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doga deriv.: karoga. 1vi To act out as a result of feeling slighted such as to not eat or throw a tantrum. Ko do-isok ka igbogoy no ko-onon, ogdoroga on ka batò su do-isok ka ko-onon. Ogsinogow no konò ogko-on. If given just a small amount of food, the child will act out [a feeling of being slighted] because he has a small amount of food. He will cry and not eat. 2v To discourage others [from helping] by one’s behavior. Ka otow no konò ogbayad to talabau, sikandin ka ogpandoga to mgo otow no ogbulig kandin. A person who doesn't pay those who work, he discourages the people who help him/her. [Such as someone fails to pay those who worked in his field, the people he hired are discouraged from ever helping him again.] 3vs To be discouraged from continuing an activity or behavior. Ko oghirogoon, to inoy ka batò, ogbogayan din to dakol oyow ogkaroga. If the mother does something to put her child in his place, she will give a lot [of food] so the child will be discouraged [from acting up]. [ The same word would apply to someone who erred while learning a skill and was so embarrased that he/she would be discouraged from ever trying again. ] see: sapad 1. 3.1v To have had it with someone, such as to have totally given up trying to help in the fields if not paid. Narogaroga ad on ian ka so-oyò no otow, konà ad oghutuk ogbulig. I’ve really had it with that person; I will never help [him] again. 4v To put down; punish. Igdogaroga rin ka duma rin. [It was said] to put down his companion [for repeatedly going back for more food]. see: logpad 1. 5v With negative: [Not] to give in, not to yield or not to quit. [This form with a negative can be used in a negative or positive sense. The negative sense would describe a child or adult who will not yield to discipline or pressure and who will continue to do whatever his parents or others are trying to get him to do, or not to do. The positive sense would be that a person will not give up and quit trying if something is difficult to accomplish.]

dolis v To figure in someone's dream inwhich the dream foretells some bad circumstance. such as dreaming that someone has died. [The cultural response to this would be to have a sacrifice for the person about whom the bad circumstance in the dream occurred.]