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sapù 1n Muscle, flesh. 2deriv n The person who cuts up the meat, as that of a pig that has been killed. [DB sats this person does not eat the flesh because it is raw. (The talaggupal, by contrast, cuts the limbs from the body of the animal that has been slaughtered.)]

sogò 1v To be affected or stung as a result of contact with a poisonous plant, barbs of a fish or caterpillar. Nasogò ka to manogò. You’ve been affected by manogò. Ka poggongon ku to ngalap no matirong, nigsogò a to bolad ku su nigpali-an to dugi no nigpanigbion ka ilok ku. When I took hold of the matirong fish, I was stung in my hand because it was wounded by the barb and then the lymph nodes under my arm became swollen. Darua no simana woy na-awò ka sogò din. [such as to itch from contact with manogò, a kind of nettle, or be stung by a fish such as a kind of electric eel that causes welts and itching for a few days, or the matirong fish which causes swelling that may last up to two weeks.] 2n Any of various poisonous plants that cause itching or burning after contact. [There is also a tree called dongas which has a caustic poisonous resin which will cause itching and deterioration of the skin. The tree is not called manogò but it's affect is still that of sogò. (If a plant is thorny but does not contain a poisonous irritant, it is not manogò.)]