ᦖᧃᧉman³20001adjectivefirm; strong; secureᦵᦣᦲᧃ ᦺᦖᧈ ᦶᦔᧂ ᦵᦏᦲᧃᧉ ᧟, ᦐᧄ ᦅᦸᧉ ᦐᧄ ᦖᧃᧉ ᦅᦸᧉ ᦖᧃᧉ. When the new house was finished, it was beautiful and strong.ᦉᦻ ᦎᦸᦰ ᦺᦉᧈ ᦈᧅ ᦈᧅ ᦺᦡᧉ ᦖᧃᧉ.Where the wire is attached to the machine, it must be secure., firm2verb (intransitive)to promise; commit; engage to be marriedᦖᧃᧉ ᦂᧃ ᦺᦞᧉ.They are engaged (promised to each other). a marriage3.5.1.9Promise3post-verbfirmly; certainly; surelyᦙᧆ ᦖᧃᧉ.Tied tightly.ᦃᧁ ᧒ ᦷᦕ ᦵᦙ ᦀᦳᧇᧈ ᦅᧄ ᦔᦲᧃ ᦖᧃᧉ.The husband and wife agreed together firmly.ᦵᦃᧁᧉᦖᧃᧉᦅᧄᦖᧃᧉᦊᦴᧈᦔᦲᧃᦂᦲᧃᦖᧃᧉᦍᧇᦖᧃᧉᦎᧂᧉᦖᧃᧉᦖᧃᧉᦶᦂᧃᧈᦖᧃᧉᦃᧃᦖᧃᧉᦅᦱᧈᦖᧃᧉᦅᦳᧂᦖᧃᧉᦅᦹᧃᦖᧃᧉᦉᦲᧃᦖᧃᧉᦵᦑᧂᧈᦖᧃᧉᦖᧃᧉᦖᧃᧉᦖᧃᧉᦶᦂᧃᧈᦶᦂᧃᧈᦖᧃᧉᦞᦹᧃᦠᦹᧅᦖᧃᧉ

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