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talò 1adj Noisy, talkative. see fr.: bukalò. 2v To pass through someone else's property, or rice field, kaingin. [Whether or not the plants are trampled is not the issue but whether an owner doesn't want someone passing through his field. The example below is based upon a belief that if someone passes through a field with a laku fox-like animal, the rice will smell the laku as it passes and will be poisoned by the odor. DB says if the rice wilts or dies and the owner finds out someone has passed through, the offender will be required to pay for the field. Sometimes a horse will be demanded.] 3Ko’gbitbiton ku ka laku dio’t kamot, kagi ni Amonggoy, “Kò nu’gtalo-i to sika laku, ogkamatoy ka homoy, ogtala-an to laku.” If I carry a fox (caught in a snare) through the rice field, daddy will say, “Don’t pass through the field with that fox; the rice will die if a fox passes through it.” Igtalò nu ka laku. You will go through the field with a fox.

tambabò v 1To doubt, disbelieve. Og-awoson no warò ogtambabò to ignangonnangon din. It is necessary that no one will doubt that which he is telling them. Tambabo-on ta ka harayu. We doubt what the radio said. Tambabò koy to konò ogkaliwan. We doubt that it will be paid back. see: duarua. 2To be in doubt of someone's character or habits. Ko ogtambabo-on nu ka duma nu, nigdo-isokan nu to goinawa nu. If you are in doubt about your companions, you make them smaller in your hearts. [If a person takes the attitude that someone doesn't do anything they doubt ?? their companion.If they have conduct indicating that they konò ogkasaligan are not trustworthy, we would tambabò kandan.] 3To cause doubt about someone or something

tamo-ing n Small [Red??] honey bee that makes its nest in a hole in a tree. [These bees are smaller than the US honey bees. They can be domesticated in contrast to the patiukan of the forest which also produces honey but are more agressive.]

tampod 1v Cut off. [This seems to be generic as the length of the object which is cut or how much is cut off may vary and whether straight or at an angle, does not matter. If a small amount of hair is cut off, straight, pulpul is used, but if a lot of hair is removed, or if the style is tapered, the word would be tampod.] see fr.: tompug 1; spec: gotad 3, gotas, logtas 2, pulpul 1, gotad 1, gupal, logtas 1; see fr.: kotu; see fr.: bugsong 4; syn: tompug 3. 2v Terminate. see fr.: bongkag 4.1. 3v That which is used to cut something off. Ogsamboy a to gabas nu su igtampod ku to kayu. I will borrow your saw because I will use [it] to cut off[the ends] of wood. 4v To become inadvertenty severed or cut off. Ko ogkatangkoban ka dilò, ogkatampod. If the tongue is clamped down on [by one’s teeth], it may become inadvertantly severed. Natampod ka kayamoy no tindalikday ni Igi. Igì’s middle finger was inadvertently cut off. Ko nakabayò ka gakit to mababow, ka balagon no ingu-os, natobtob woy natampod to batu. When the raft passed through the shallow [water], the rattan which was used for holding it together was chewed off and severed by the stones. 5v To interrupt, or cut off, another's words. Ko ogkagi a no du-on otow no ogtampod to kagi ku, ogbugsong. Ko og-ampawan din ka kagi rin, igdo-isok. If I am speaking and there is a person who interrupts my speech, he messes it up. If someone overrides [another's words] with his words, it is disrespectful (lit. belittles) [to the other person]. spec: toptop, pulpul 1. 6vs To be interrupted as to be a different color as from the middle, as of a tail where the color is interrupted. Ogkatampod to mapotì ka ikug to ambow no kawwilì. The [color of the] tail of the kawwilì rat becomes white about midway (lit. is interrupted by white.). 7n An instrument used for cutting/sawing off something Du-on gabas noy no tatamporoy to atop. We had a saw which was an instrument for cutting off the roofing. 8Just a portion of a piece. 9A division of something. 10Upriver or downriver division of the river. (1) Maambagu, Kapugi, Mansalinow; (2) Togop, Banualoy, Langilan Panamporon ka kayu su iglaras dio’t dibabò. The trees are sawn in portions to be sent downriver. (Logging)

