ᦂᦸᦰᦣᧂkɔʔ²haŋ⁴verb (transitive)to save up; store upᦜᧁᧉ ᦁᧃ ᦂᦸᦰ ᦣᧂ ᦺᦞᧉ ᦅᦸᧉ ᦌᧄᧉ ᦵᦠᦲᧃᧉ.The beer we stored up is all gone.ᦀᧁ ᦇᦹᧃ ᦁᧃ ᦋᦳᧄ ᦜᦻ ᦂᦸᦰ ᦣᧂ ᦺᦞᧉ ᦓᧃᧉ ᦀᦸᧅᧈ ᦙᦱ ᦶᦔᧂ ᦷᦃ.They used money that the people had saved away to build a bridge.ᦎᦱ ᦞᧃ ᦺᦖᧉ, ᦓᧄᧉ ᦺᦓ ᦑᦸᧈ ᦡᦳᧆᧈ ᦀᧁ ᦀᦻ ᦣᦸᧃᧉ ᦃᧁᧉ ᦺᦔ, ᦂᦸᦰ ᦣᧂ ᦺᦞᧉ.When the sun is hot, the water in the pipes sucks in warmth and stores it up. wealthᦂᦸᦰ1ᦣᧂ

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