Search results for "aga"

taga-tuhor₂ [taga-túhor] loc Up to the knee; knee level. hanggang tuhod Taga-tuhor kag baha The flood is at knee level.

taga-ukaw [taga-ukáw] n An audience which cheers the fighting on. (sem. domains: - Gambling.)

taga-sunor [taga-sunór] n Follower. taga-sunod

taga-tuhor₁ [taga-túhor] (der. of taga, tuhor) n Knee level (as of depth or length e.g. a dress down to the knee, or water up to the knee in depth.) tuhod (sem. domains: - Leg, 8.2.6 - Distance, 8.2.8 - Measure.)

taga-hanga [taga-hángà] (der. of hanga) n Admirer.

taga roma [taga Róma] (comp. of taga, roma) id From Rome; Roman (as of the name of the language, nationality and people of Italy whose capital city is Rome). (sem. domains: - Country, - City, 3.5.3 - Language.)

taga₂ [tagâ] v To take a cut of an employee’s wage especially by a foreman, subcontractor. Ingtaga ray it mga kontratista kag badar sa mga trabahador. The contractors took a cut from the employee’s wage.

taga₁ [tága] prep From; come from (as of where one's place of origin, home is).Where one grew up; where one call's home. (sem. domains: - Away from, - Family, clan.) comp. taga roma , der. taga-tuhor

tabo₃ [tábò] 1vi To join up; to meet (as of people meeting, rivers joining up, pieces of timber joining together). kita Nagtabo kag ragat ag sapa pag-inuyan. The sea and the river joined up when it rained heavily. Matabo ako kang Rosa sa inro hampig. I will meet Rosa near your place. (sem. domains: 7.2.2 - Move in a direction.) 2vt To close up an opening; to join things together (as of bringing, putting, joining things together e.g. stitching up an opening or tear in cloth, or joining pieces of timber together at a certain point). Ingtabo it doktor kag imo ing-operahan. The doctor stitched up the place where you had the operation. Atabuon nida kag nagisi nak baro nida. She will stitch up her torn dress. (sem. domains: 7.3.2 - Move something in a direction.) der. atabuan , der. patabo

tabo₁ [tábò] n Dipper for scooping water. tabo Kag tabo ay ida inggagamit sa pagkaligos. The dipper is used by her when bathing. [Dippers are used to dip out water from a container for laundry, cooking, washing dishes and bathing. They are like a large can with a long straight handle and nowadays are made of colored plastic.] (sem. domains: 5.6 - Cleaning, 5.1 - Household equipment.)

taas [tá-as] 1n Height; tallness. (sem. domains: - High, - Tall.) 2adj High; tall. mataás Mas mataas sida sa ako. She’s taller than me. (sem. domains: - High, - Tall.) 3vt To go up higher; to become expensive (as of a price or wage). Tas-an anay ka sampayan agor indi magsagudar kag mga binuyar sa raga. Please raise up the clothesline so the clothes won’t drag on the ground. Naado it buot kag mga tawo tong nagtaas kag presyo it lugit. The people felt happy when the price of copra went up. Nagmamataas-taasahaney sida ngasing dahil nak nakatrabaho sa Saudi kag ida asawa. She’s becoming high-minded now because her husband was able to work in Saudi. (sem. domains: - Move up, - Expensive.) 4vt To become high pitched (as of somebody's voice getting higher pitched in anger). (sem. domains: - Angry, - Shout.) comp. mataas it ihi , comp. mataas it yupar , der. itaas , der. mataas , der. matinaas-taason

syangkit kag rayaga [syángkit kag rayága] adj Womanizer; having many girlfriends, mistress; having affairs (as of unmarried or married men). maraming dalaga Tunay nak kayaki kono si Boy kada syangkit ka rayaga.

suyok [suyók] (dial. var. tidok) adv Very greedy because of hunger. matakaw Kahuhuda ka baga ginunot sa hanraan dahil paysuyok ka gikaon. It’s very shameful to bring you to a gathering because you eat greedily. syn: sakim, hakog 1, maismot, kagor 2, hangoy.

