Search results for "ani"

rubya₂ [rúbya] vbt To make a cigar. Asing nagrurubya ka ray ay inggwa pa ngani ikaw it sigarilyo? Why are you making another cigar when you still have a cigarette?

rit-ag [rít-ag] 1n A trap for animals. patibong Naghuman it maramong rit-ag si Gorge para maramong manok kag marakop. Jorge made plenty of traps so that he can catch many chickens. 2v To trap an animal (mouse, wildpig, birds). patibong Ingrit-agan ni Bulog tong kayhasanon nak baktin sa uma. Bulog trapped the wild pig in their farm.

ristanti₁ [ristánti] n The balance of a debt. ristanti Ristanti it singko pesos. Balance of five pesos to pay. Nagbadarey ka gani pero restanti ka pa it singko pesos. You have already paid some but you still have a balance of five pesos to pay.

rinli [rínli] v To pour hot water on animal skin to remove hair, bristles. (sem. domains: 6.3.4 - Butcher, slaughter.)

ringos-ringos [ringos-ringos] v To rub against somebody (especially of animals e.g. pigs, rubbing their faces with one’s face). (sem. domains: - Mammal.)

respitado [respitádo] (der. of respito) adj Respected; well thought of. respetado, iginagalang Katong masunor ray ay imaw si Tita nak napangasawa it taga-Odiongan dahil gani nak respetado nak pamilya,.. The next daughter also, the one called Tita was courted by a man from Odiongan because they were such a respected family,...

repara [repára] v To help provide needs. Si Frida kag nagrepara it mga anak sa bapor tong maglarga sinra paManila. Freda helped provide the needs of the children in the boat when they sailed to Manila. (sem. domains: - Provide for, support.)

remit [remít] v To pay, produce actual money, finances (as of those held by an organisation). ingreso Ako ingremit kang Ante Dana kag kwarta para sa mga tinra. I paid Aunty Dana the money for the things she sold. syn: badar 1.

regalo [regálo] 1n Gift. 2vbt To give a gift to somebody. regálo Aregalohan nako sida it manika sa ida kaadlawan. I’ll give her a doll as gift on her birthday.

rayan₁ [ráyan] 11.1n Path; trail; road. 1.2vbt To pass by; to come by to pick somebody/something up; to visit, call on somebody as one passes by. daán Nagrayan kami sa inra bayay. We passed by their house. Arayanan ka nako bag-o mag alas kwatro. I’ll come by to pick you up before four o’clock. 1.3adv After (the passing of time or an event). Pagkarayan it tatlong adlaw, nagbalik ray sida sa Manila. After three days had passed he returned again to Manila. 22.1n Way. 33.1vbt To experience something; to have experienced a sickness. Waya pa nako narayani magsugay hanggang aga. I haven’t yet experienced gambling until morning. Narayananey nida kinang sakit nak tipos. She has already experienced being sick with typhoid. 44.1n Ways of reaching, achieving a goal. Si Mani ay nagsunor it rayan sa politika it ida Lolo. Mani followed the way his grandfather became a politician.

