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layud phr.: igpalayud ka goinawa. 1o go away for a period of time to allow a choice of some kind. [A person may absent themselves from a village to give space to a fellow or girl to know their own feelings, but a horse may also be released into pasture to find and choose what it will eat. The component of choice seems to be an inherent part of the word.] 2v Igpalayud ku ka kuddò oyow ogpaka-alam sikandin to ogkako-on din. Nig-awò ta diò to lunsud ka sikan no kuddò. I will remove the horse [from the village] so that it can choose what it will eat. We remove the horse from the village. see: awò 1.

libong v 1To return. 2To repeatedly come back Ungod oglibonglibong taman to ogkapurut din ka ogbuyu-on din He keeps coming back until he can obtain that which he is requesting. [This word is used for returning to some place other than one's home or place from which he started. In the following example, the reduplication of the word oglibonglibong means to “repeatedly come back”. However, in English, to “keep coming back” already means “repeatedly” so it would be redundant to say, “keep repeatedly coming back”.] 3to have someone go back for something

lii 1v Bad luck. 2Nalii ko konò og pamu-od no asu. It’s bad luck to have a dog that won’t hunt. 3v To do something that causes bad luck. [To eat anything while in a tree house; to sleep on one’s stomach [476]; Not to reciprocate with names. to visit a village where there has been a recent death, without first having been informed of that death. [574, 516]]

linas n Bark, of tree, used in making lukung, basung, or walls of house. Ko ogkuò ki to ig-alabat to baloy no linas to langilan, ogdokdokon ta ka laplap din oyow oglokò. When we get the bark of the langilan [tree] to wall a house, we pound its outer layer (lit. skin) so that it will come loose. [Bark is used in making lukung, basung or walls of a house. The bark of some trees as the dangolog is too thick so only the outside is stripped away and only the inner layer of bark is used. (The laplap “outside layer”of the tree is linas.); (dangolog tree)] see fr.: laplap 2; see fr.: akob 1; see: laplap 1.