Growing trees

ᦶᦂᧃᧈᦗᦱᧁᧉkæn²paaw⁶nounhalf a coconut shell (useful as a bowl or dipper) coconuts1.5.5Parts of a plantᦶᦂᧃᧈ1ᦗᦱᧁᧉ
ᦂᦸᧇkɔp²verb (transitive)to graft7.5.2Join, attach6.2.1.7Growing trees
ᦇᦸᧂŋɔŋ⁴nouncoconut shredderᦷᦠ coconuts7.8.3Cutᦃᦸᦇᦸᧂ
ᦶᦎᧆᦶᦙtæt²mææ⁴verb (transitive)to pruneᦶᦎᧆ ᦶᦙ ᦂᦲᧂᧈ ᦵᦚᦲ ᦺᦔ.They pruned off the foliage. plants6.2.1.7Growing treesᦶᦎᧆᦶᦙ
ᦖᦱᧅᦗᦱᧁᧉmaak²paaw⁶2000nouncoconutCocos nuciferaᦐᦽᧈ 3ᦃᦹᧃᧉ ᦂᦸ ᦖᦱᧅ ᦗᦱᧁᧉ.He climbed up the coconut tree.ᦃᧁ ᦌᧅ ᦶᦌᧃᧈ ᦂᦸ ᦖᦱᧅ ᦗᦱᧁᧉ, ᦖᦱᧅ ᦗᦱᧁᧉ ᦐᦽᧈ ᧚ ᦅᦸᧉ ᦢᧁᧈ ᦷᦎᧅ ᦙᦱ.They shook the coconut tree, but not one coconut fell down.ᦙᦲ ᦖᦱᧅ ᦗᦱᧁᧉ ᦐᦽᧈ ᧚ ᦜᦳᧃᧈ ᦷᦎᧅ ᦙᦱ ᦌᦱᧆ ᦺᦉᧈ ᦷᦠ.A coconut fell just missing her head. coconuts5. from fruitᦖᦱᧅ1ᦗᦱᧁᧉ
ᦗᦱᧁᧉpaaw⁶2000nouncoconutCocos nuciferaᦐᦽᧈ 3ᦂᦸ ᦗᦱᧁᧉ.A coconut tree. coconuts5. from vegetablesᦶᦂᧃᧈᦗᦱᧁᧉᦂᦸᦗᦱᧁᧉᦟᧄᦎᦱᧃᦂᦱᧄᧉᦗᦱᧁᧉᦓᧄᧉᦗᦱᧁᧉᦓᧄᧉᦙᧃᦗᦱᧁᧉᦔᦱᧈᦗᦱᧁᧉᦂᦸᦖᦱᧅᦖᦱᧅᦗᦱᧁᧉᦢᦽᦷᦂᧂᧈᦗᦱᧁᧉ