
bainabaia'a2vcomeNai vene kaini ferei baifa meda tobo niyo dada.My people it is enough you will leave it and come as it is the middle of the day.Koima, evadi raga nesi nai ima voi resi bae.Son, go quickly and buy my betel nuts and bring them.unspec. var.baia'a17. ketei dinaunspec. comp. formgo away; depart, leave, get lost.Bae ketei difa, ago tau niyadi ine.Get lost/leave, you are talking too much.bae rama ainaunspec. comp. formbe fulfilled, come true.Bi beika Sei di ago niyo amiye yaku niyo bi bae rama aiyo.It is what the prophet had said would come true.
denavcome (down), fall (precipitation).Nono yaku niyo evade evade de.Mum said come quickly.Ore vene kiki ida desi nai baba uyadi.The sorcerers came down the secret road and killed my father.Agiya urusa miya tora deyoma gagani itu reyo.Last night a big rain fell and the place got very cold. nenaunspec. comp. formdyingGua dei neyo; una fereyo.He died today; he left us.