Search results for "ta"

Banlak n One of three original Ata siblings (two men and their sister) said to have ascended into heaven. According to legend, they gathered kout along the Kapalong river which were turned into white stones. (see Ibul, Boyboy), lived on, believed to have created people, did many miracles. [The Ata Manobo kout refers to a poisonous, starchy root something like cassava which must be soaked before cooking to make it edible.] see: Boybayan; gen: minuna.

bailan n Shaman, one who contacts the spirit world. [He may have one or more familiar spirits. He makes sacrifices on behalf of the sick or to counteract the effects of bad luck, bad omens or to convey or reverse the effect of charms.] see: papaganò; see fr.: ganò 3.

bako-us 1v To wrap up and bind together, as meat. Ogku-on noy no babuy no ogbako-us noy on no ogbanggutan to balagon ka natongos on. We take the [cut up meat of] the pig and wrap in portions and bind with rattan that which has been wrapped up [in leaves]. [Used especially of large portions of meat or fish which are wrapped in leaves and bound with rattan so they can be carried home on a person's back or suspended from a strap across ones' forehead. Would also apply if a sack or plastic were used if it is bound. Would not apply to carrying things that are not eaten.)] 2deriv n A portion of fish or game that has been wrapped and bound. Tagsagboka no otow, du-on ka kandin no binako-us. Each person has his own bound portion [of meat]/.