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pipi 1v To be squashed, as of ripe fruit that become flattened. Ko ogkadi-okan ka bogas to kapayas no nohinug, ogkapipi. If we step on the ripe fruit of the papaya, it will be squashed. Ongsig ka rò diò su ogkapipi ad. Move over because I am getting squashed. [as of a soft fruit that is flattened but also of people who are pressing against each other so that one feels like one is being crushed. (This would also apply to a crowd which tramples someone underfoot so he dies.)] 2To deliberately squash, or flatten as a can. [such as by stepping or sitting on, or pressing down on. Contrasts with tusak in which an instrument would be used to mash.] 3To press against each other. Mapipioy su malig-ot. They were being crushed [against each other] because it was a narrow place. [This seems to be an extended meaning as it is said in fun.] see: pokogsonsonoy. 4New rice that’s fried raw.?? [DB says the undried rice will flatten. It is sometimes fried to dry it but not all becomes dry.]

pogò v 1To squeeze, with fingers or fist. 2To squeeze, as to press with fingers Toi pogo-i a pà to so-ini kapayas, noinug buad. Look squeeze on this papaya, maybe it is ripe. [In the context below, the fruit is squeezed gently but the fingers by pressing down or by fingers and thumb.] 3be squeezed out Ka sikan no doun ka ogdokdokon no ogpogo-on ka woig. That leaf is pounded and then the water is squeezed out. [In the following context, the hands are brought together to squeeze the water from the leaves which AngL sees as different from pressing one's fingers on a fruit to see if it is ripe.] see: kuligpis.

porom 1part Particle used in indicate the equivalent of “nearly”, “would”, “fain”: 2should Dakol pad porom; maintok on. It should have been large, but it’s small. [This frustration particle expresses something that is unfulfilled as something that might have happened.] 3part would like to do something Ulì a ian porom dio’t Maguimon, di konò ad man. I would indeed like to return to Magimon, but I really won't. Ko pananglitan du-on oghimuon ta di ko du-on igkasasow ta, na-akoban ka oghimuon ta porom no an-anayan no na-aloy ki diò to dangob no warò ta nato-ori. If for example we are doing something but if there is something worrying us, the thing we would have done at the beginning is supplanted (lit. layered or covered over.) And then we are distracted to something else so that we didn't accomplish [what we started out to do]. 4part almost, nearly Kausing poron na-uug. Kausing nearly fell. 5part unrealized result Naallok ka poron. Your fear was unrealized. [In the following example, I had called out in alarm because some flaming oil was all over the porch. However, after using a fire extinguisher, the flames were put out. Afterwards, I expressed how afraid I had been, May-as corrected me and said, Naallok ka poron, and explained that, though my fear was real, they were not realized because the house had not burned down.] 6part Should. Dakol pad porom; maintok on. It should have been large, but it’s small.

pulpul 1v To cut off straight across Ka suloy, ko gipud on, ogpulpulan tad su og-awo-on ta ka namolù. Sikan ka igpulpul su oyow matulid. A housepost, if it is rotten, we cut it off straight across because we need to remove the rotten part. That is the reason for cutting it off straight across so that it will be straight. [Such as to cut a person's hair straight across or cut off a post at square angles with the grain.There is partial overlap with tampod “cut off” because pulpul has the component of “cut off” + the component of being means “straight” or at “right angles” to the object being cut. A meaning component of the terms pulpul and toptop are that the amounts cut off are small, such as just removing the rotten part of a post or enough hair to be straight.] syn: toptop; gen: tampod 1; osyn: toptop; gen: tampod 5. 2Carved bolo handle, the end of which is cut off square. 3Squared off house posts, also used to describe a sore bottom from sitting a long time.

pulù 1n The very top of the head where hair parts in different directions. [Some people have two or three places where the hair parts in different directions.] 2n Island. Pulù ka Cebu su tibò woig ka ilis. Cebu is an island because its edge is all water. [A pulù “island” is a portion of land which is isolated from other land by water. If a portion of land has become isolated from the rest by a flood, it is napulù.] 3v To become isolated, such as land which has been separated from other land. by water. Ko du-on tanò no nasamò to woig no nigsamba, sikan ka napulù. If there is land which is left over by water which has flooded, that is what has become isolated. Ka tanò no Mindanao, su nalingutan to dagat, napulù no tanò The land of Mindanao, because it is surrounded by the ocean, it is isolated from the land. 4v A leftover section, such as of field not yet weeded or harvested. Songo lian na-an dò ko kapulù. When the leftover section [is harvested] there will be just one basketful left [to be gathered]. [DB said in the following example, it seems the people have purposed to leave a section.] osyn: samò. 5v To section off, as a portion of land. Ko du-on ogsamo-on ta no ogboni-on, ogpulù ki diò to ilis ka maroyow no ogkabonì. If we have [a part of the field] which we will leave over, we will isection off that good part near the edge [of the field] for seed. Kagi to songo otow to, “Maniò to so-ini no nig-alad?” Ogtabak koy to, “Nigpulù noy su ogboni-on.” A person says, “Why is this fense [here]” We will reply, “We have sectioned it off for seed (lit. because it will be seed.) osyn: indan 1. 6num Ten. 7Tenth. 8Ten days.