raya₂ [ráya] (irreg. infl. aray-on) (der. of raya) 1vt To carry, bring, take something somewhere (as of the general term for carrying things). magdalá Aray-on nako kag mga buyak sa inro isag. I’ll bring flowers to your place later. (sem. domains: 7.3.1 - Carry.) 2vi To be led astray, influenced, convinced, persuaded, carried along by something, somebody evil (so as to succumb to that e.g. temptation, joining an unacceptable group, under an evil spirit’s spell). Naraya nako sida pa-baylihan. I persuaded her to go to the dance. Sabaling maray-an ray ikaw ni Abel. You might again be persuaded by Abel. Aya gador giparaya-raya sa imo mga amigo. Dont’t let yourself be persuaded by your friends. Marali sidang maraya it bisaya it mga nagpapangrayaga sa ida. She’s easily persuaded with the words of those who court her. Narayhan sida maghitit it mariwana dahil natintar sida it ida kabarkada. He succumbed to smoking marijuana because he was tempted by his gang. Naraya sida it naynot it kag magbaktas sa kaguyangan. She came under the spell of evil spirits when she hiked up to the forest. syn: kumbinse 1, maduta it ilong, mariyag-unon, marali maraya. (sem. domains: - Wrong, unsuitable, - Bad, 4.3.8 - Change behavior.) 3vt To convert somebody to another belief, way of thinking (so as to join them in their beliefs, group and activities). (sem. domains: 4.9.7 - Religious organization, 4.9.5 - Practice religion, 4.3.8 - Change behavior.) 4vt To manage, be in charge of a responsibility, organization etc.. Sida it maraya it pista. She’s the one in charge of the fiesta. (sem. domains: 4.5.3 - Exercise authority.) comp. ray-a kina , der. iparaya , der. mansigraya , der. paraya-raya , der. paraya , der. rumaya, manog-rumaya

ray 11.1part Again; back again; repeat; return again (as of a repeated action). naman Mapatukar ray ako. I am going back up to the hills again. Imbisar-an ngani ray sida ni Nanay. She was really scolded again by mother. Asing waya ray ikaw napagto sa amo? Why didn’t you come to our place again? Pirmi ray sidang inom ngasing nak di kwarta. He always returns again to drink whenever he has money. Ngasing yang ray ako mapaMaynila. I just go back to Manila again today. 22.1part Instead, (as of shift of viewpoint). Nagtatrabaho ray ra baga kuno ikaw ruto? Do they say that you’re working there instead? 33.1part Next one to do something similar in a series (as of turn taking and a mild imperative). Sida ray kag ikaga magpamasyar. She’s the next one I’ll invite to go for a stroll. Ikaw ray! You go next!

raphag [raphág] v 1To fall facedown, prostrate (as of body suddenly falling flat out). dapa Nagraphag sinra sa sayog tong maglusob kag mga rebelde. They fall flat on the floor when the rebels attacked them. (sem. domains: 7.1.3 - Lie down.) 2To throw oneself on another person, animal, to restrain or catch it. (sem. domains: 7.1.3 - Lie down.)

rapaw [rapáw] n Chicken louse; flea. hánip

raog pa [ráog pa] 11.1conj Does something as if, though, like (as of a verbal simile comparison of inequality). Raog pa ka sida it tag-iya it kaling bayay. He acts as if he owns this house. Sida ay raog pa ka mayaman kung magasto. She spends money as if she’s rich. Kag amo unang muyatan ay maisot pa’t banuoy katong mga bapor pero kag talilis it amo padalupig ay raog pa ka gingyayagor it usang batalyong bungkos sa kanidugan na Tatang Tatong. At first we could only see a little bit of the ships but our swift running was as if wew were being chased by a batallion of wasps in Uncle Tatong’s coconut plantation. Padalupig ako, tiyapsok sa mga bato, raog pa it kag akoy yinagor ni Tatang Bisoy it kag magpangyungat sa Buoy. I ran off hopping from one stone to the next as if I was the thief being chased by Uncle Bisoy when he was stealing coconut wine from his trees in Buoy. 2conj More than (as of a simile comparison of inequality). mas pa, parang Raog pa nida ka iro kung magrayagan. He runs faster than a dog. Kung magtibaw sida ay raog pa ka anak nak maisot. She cries more than a small child.

rani [ranî] vt To find; see (usually by chance); come across. kita Nakarano ako it baligyang mais sa merkado. I was able to find some corn for sale in the market. Waya kami it naranuan nak isra sa merkado. We didn’t find any fish in the market. Waya naranoe it mananakaw kag mga binuyar nak yamit. No thief found the clothes on the line and stole them. syn: sumpong.