tangkò 1v Facing, front. 2In front of. 3n The front of; in front of Takas sikan, du-on ogpati-ulug dii to tangka-an ta. After that, there was something that just caused to drop in front of us. 4v confront Ko ogsupmatan ta, oghondiò ki to baloy rin no diò ta ogtangkò kandin. Unawa ka supmat to ogtangka-an nu su ogkagion nu sikandin. If we confront [someone], we go to his house and there we will confront (lit. face) him. The [word] supmat is the same as that you are confronting (lit. facing) him because you speak to him. 5v To face, as someone whom one has wronged. No impo-umow on kandin oyow ogtangkò to sikan no pigtakawan din. And then he was called so that he would face that person from whom he had stolen see: sondit 1; see: supmat 1. 6v With negative: Not to give audience to, that is, not to see someone. Konò ogtangkò su dakol ka ogtalabawon din woy ogpalpalaguy sikandin. She would not give audience to him because she had a lot of work and also [because] she was avoiding (lit. running from) him. [Context of next example is of a woman who has pledged herself to marry someone so will not see another man who is trying to gain her attention.] 7v To point towards a given direction, as of footprints or compass Og-ikulon ta ka komos ko hondo-i ogtangkò. We will follow the footprints in whatever direction (lit. if where) towards which they are pointed. Ka tinurù din ka ogtangkò. Its pointer (lit. index finger) is what points toward a given direction. [The second example is DB's comment re a compass.] 8v To stand in front of Layun kow tangkò dini kanak.. Always stand in front of me...; show your face to me.. 9v To be facing each other as in a group. Ko diò ki to kalibulunganan, su ogpokogtangko-tangkò ki to ogpitow, ogpokog-iom-iom ki. When we are gathered together there, because we are looking at each other in front of us, we keep smiling at one another. 10To face each other. [Of two people ?? (Can it be two or more people/groups??)]

taya 1v To catch, or collect anything into a recepticle. [such as a dust pan to collect debris, a leaf, cup or pot to contain liquids, a plate as recepticle for food, basket or even the bed of a dump truck to receive grain. (But would not apply to a piggybank.)] see: tagù 1. 2n Receptacle for something that is poured or served. 3v 4v

tibogow n 1A type of cane, that grows along the river. Ka woig no Liboganon, makopal ka mgo tibogow diò to napu no mabasag ka lawa rin. As for the Liboganon river, the cane is thick there in the flad area and its body is hard. [The young leaves and plant are eaten by animals but not people.] spec: liung, sasò, sawow, bungbung. 2A kind of shrimp which has hairs on claws. [They live where the tibogow cane has fallen into the river. They are red and white.] gen: ulobang.

tibug 1v To permit something to fully develop or mature. Kò ta ogtibugan ka manuk to atolug. We won’t let the hen develop her eggs. Ogkatibugan ka atolug ko ogpigsò. The eggs have fully developed when [the chicks] hatch. [In the following example, DB says that the eggs will be cooked and not be left to collect in the nest. They are developed when ogkapigso-on when the chicks hatch.] see fr.: buyag 4; see fr.: mabonbon 2. 2To live, or develop. No nigdinog a kunto-on to warò anak dan no ogkatibug. Ko malasi og-anak, ogkamatoy rò ka batò. And I have heard recently that they have no children who have lived (lit. developed). If they frequently give birth, the child just dies. 3vs To mature or fully develop Ka atolug to manuk no buguk konò ogpigsò su warò natibug. A chicken egg which is underdeveloped won't hatch because it has not matured. 4v To be completed. Natibug ka pogtoì din. What she was sewing was completed. 5v With negative: To be left incomplete or uncompleted. Ka baloy no konò ogkapongaan to oghimu, warò natibug. The house which was not finished in the making, it wasn't completed. Konò ogkatibug no ogtoi-on ta. What we sew won’t finished. [DB says the following example applies to something that won't be completed due to some interruption.] 6v Fully developed [As of large, healthy, full term newborn baby.] 7v To develop a relationship with Ogtibugon ta ka duma ta ko maroyow ka pogdumaruma ta kandin. Our [relationship to] our companion will develop when our fellowship (lit. accompanying of him/her) is good. Ka batò no malasi og-ogot to batò no songo unawa rin, og-ogotan to inoy ka anak din to, “Maniò to konò nu ogtibugon ka duma nu no warò man salò din koykow?” The child who frequently fights with another child who is his same age is scolded by his mother [who says], “Why don't you treat your companion well?? who hasn't wronged you?” Ko konò din ogtibugon, ogmaro-ot sikandin to duma rin su oghimuon kandin to salò. If he doesn't treat his companion well he will act badly toward him because he will do wrong things to him. Warò kow tibuga to otow no nigtalabau to baloy now su kandan ka ogbobo-ot to kalaglagan. Konò koy ogtibugon to mgo otow su ka pulus noy to kayu, diad on to kandan We are not treated well by the people because our advantage (lit. value) in having wood has gone to them. 8v For a relationship to develop Ko nokog-ogot ka darua no batò, konò ogpokogtibug sikandan su ogpo-og-ogotoy on. If two children have fought with each other, [Their relationship] won't develop because they are now fighting. Ko maroyow ka pogdumaruma ran, ogkatibug ka parumrumooy ran. If their relationship (lit. accompanying of each other) is good, their relationship will develop. 9adj abundant, as harvest??

tiklas n Measles. Ko og-uma ka dalu no tiklas diò to songo ugpa-an, ko du-on ogpanumbaloy no ogligkat to sikan no ugpa-an, ogka-alapan ki to dalu. If the disease of measles comes to some place, [and] if someone comes for a visit from that place, the disease will be transmitted to us. [There are some other illness such as roseola (sp??) which involve a rash and are sometimes also called tiklas. However, the term is usually used specifically of measles. (A rash, by contrast, is described as Du-on ogpanlopow no ogdogos. Something that breaks out which itches. Chicken pox is ukù)]