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batuk 1v To find, discover. Inat konò ogpakabatuk. It's as if one cannot discover [the meaning]. Warò ki pad makabatuk to maroyow no dalan. We had not yet discovered the good path. Iglobong diò to tanò to daruwa no allow ka pogbatuk to sikan no agkud. [The mixture] is buried in the ground for two days [before]] finding [it to have become] the agkud delicacy. see fr.: tugul 3; see fr.: kita 2; see fr.: tolom 3. 2v To be effective. Ko nokoy no tambal no ogpakabatuk to masakit, ian ka ma-agbot no tambal. Whatever medicine is effective against an illness, that is strong medicine. 3v To identify, such as to narrow down to the one person whom one would marry. Ko konò ogkahalin ka goinawa nu diò to duma no boi, no ian nu ogbatukon ka sikan no boi no nasabutan nu. If your love (lit. breath) does not change to another girl, then you have identified the girl with whom you had an agreement [to be the one whom you would marry]. [The sense here seems to be that one's search is narrowed down to this one person so that one knows she is the one he is looking for.] see: tu-on 1. 4v To locate, or go to a specific place for a specific purpose. Ka kunto-on no tipouri no mgo otow, du-on batasan to du-on on indosanan no kasilyas no du-on dò ogbatuk ka og-indos. As for the present-day people who have come later (lit. last), there is a custom to have an outhouse for defecating and so that is [the only] place people will go to to defecate. [The following seems to mean that in contrast to the past when people defecated anywhere, now people go to only that specific location which has been made for that purpose.] 5v To find or locate Ko oglapas ki, ko konò ki ogpakabatuk to mababow su mabolbol ka woig, ogka-alus ki diò to maralom. If we cross [a river], if we cannot locate a shallow area because the water is swift, we will be carried away by the current to a deep area. 6v To get at, or be effective against, as an illness. Ko nokoy no tambal no ogpakabatuk to masakit, ian ka ma-agbot no tambal. Whatever the medicine is which gets at the illness, that is efficatious (lit. strong) medicine. see: tu-on ??. 7v To be passed down, as some characteristic or authority which is recognized in someone's descendant Sikan ka oghingaranan noy no batuk to anak. Ka katondanan ni Dabid, nigbatuk ki Husi. No ka katondanan ni Husi, nigbatuk man dò diò ki Hisus. That is [what] we call passed down to an offspring. The authority of David, it is passed down to Joseph. And the authority of Joseph, it is then passed down to/found in in Jesus. 8v to find to be [or to have become] something Iglobong diò to tanò to daruwa no allow ka pogbatuk to sikan no agkud. That which found to be agkud is buried in the ground for two days. [In the following example, the it takes two days for the mixture of ingredients to change into the food item called akud.] 9Retrieve food once cached away. 10Return. 11v find out, reveal 12Kabatukon ku so-i komos. ???

bokas v 1To initiate a conversation, or a discussion such as that of a marriage arrangement. Ka oghun-a ogkagi, sikan ka ogbokas to alukuyan. The person who is first to speak, that is the one who initiates the discussion. 2To release, as trigger of a trap. Ko ogkabokas on ka bagwanan to balatik, du-on on ogsagad no babuy. When the trigger of the pig trap is released, a pig which has been caught. see: basikal. 3To block as an inlet from a river so as to drain area and catch fish in traps. Ka otow no ogngangalap to siak to woig, ogbokason din ka og-atangan din ka siak oyow og-otì on. A person who is fishing on a tributary of the river blocks the tributary so that it will dry up. [The common thread of meaning may be that the blocking of the river initiates the trapping of the fish, someone walking into an ambush, initiates/sets in motion the act of spearing an enemy, and the person who speaks first, initiates the conversation. A person who is angry, lets loose with angry words and/or a physical attack. (In the latter case, ogtokow his words take others by surprise.] see: atang 1. 4To vent, as anger in such a way that people are taken by surprise. Ka otow no nabolù, nigbokas ka nigkagi; nigparagas nigkagi. Nigma-agbot to nigkagi su ogkatokow ki. The angry person, vented [his] anger; he went right ahead and spoke. He spoke loudly because we are taken by surprise. see: tokow 1. 5To be the recipients of an angry outburst. Moirap ko ogbokasan ki to kagi. It is difficult if we are the recipients of [someone's] angry outburst. 6To strike. Ka otow no oggopas, ogbokas to usig ka ogpilak. The person who is lying in ambush, strikes [his] enemy when he spears [him].