rakop [rakóp] v To catch prey (bigger animals); to catch a thief, criminal. dakpin, hulihin Arakupon namo kag mananakaw ag ikulong. We will catch the thief and imprison him. syn: hagip. (sem. domains: 4.7.3 - Break the law, 6.4.1 - Hunt.) comp. kag isra ay sa yuba nararakop

ragyo [rágyo] v To gallop, run, stampede (as of wild animal like an ass or people). takbo Kag mga baka sa pastuhan ay nagragyo pagkarungog it yupok. The cow in the pasture galloped when they heard gun shots.

radaw [radáw] 1adj Showy; show off. Kinang maguyang ay maradaw magpamaruan. That woman wants to always show off her new dresses. 2vbt To show something off to others. yabang Ingparadaw nida sa ida kaibahan kag ida bag-ong kayo. She showed off her new hat to her companion. syn: hambog 1, habagaton.

ra₂ 11.1part Also; as well; too. din Nagtatrabaho ngani ra kuno kamo ruto. They say it’s true that you’re working there too. Nagkakanta ra si Carmen. Carmen is also singing. Buko ra ikaw mabuyungon. You aren’t homesick too. Pulos ra sinra maayam magkanta. All of them too know how to sing. Kag ida ra nabilin nak suyat ay ruha. She also left behind two letters. Mauma ako sa ida ag pati ra tan-a sa ida Nanay. I will tell her and supposedly should include her mother also. 22.1part Not yet either; not…though. Buko pa ra kato kag ato asakyan. Our ride isn’t here yet either. 33.1part Fairly; moderately; quite. Mabuot ra sida. She’s quite kind. 44.1part Come on! (as of social pressure). 55.1part Still kept on (as of skepticism). comp. ayos yang maado ra sa waya , comp. buko man ra

pyanitu-an [pyanitú-an] n Coconut fruit in the stage between butong and mature ya-ay. (sem. domains: - Food from fruit.)

puyot₁ [púyot] v To get gain ideas, knowledge from attending, listening to something. knowledge, gain Waya ikaw it mapupuyot nak kaaduhan kung magpanimati sa mga tsismis. You won’t get good ideas if you just indulge in gossip.

puyos [puyós] 11.1n Usefulness; value; benefit; importance. halaga, pakinabang Waya’t puyos kag amo pagpahuman it kulungan nak natakaw ra gihapon kag manok. Our making of the chicken coop has no value because the chickens were stolen. 1.2vt To make use of something; to benefit from something. Wayaey napusli kag ida sira nak mangga. Her rotten mango has no use anymore. Nagpuyos it rako sa mga ani kag nagsubling kabulig it inra lanasan. The succeeding helper in their field benefited much from the harvest. Makakapuyos ako it ida hinanapan pag pauli nida. I will benefit from her earning when she returns. Indi mapuslan kag imo hinanapan kung imo yang isugay. Your earning will have no value if you just spend it for gambling. Ako ingpuslan kag nasirang baro dahil ako inghuman nak mga punra. I made use of the torn clothes because I made them into pillow cases. 22.1vi To take a chance; to take opportunity. Apuslan yangey nako kag imo pagpali, paki laba yangey kalio. I’ll take the opportunity of your coming here will you please wash this. 2.2n Usefulness; opportunity. pakinabangan comp. di puyos kag utok , der. panghimuyos

puya₁ [puyá] 1n The color red. pulá (sem. domains: - Colors of the spectrum.) 2vi To become, turn red in color. Nagpupuya kag taliuyang pag inayuto. The lobster becomes red when it’s cooked. (sem. domains: - Colors of the spectrum, - Change color.) 3adj Symbol of anger (as of when one's skin goes red). (sem. domains: - Angry.) 4adj Symbol of happiness, celebration, courage, bravery, victory. (sem. domains: - Happy, - Celebrate, - Win, - Confident.) 5v To be in heat specifically of an animal (as of when the vagina turns red). (sem. domains: 1.6.7 - Male and female animals, 1.6.3 - Animal life cycle.) der. pamuya

putot [putót] adj A little child; youngest child; a stunted person; a stunted animal; a stunted plant. bansot, pandak (sem. domains: 8.2.1 - Small.)