Search results for "Talkative."

talò 1adj Noisy, talkative. see fr.: bukalò. 2v To pass through someone else's property, or rice field, kaingin. [Whether or not the plants are trampled is not the issue but whether an owner doesn't want someone passing through his field. The example below is based upon a belief that if someone passes through a field with a laku fox-like animal, the rice will smell the laku as it passes and will be poisoned by the odor. DB says if the rice wilts or dies and the owner finds out someone has passed through, the offender will be required to pay for the field. Sometimes a horse will be demanded.] 3Ko’gbitbiton ku ka laku dio’t kamot, kagi ni Amonggoy, “Kò nu’gtalo-i to sika laku, ogkamatoy ka homoy, ogtala-an to laku.” If I carry a fox (caught in a snare) through the rice field, daddy will say, “Don’t pass through the field with that fox; the rice will die if a fox passes through it.” Igtalò nu ka laku. You will go through the field with a fox.