ᦷᦂᧆ1kot²2000verb (transitive)to write; author; compose; publishᦅᦳᧃ ᦏᧁᧉ ᦵᦙᦲᧈ ᦂᦸᧃᧈ ᦷᦂᧆ ᦅᧄ ᦃᧇ ᦺᦞᧉ.The elders of the past wrote these songs.ᦷᦂᧆ ᦐᧂ ᦉᦹ ᦘᦲᧄ.Edit a newspaper.ᦵᦟᦲᧅ ᦀᧁ ᦶᦉᧆ ᦉᦲᧂᧈ, ᦷᦂᧆ ᦓᦲᧉ ᦍᦻ ᦆᦱᧁᧈ ᧚.Choose an animal and write a story about it.ᦷᦂᧆᦶᦎᧄᧉᦷᦂᧆᦶᦔᧂᦶᦎᧂᧈᦷᦂᧆᦖᦻᦷᦂᧆᦘᦻᧈᦷᦣᧂᦷᦂᧆᦗᦸᧇ

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