Browse Bunong – English

ទោ1SimគើយINTgo ahead!លាស​នទ្រី​ខាន់​អៃ​មៃ​ហាន់​តា​នារ​នៃ​ទោ!Therefore you all go on that day!SimយឹSynកាដោយ្ស 2unspec. var. ofកាដោយខ៝ន់2ទោមាcomp.subordconnjust then, suddenly (while something else was happening)
ទោកSimក្វាញ់Nmonkey (includes macaque)ទោកទាកcomp.ស្វាក្រិសទោកលុតcomp.short-tailed monkeyទោកលុតរាហោងcomp.k.o. monkeyទោកឞ្រាលcomp.stump-tailed macaque
ទោកគ្លែNSlow Loris (pygmy)
ទោងNbasket for winnowing
ទោញSimរាគូមVpick up (used for things that have fallen), gather, collectSynទ៝ញ 1
ទោមNលប (ឧបករណ៍​​នេ​សាទ​ត្រី​)
ទោយ្សNguilt, fault, wrongមៃ​ទើយ​អាញ​ទោយ្ស​រាន៝ន​គ៝ប់?Are you able to take the burden of my debt?តេៈទោយ្សតេៈ2ងក៝លទោយ្សcomp.sentence sbd as guilty; pronounce a sentence that sbd is guiltyច្រាៈទោយ្សcomp.VPconsider an accusation of guilt; conduct a hearing on someone’s guilt; judge a wrong-doingទាន់ទោយ្សcomp.1VPapologize; beg pardon (not to be held guilty); ask for forgiveness2to beg pardon (not to be held guilty), ask for forgivenessផាតទោយ្សcomp.Vjudge; deliberate and render a judgement (or sentence) regarding the level of guilt; elders and/or villagers to discuss when someone is accused of wrong-doing and then determine what should be paid or whether the accusation is falseអ៝ន់ទោយ្សcomp.Vforgive (allow another to not recieve guilt)អ៝ន់ឞុតទោយ្សcomp.cast blame, accuseជានទោយ្សph. v.VPserve legal sentence, do time, pay debt គែសទោយ្សunspec. comp. formVPhave guilt
ទោរVtoo heavy load carried on back, too heavy to bear
ទោល1CONJwhen, currently, while ‘actively’ doing sth, at the time??2ADVPROGRESSIVE aspect
ទោស1Cfអ្យ្រែងINTHORTATORY; Go ahead!, let’s goជ៝យតុងទោសឞ៝ន់ទែមាហាន់អាឞ្រី។Let's shop for a hammock to (take with us when we) go to the forest.SynDកាទោសទោស2
ទោស2ADJhot'Bunor'.AntនអីកSynDកាទោសទោស1ទោសអ្យ្រែងcomp.very hot (radiated heat)ទោសហ្យាក់id.extremely hot (air temperature for people)ហ្យាក់ may be an expressive
ទៅVCut or chop tree branches into pieces and pile them for burning.Only done when clearing a new swidden field.; to gather debris to burn a second time; burn the gathered remains after burning a field
ទ្រ៝NKhmer stringed instrument similar to the violin; the tro
ទ្រ៝ង់Nvery large basket used to store riceទ្រ៝ង់ឞាcomp.ក្រង់ស្រូវ