it gulóng] saying - Convert to subentry When circumstances are reversed (lit. when the wheel turns). pag-ikot ng gulong Kinang ida kamiminaisog sa ida maguyang ay ida mababatyagan, nak sa paglibor it gulong ag sida ay magkaanak ra tyar ra kina ka ida maaagoman. The insolence she showed to her parents, she’ll feel what it’s like when the circumstances are reversed in the coming years when she has children who do likewise.

pabuhat [pabúhat] (der. of buhat) 1n Offerings of food that are made to dead ancestors, evil spirits. nag-aalay Bawat pista it minatay ay inggwa gador kami it pabuhat sa altar. During all souls day we always have offering to the souls of the dead. (sem. domains: - Offering, sacrifice.) 2v To make food offerings to the souls of the dead. (sem. domains: - Offering, sacrifice.)

yuag [yúag] vbt To go somewhere. nakaabot Nakayuag baga kami ruto sa parti it kinang kweba. We have gone somewhere in the part of that cave. [Vulgar term.]

yugaw₁ [yúgaw] 1n Porridge; gruel (usually made out of rice). 2vbt To make porridge. lugaw Nagyugaw yang kami it kuman kag aga. We just made porridge this morning.

yuya [yúyà] v 1To develop motion sickness. nahihilo Nayuya ako tong kami ay nagsakay sa biniray dahil makusog. I got motion sickness when we joined in the “biniray” because the sea was rough. syn: lipong 1. (sem. domains: - Stomach illness.) 2To become dizzy. (sem. domains: 2.5.6 - Symptom of disease.)