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bugsong v 1To obstruct, as a path or one's view. [DB comment regarding having words and meanings jumbled/pass by too quickly. (ck TA) DB contrasted this with a view from a mountain top that is unobstructed, straight and clear.] see: atang 2; ant: taloytoy. 2To be hindered as by clutter. Ko oghipanow ki diò to dalan no du-on kayu no napolod no konò ki ogpakabayò, nabugsongan ka ogbaya-an ta. Nabugsongan ka dalan su konad ogkabaya-an to otow. If we are walking on a path and there is a tree which has fallen and we cannot pass by, our pathway has been obstructed. Our path has been obstructed because people cannot get through.; DB 24/Feb/2009 Ko ogkabugsong, konò ta ogkakita-an ka ogkabaya-an. If something is cluttered, one cannot see where he is going. see: bunbun 1; ant: taloytoy1. 3To interrupt. Ko ogkagi a no du-on otow no ogtampod to kagi ku, ogbugsong. Ko og-ampawan din ka kagi rin, igdo-isok. If I am speaking and there is a person who cuts off my speech, he interrupts. If someone overrides [another's words] with his words, it is disrespectful to (lit. belittles) [the other person]. [as when a person's speech is interrupted] 4To be interrupted as of speech, or cut off as of electric current if uf a line has been broken Nabugsong ko du-on kinagian no konò ogka-ayun. [The meaning] is jumbled when there are words which don't fit. Ko du-on abogaru no ogkaro-og no warad igkatabak din, ogkabugsong on sikandin. see: tampod 1. 5To initiate. Ko oghunno-on og-unuk ka langlanguan, no ogbugsongan ka batò ka ogtulin. When the face [of a baby] fills in, then the child's growth is initiated. see: bunsud 1.

bugtung 1n To be the only offspring of a certain sex or to be an only child in a household. Ka bugtung no lukos sagboka rò kandin kalukos. Ka boi no sagboka no anak songo bugtung dod kandin As for an "only" man, he is the only (lit. just one) male [in the household]. The woman who has just one offspring, he/she is an "only" child. 2adj Person who is deprived of her companion; alone, when supposed to be two or more. Bubugtung on. [He/she] has been left alone [without his/her companion]. 2.1deriv n Solitary thing, such as just one word of a language. 3v To withdraw to eat something alone. Ka otow no ogbubugtung to sagin, logoron. Konò ogpambogoy. The person who eats bananas by himself is selfish. He doesn't share [with others]. [The implication is that the person is unwilling to share.] see: nugun 1. 3.1v For a person to eat alone when there is no other choice. Ko du-on otow no ogpa-awoy-awoy to og-ugpò no sagboka rin dò, ko du-on ogkako-on din ogpakabubugtung dò to ogko-on su warò songo baloy rin no ogkatalaran din. Sikan ka konò no maro-ot su konò no logoron. If someone lives far away [from others] by himself, when he eats he has to eat alone because he doesn't have any neighbors with whom to share. That isn't bad because he is not selfish. [It is considered selfish for a person to withdraw to eat alone so that he/or she will not be seen and expected to share, but if one is living alone and has no companions, eating alone is without choice and the person is not considered to be selfish.] 4n Kind of banana. 5v Set aside by itself. Bugtungan ku rò, malintok. I’ll just set [it] aside by itself, it’s small.

bulansung v For the groom's family to take the bride to their own home area for a period of time as per agreement with her parents. Takas to pogkasal, ogbulansungon to lukoson, ka boi no na-asawa rin on su og-alapon din on diò to kandan no baloy. After a marriage, the man will take the woman he has married to their home for a period of time as per agreement with her parents. [In the mountain areas, sometimes a man's family decides to take the initiative to get a bride in which case they gather together what would be a generous brideprice and present their proposal to the girl's family. If accepted, the girl may be taken by them to the groom's home area. If, however, their offer is rejected, the would-be groom's family may take offense and leave one horse as a warning that if the girl is married off to someone else, they will attack and kill that groom. They may also kill the father of the girl as well.]