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saway₁ [sawáy] v To distract someone's attention a means of discipline. (sem. domains: 4.3.1 - Good, moral, - Attention.) 1.1vt To discipline; to rebuke; to attempt to restrain somebody from doing something (verbally or by physical force). saway Ingsaway nida kag ida manghor nak nag-aaway. He restrained his younger sibling who was fighting. (sem. domains: 3.6.5 - Correct, 4.3.8 - Change behavior.)

sawa₂ [sáwà] vi To be sick and tired of something; to be sick of, tired of, fed up with something. sawâ Inasawaan ako it imo periming pangutana sa ako. I’m tired of all your questions to me. Ya pa baga ikaw nasawaan it kaling trabaho? Aren’t you tired of this work yet?

sauli [saulî] 1n Looking back action. syn: lingig 2. 2vbt To look behind. balikid, lingon Imo sida asaulion pagligar it inra bayay. You look behind at him after you walk passed their house. syn: lingig 1.

satispitso [satispítso] adj Satisfied; contented. kuntento Bukong gador sida satispitso sa naging resulta it eksamen. He is not really satisfied with the results of the examination. Satispitsoey ra si Cora sa tuyar kaling buhay. Cora is already satisfied with this kind of life. syn: kuntento 2.

sarang [sárang] v To be helpless; to be pennyless; to be unable to help. kaya, kakayahan Waya ako’t sarang ikabulig sa imo pagpaopera dahil tama yang sa amo kag ako kita. I am pennyless this time so I can’t help in your operation because my income is just enough for us.

sapoy-sapoy [sapoy-sápoy] (der. of sapoy) v 1To keep crossing, passing eachother (as of people walking different directions across a street). (sem. domains: - Meet together.) 2To keep happening close together (as of fast breaths). (sem. domains: - Quick.)

saplir [sáplir] vt To touch, brush, rub lightly against something (as of when getting somebody’s attention or to brush the scab off a sore). dikit Nagsaplir kag ida buhok sa ako uda. Her hair brushed against my face. Nasaplir nida tong ugar it anak kada nagrugo ray. He happened to brush against the healing wounds of the child therefore it bled again. syn: sangko 1, sakro 1, tapi 1, sangko 2, tapi 2. (sem. domains: 7.7.5 - Rub.)

santoy₁ n Tree species with sour yellow fruit. The seeds are large, and surrounded by translucent or pale, acid, edible pulp of good flavor. Peeled, and cooked in syrup makes a delicious preserve. It is fairly high in carbohydrates and fair in iron but deficient in calcium. It is a fair source of vitamins B and G. The fresh leaves applied to the skin are sudorific, and in decoction they are used for baths in cases of fever. santol Sandoricum Koetjape (sem. domains: 1.5.1 - Tree, - Food from fruit.)

sanrok [sánrok] (irreg. infl. sandrok) 1n Dish up portion of cooked food given, shared by somebody. (sem. domains: - Give, donate, - Serve food.) 2vt To dish up, serve cooked food from a pot with a utensil (especially of meat and vegetable). magháin Asanrukon nako kag suya sa pinggan. I’ll dish up the viand onto the plate. syn: sukar. (sem. domains: - Give, donate, - Serve food.) 3vt To dish up a portion, share of cooked food and give it to someone (as for them to take home and eat, or to have it sent to their home for them to eat). (sem. domains: - Serve food.) 4vt To each share, exchange a dish of cooked food with eachother. (sem. domains: - Serve food.) der. isanrok , der. pagsanrok , der. pangsanrok , der. pasanrok

sangko [sángkò] 1sta To hit; bump against. Nasangko ako it ida padong sa mata. I was hit in the eye by her umbrella. syn: sakro 1, tapi 1, sangko 2, saplir, tapi 2. 2vt To intentionally bump against somebody. sundot Insangko it anak kag ida manghor kada natumba. The child bumped against his younger sibling therefore he fell over. syn: sangko 1, sakro 1, tapi 1, saplir, tapi 2.

san pedro [san pédro] n Tree species with medicinal properties. The seeds are roasted and ground, and used as a substitute for coffee. It is a very valuable firewood crop, and useful in reafforestation work. ipil-ipil Leucaena Glauca (sem. domains: - Medicinal plants.)

sampot₁ [sampót] v To reach a destination. dinatnan Kag inra gingsamputan ay usang kweba. Their destination was a cave.