bol-og v To go hunting with a gun or other weapon. Du-on hon-om no otow no nigbobol-og. There were six people who went hunting with a weapon. Tunud, woy ko kommag, salungag ka igbobol-og. Arrow(s), or spear(s), [or] a spear trap are that which are used for hunting. [This word is now used especially of hunting larger game with a gun but can be used of hunting with a spear or bow and arrows. When hand weapons are used to hunt a wild pig, they work together to fense off trails and use a dog to get the pig to run in the right direction and to prevent its escape.] see: panganup.

bongkag 1v To break up, turn over, as the soil in a field. Ka otow no an-anayan din pad nigbongkag to tanò din ka nigdaru, noirapan pad lagboy sikandin ka nigtalabau. The first time that a person broke up the soil as he plowed his land, he had great difficulty [doing] the work. cf: gulak 1. 2vs For something to be broken loose from something else such as blood clots that break loose and are discharged from the womb of a mother who has just given birth. Ka goti-an no agoloy, igpako-on to iam no nig-anak oyow ogkabongkag ka langosa no nigmalibuson to diralom. The roasted corn is fed to the [mother] who has newly given birth so that the blood clots will be broken loose [and be discharged] which were inside [her body]. see: pitas 1. 3v (Fig.) To be broken loose from a marriage relationship. Nabongkag on to inayon ka anakon din no iam pad na-asawa su nigtambag dò to ogpo-ongkoran din on ka asawa rin. The neice who had been recently married was broken loose [from her marriage relationship] by her aunt because she had simply advised her to desert her husband. 4v For something to inadvertently cause termination, as a pregnancy. 4.1v To be terminated, as a pregnancy resulting in a miscarriage. s Ka boi no ogpangiram, ko warò ogkako-on din no ogko-ibogan din, ogkabongkag ka batò su ogka-awa-an on. As for a woman who is newly pregnant, if she cannot eat what she is craving for, the [pregnancy] will be terminated because [the baby] will come out (lit. be removed). see: landan; see: tampod 2.

bonnal 1n An accusation. Ko tu-tu-u ian ka bonnal to nakasalò, ogbotad dan on ka nakasalò to husayan. If the accusation is true that [a person] has done wrong, they will pay up front for the settlement of one who has sinned. [The leaders of the village will collect what is needed to settle the issue if the person accused doesn't have mon] 2v To make an issue or accusation about something; such as when someone takes a comment to be an insult so wants payment for the allenged offense. Ka ogbobonnal, du-on songo otow no ogkagi no ogmohushusayoy on. As for the person who makes an issue about something, someoneelse will have to speak in order to make a settlement [for the issue.]. 3To be convicted; to establish guilt Ogpatigda-an to kagi. Ogkabonalan on. Konò ogpakatabak ka otow. [They will use] speech that hits the mark. It will establish [the truth of the matter. The person cannot answer back. 4v To demand a retribution for assumed guilt such as ridicule or for not keeping an appointment; a forfeit. Ka otow dongan, konò ogkali-ag su maga-an ogbobonal no ogbuyù to dakol no ighusoy. As for people long ago, they weren’t able to play because they would be quick to demand retribution and then would ask for a large settlement. [Would apply to demanding payment for any other real or assumed fault. In the culture, if a stranger hears laughter he may assume that he is being ridiculed and demand anything in payment. If not given he may instigate a raid on the village or kill someone. If an animal is given scraps from someone and the animal dies, he may demand payment for the animal.] 5v For something to be forfeited as compensation for a loss. Ko du-on igholon ku to nati to kalabow di ko konò ku ogkato-od to igbayad, konad ig-ulì ka inkoholon ku no salapì su igbonnal on. If I have made a deposit on a carabao calf but I cannot follow through to pay for it, the money I paid to hold it will not be returned because it will be forfeited [as compensation to the owner of the carabao.]