Search results for "Under"

mugongmugong v mutter under one's breath, grumble [In a situation where some people were able to ride on a raft and others had to walk, those having to walk would be irritated because they didn't get to ride. There would be some anger which would result in mugongmugong “grumbling”. (Is form always reduplicated ??)]

opus 1v To finish. Ko konò ogko-opus to kagi, konò tad ogkatagaan ko nokoy ka ignangon kanta. If the speech is not finished, we don't know what a person is telling us. 2vs To be finished. Ko ogko-opus ka sigariliu no ogkatutung, ogkaragdag ka alibu rin. When a cigarette is finished burning, its ashes will drop off. Ogpokodo-ig ka hapuy to dakol no kayu. Woy ogkaparong ko ogko-opus on ka kayu. The fire of the large trees keeps burning/smoldering. It will not be extinguished until the wood is consumed. 3deriv n The end of something. Ka ko-opusan to tagdoy to homoy, diò ogbunsud to pogkohinug. [At] the end(s) of a cluster of rice grain stems, it is there [the rice] begins to ripen. Ko ogbibinayu ki to homoy, igbagdak ta to ko-opusan to andu. When we pound rice, we strike it with the end of the pestle. [The tagdoy is a group of smaller stems, or panicles of grain which form the head and are attached to the stalks by a single stem. Some objects, such as a stick, has two ends. So in the case of a written word, ko-opusan applies either to the beginning or the end of a word.] 4deriv n Extention or extremity, as of the body Ka ko-opusan to lawa ta, ka pa-a woy bolad woy ka ulu. The extention(s) of our body are the feet and hand(s) and the head. Malalab ka sulang to kalusisi di mohilow ka ko-opusan diò to tongol din. The headdress of the of the love bird is red but the extention [of the headdress] there at the back of its neck is green. 5v At a deeper level or underlyingly Nabolongbolong ka otow to ungod ogsinogow ka batò, di diò to ko-opusan [to goinawa rin], na-aras woy niglomoton din on ka batò. He was amazed that [the child] was always crying, but in his underlying feeling, he was agitated and he was insulting the child. [That is in the final analysis or extended meaning.] 6v To extend in a straight line or to be at the end of something. Malu-ag ka doun din no ogpoko-opus to lawa to sikan no kayu no kapigsula. It has wide leaves which extend in a straight line from the body of that kapigsula tree. 7v To line up one after another Ka kinagian no amba-an, darua no otow ko tatolu, og-opus-opus to og-ambò. As for the expression amba-an, two or three people line up one after another to float on some object. [such as in the following example where several people lean on the same log to float, but they will not be facing the same direction as they will be on opposite sides of a log or piece of bamboo.] 8beginning or end, ie of a word 9One behind the other. 10To line up in rows.

sogò 1v To be affected or stung as a result of contact with a poisonous plant, barbs of a fish or caterpillar. Nasogò ka to manogò. You’ve been affected by manogò. Ka poggongon ku to ngalap no matirong, nigsogò a to bolad ku su nigpali-an to dugi no nigpanigbion ka ilok ku. When I took hold of the matirong fish, I was stung in my hand because it was wounded by the barb and then the lymph nodes under my arm became swollen. Darua no simana woy na-awò ka sogò din. [such as to itch from contact with manogò, a kind of nettle, or be stung by a fish such as a kind of electric eel that causes welts and itching for a few days, or the matirong fish which causes swelling that may last up to two weeks.] 2n Any of various poisonous plants that cause itching or burning after contact. [There is also a tree called dongas which has a caustic poisonous resin which will cause itching and deterioration of the skin. The tree is not called manogò but it's affect is still that of sogò. (If a plant is thorny but does not contain a poisonous irritant, it is not manogò.)]

suksuk 1v To hide ?? under something. 2n Mourning dove [said to have been the creator of the world and mankind.]

takubung n A marmot, a very large rodent resembling a woodchuck. Ka takubung, ngaran to ambow no daddakol no lukosan. A takubung is the name of a very large male rodent. Ka mgo lugì to tabunan to takubung, ogpoglawanglawangon diò to diralom to oghimuan dan to salag. The holes of the marmot’s mound is connected underneath to the places where they make their nests. [Mormots are social animals similar to woodchucks which live in a hill with burrows which connect the nesting areas for various members of the extended family. It's home is in a mound called a tabunan. They are categorized as rodents which belong to the squirrel family but they are much larger.] gen: ambow 1.