sampat [sámpat] adj Blending flavors; any food that finds a good combination when eaten with another recipe and which gives a good appetite. bagay Sampat sa otan kag pinangat. Food cooked in cocomilk makes a good combination when eaten with fish cooked in vinegar and gives a good appetite.

sampalok n Tree species; Tamarind, providing shade and edible fruit. The pulp is used as an acid refrigerant and as a gentle laxative. A jam is made out of the fruit-pulp and out of the boiled pulp and sugar as syrup is obtained. The young leaves are used in fomentations for rheumatism, and are applied to sores and wounds. A decoction of the leaves may be administered for fever, and seeds are eaten. The mature leaves, in boiling water, are used as a bleaching agent in preparing the young leaves of buri for hat-making, and the shoots and young leaves are used in boiling fish, or meat and pork. The seeds yield 15 per cent oil. sampalok Tamarindus Indica (sem. domains: 1.5.1 - Tree, - Food from fruit.)

sampa [sámpa] 11.1v To file a legal case. sampa Kung kamo ay indi magkaaregluhan dili sa ako ay isampa kaling inro kaso sa Station Commander. If you don’t settle this matter here before me I will file your case with the Station Commander. 22.1v To put something on top of something.

sambo [sámbo] n Gate crashers, uninvited guests. Nagkuyang tong inra hanra sa kasay dahil ramo nak sambo. Their wedding preparation turned out to be not enough because there were lots of uninvited guests.

sambit [sámbit] vt To mention. nabanggit Waya gisambita kag ida pangayan nak ahat mabasa. His name wasn’t mentioned because it could hardly be read. Ida nasambit sa ako nak waya sida nakabaton it imo suyat. He mentioned to me that he wasn’t able to receive your letter. syn: mitlang 1, uma 1, saysay 2, siling.

salpak [sálpak] v To attach something somewhere. kabit Ingsalpak ni Myra kag amo kurtina bag-o sida magbakasyon sa Simara. Myra attached our curtains before she took her vacation in Simara. syn: takor 1.

salisi [salisí] (dial. var. hinalisi) vi To miss meeting each other on the way (by going opposite directions or ways); to cross on the way. salisi Nagkasalisihan sinra pagsakay sa dyip kada waya sinra gikinitaan. They missed meeting each other when riding on different jeeps, so they didn’t see each other. Nagsalisi kag ako suyat sa ida. My letter crossed hers on the way. syn: hinalisi. (sem. domains: 7.6 - Hide.)

saligbat [salígbat] vbt To interrupt, break into a conversation; to join in a conversation uninvited sagot Nagsaligbat kag Huwes sa usapan it abogado ag testigo. The judge broke into the conversation between the lawyer and the witness.

saliabor [saliábor] (irreg. infl. suliabor) 1adj Mixed-up; entangled. syn: salimuyakot. 2vi To get entangled; mixed-up; to be confused (as of people walking every direction at once; all talking at once, rope tangled among branches, mixed-up things or work to be done). buhol-buhol Nagsaliabor kag mga tawo sa tunga it banwa tong di pista. During the fiesta, people went to every direction around the town. Nagsaliabor kag ida tugon sa ako isip kada ako nalimutan tong iba. What she said to me got mixed-up in my mind that’s why I forgot some of them. Pag magsinaliabor kinang bunang sa kahon, ako ikaw aragpakon . If the thread on the box get entangled with each other, I’ll spank you.

salamos kawo [salamós kawo] adj Disorganized, untidy as of a crowd, room, party, food, occation. (sem. domains: - Disorganized.)

sahi [sahî] 1vi To look be out of place; to be odd. namumukod Hagto sa inra grupo ay pay sida yang kag napasahi. She was the one who seems out of place in their group. (sem. domains: - Serious.) 2v To separate, move away from somewhere (sem. domains: - Serious.) 3vi To be look different out of place relation to other. (sem. domains: - Below standard.)

sagilong [sagilóng] n Reticulation pipe often made of split bamboo. (sem. domains: - Conveying water.)

saghir [sághir] vt To touch, brush, rub lightly against something (as of when getting somebody’s attention or to brush the scab off a sore). bangga Nagsasaghir kaling ako siki sa sapatos. My feet are rubbing against my shoes. Ingsaghiran sida’t oning. He was touched slightly by the cat. syn: suplir. (sem. domains: 7.7.5 - Rub.)