Search results for "Toi pogo-i a pà to so-ini kapayas, noinug buad."

pogò v 1To squeeze, with fingers or fist. 2To squeeze, as to press with fingers Toi pogo-i a pà to so-ini kapayas, noinug buad. Look squeeze on this papaya, maybe it is ripe. [In the context below, the fruit is squeezed gently but the fingers by pressing down or by fingers and thumb.] 3be squeezed out Ka sikan no doun ka ogdokdokon no ogpogo-on ka woig. That leaf is pounded and then the water is squeezed out. [In the following context, the hands are brought together to squeeze the water from the leaves which AngL sees as different from pressing one's fingers on a fruit to see if it is ripe.] see: kuligpis.