suyog₁ [suyóg] 1(sem. domains: - Drip.) 1.1v To leak, let water in (as of a boat). Abang tulin ra magsuyog kaling imo baroto. Your boat really lets in water fast. 2n Current of water. Kakusog kag suyog sa ragat kada waya it maramong dawi. The sea current is very strong so we had a small catch. (sem. domains: - Flow.)

suyô [suyô] 1vbt To use, put a torch somewhere to give light. Nagsuyo ako sa rayan patukar. I used a torch to light the way uphill. Asuyu-an namo kag likor nak rayaag. I will put a torch in the backyard to give light. Asuyuon it mga kayaki kag mga rayaga nak mapagto sa pabaylihan. The men will use a torch to give the young women light when they take them to the dance. (sem. domains: 5.5.1 - Light a fire.) 2vt To make something into a torch. Nagbaoy sida it kwadan nak asuyuon. He got bamboo to make into a torch. (sem. domains: 5.5.1 - Light a fire.) 3n Torch; flare (as of something burning which is carried to light one’s way). sulo Naghuman sinra it suyî nak (paywa it nidog) para ipangpanuyî. They made a torch of coconut leaves for gathering seashells. [The most common kind of torch is a bayabág, made of dried coconut leaves.] (sem. domains: 5.5.1 - Light a fire, 5.5.5 - What fires produce.) 4vi To go fishing for octopus/shellfish/crabs at low tide at night time with a torch or lantern. sulo Nagpanuyo sinra it gab-i. They went fishing for octopus at low tide last night. (sem. domains: 6.4.5 - Fishing, - Fishing equipment.) der. panuyo

suspitsa [suspítsa] vbt To suspect somebody. suspitsa Kasasapot baga kina sida nak nagsususpitsa sa ida it mayain. That’s really annoying her because she suspects he did something wrong.

sustento₂ [susténto] n Alimony; money support. Tong magbuyag si Ebing ag Iking ay naghagar si Ebing it sustento sa ida asawa. When Ebing and Iking separated Ebing asked an alimony from her husband.

suro₂ [suró] vt To comb and tighten weaving. sara Asuruhoney baga nako kinang imo gingyayaya? Shall I comb and tighten the weaving now?

supla [súplà] v To Toss off a compliment; to take a compliment lightly. Nahangit si Tentoy dahil ingsupla sida it ida rayaga. Tentoy got mad at his girlfriend because she tossed off his compliment.

supalpal [supálpal] v To tell somebody to “shut up”; to silence somebody. Pagkatapos supalpalon ni Edna katong mahambog nidang nobyo ay nagtungoney it pangrayaga sa ida. After Edna told her proud boyfriend to shut-up he stopped courting her.

suop [súop] vt To cut level with the ground. sayad ang putol Ginsuop ni Jack it utoy tong puno it akasya para indi magtubo liwat. Jack cut the acacia tree off level with the ground so it won’t grow again. (sem. domains: - Trim plants.)

sungya [súngya] (irreg. infl. sawayang) v To fish with long thin net in deeper water with either end held by one person. Nagpangsungya kami ni Uncle sa ragat it mga isra. Uncle and I fished with a long thin net for fish in the sea. syn: sakag, sawayang 1.

sungon [súngon] vi To resent something that was done or said; to be offended; to pout. tampo Nagsusungon ako dahil waya nida gipapahalagahi kag ako ingtao sa ida. I’m resentful because she didn’t value what I gave her.

sunggor [súnggor] v To run fast stumbling and bumping into things (as of objects or getting caught on thorns). Kag mananakaw it manok ay nagpanununggor sa kasiitan it kararayagan dahil nahadlok sa tag-iya. The chicken thief ran stumbling and getting tangled in the thorns as he ran because of his fear of the owner.

sungaw₁ [sungáw] 1n Steam; vapour, steam given off by the earth, beach (as of the steamy heat of the earth or the cool freshness of the ocean). singaw Aya gigpabad-i kag mga anak nak magliwas it bayay pagkatapos it uyan dahil kayain kag sungaw it raga. Don’t neglect the children who go outside the house after rain because the steam off the earth is bad. syn: hungaw 3. (sem. domains: - Cloud.) 2vi To steam, let out steam; to evaporate. Nagsungaw kag kinaydo. The cooked rice let out steam. syn: singaw. (sem. domains: 1.2.3 - Solid, liquid, gas.)