Search results for "lawa"

kali-a-an n Kind of tree with red wood and bark and leaves similar or related to the lawa-an with very tiny seeds. and makes good lumber. [DB says this is not mahogany but more closely related to lawa-an. The wood and bark are red.It is fragrant and good for splitting and making walls.]

kolopì 1n Small, thin, double-woven two piece case or wallet. The inner part, called the lawa “body”, slides inside the outer part. It is used for carrying money or tobacoo.made of sodsod papyrus or baluy a kind of grass. 2one half slips into the other half.

kopal 1adj Thick, as the two sides of a book, a piece of clothing, or paper. Makopal ka kinabò. The shirt is thick. ant: manipis. 2adj Thick, as hair when there is a lot of it. Makopal ka bulbul. Oglituk to dakol lagboy ka bulbul din woy malapung His/her hair is thick. It means that he has a lot of hair and plentiful. 3adj Having a small amount of liquid so that many particles are close together such as a lot of powdered milk added to a small amount of water. Makopal ka gatas su og-anlod ka gatas ko ogtunawon to woig. The milk is thick because the milk sinks to the bottom if it is dissolved/suspended in water. 4adj Close together as forest where are many trees and much vegetation. Makopal ka mgo tibogow diò to napù no mabasag ka lawa rin. [The tibogow is dense there in the flat area and its body is hard.] ant: magalat; see: sokol. 5adj To be volumic, that is, both wide and have much content, as as a field with much vegetation. Makopal ka tira-an. Maluag, mgo lalimma no hitaria bua to ogpamula-an. Sikan dò ka impamula; warò solug no duma. The sugarcane field is capacious. It is wide, about five hetares maybe which has been planted. That is all that has been planted; there is no mixture of anything else. 6adj Many such as flies or lice which which cover a sore. Makopal to kutu. Ogkito-on ka kutu woy ogkogangon ka batò. The lice are many. The lice are visible and the child is covered with sores. Makopal ka langow no oghulun to pa-a. The flies are thick which are swarming on [a someone’s] foot. see: moon-ing. 7adv Thicker [than something else]; thickest Mamakopal ka laplap to kalabow. The carabao's skin is thicker [than the shirt]. 8deriv n thickness Ko og-otian ka nigsamba no woig, songo dangow ka kapokali to danlak. When the flooded [river] water has receeded, the thickness of the silt is a handspan deep.

lagbas see fr.: lawang 2.