5.9. Live, stay

amenavstay; live, sit, be, exist, remain.Nai erega iniye Dagere ka bi rauturi amedo.My best buddy Dagere also lives in the village.Yuka moi faga riga amena bi ga re.Don't sit down with your legs open.Ya bi goidu di eva ni ameisa ma ya raka ni maina resifa.Where were you all this time and we were calling and looking for you?5.9Live, stayamei imiye renaunspec. comp. formcvsquat down on toes.Ita rafuri amei imiye reyo.He squatted down at the fireplace.amei tairinaunspec. comp. formcvsettle downAmedidi bi ga re; gabu yokoi makari amei tairi.Don't travel around; settle down in one place.amei tumuda renaunspec. comp. formsquat down behind something in order to hide.Na vego baebu dada, amei tumuda reyaka.Lest he see me, I squatted down behind it (the bush).
tarufaita renacvlive, settle (down).Gabi bi ini yava tora bureferi tarufaita reyo.Later he lived in his palace.5.9Live, stay