
មពាចNscoop, bucket
មពាញ់Nceiling rafterពាង់​ឆ៝ៈ​គ្លែ​ជាន​មពាញ់​ច្វាញ***
មពាត់1Cfទ្រុកៗលេវេលើវើCLFhandfull??ទូមពាត់comp.a handfull??
មពាត់2Nlarge splinter or thorn
មពាត់3dial. var.មព៝ត់1V1move, make a movement2shake, toss and turn, disturbមពាត់លេវេលើវើcomp.to make slow movements
មពាត់4Nk.o. very bitter and poisonous fruit (used to smear on feet to repel leeches)
មពាន់V1to replace, e.g. put a duck egg under a hen so that it will hatchឆ៝ៈ​តាប់​អ្យារ់​មពាន់មា​ពេប***2wear wrapped around the headគ៝ប់​​​​តាញ​​ឞ៝ក​​មពាន់​ឞោក***Simនទោ2 1
មពាន់ក្លឺនVcloth to wear as head-scarf; wear a turban
មពារ់Cfខ្វេវទែព៝ល់ព្លូយមរែcontr. ofមៃរែ2រែ2រែ3លិញវិញVto flyមពារ់ប្ហ្វៃcomp.to flyមពារ់ព្លូយcomp.to fly
មពាល់Nmortarមពាល់កឹនcomp.grinding stone
មពិចVto break off
មពីNmound of soil around holes in the ground made by animals or insects
មពីកNcivit-cat, mongoose, martenមពីកពារ់comp.Nflying squirrel
មពីស1Nk.o. fence with intermittent holes (for traps)ឆ៝ៈ​ងគីង​ឆី​ជាន​មពីស​ទាក់***
មពីស2Ncleanse, purify (put blood on forehead); ceremony to remove the offense committed against someone(s)Simក្វាយ្ស
មពឹកVto show sth