8.5.1. Here, there

beroubehu11adjother (side)Nai vana berou bi uroki reyo.My other hand is broken.Ma mina taoni eta berou berou okiyadi.And they arrived from the other sides of the town.unspec. var.behu28. de uta are re berou rofu ka makai.Come and stand there in the middle on the other side.Ina bi berou berou rofu rorobo nido amiye.He is an upright (lit. becoming straight on each side) person.
dabigaraadjlower, bordering.Ina bi ouresi kono di soku dabigara rofu ka neyo.He also went down first into the earth/ground's lower valleys., below
dai buru rinacvsurround, cause to turn.Mida keika keika bi ita adina dai buru riyadi.The small children surrounded the fire. buru rina sanaunspec. comp. formcorral, pen, fold.Beika resi dai buru rina sanari are rededi?Why are they standing in the pen?
egonapostbelow, lower down.Uni rautu bi Vayaika egona ro amedo.Our village is below Vaya mountain.Ye ya bi kamini maena resi nesi egonari amegiya.So then you will be embarrassed/shamed and go down and sit below/lower down., below
etofaropostoutsideKamini ini nono ma ini dubuiyaka baisi yava etofaro are regamadi.Then his mother and brothers arrived and were standing outside the house., outside
fafau1postabove, on (top of).Tau no kana bi koyomu bani daru daru yu fafau famasi goberi dabara riyo ini vene di.Tau is bad for slapping gourd paste on (top of) stringy (lit. rat) yams and serving them to his people.Ye dibo anua yuka kevo amiye bi ekama fafauri aisi moi feide neyadi.So they sent down the paralytic man on the mat., about.Beika fafau yi mokena aiyo?On what do you base your thinking?Ina yaku ini sina fafau niyo.He told the news about him.
gabirepostunder(neath), below.Ita bi yava gabireri.The firewood is under the house., belowgabireri raga renaunspec. comp. formsubmit to; be subject/devoted to.Varika amiye dada ya kaya yi ourefeidena vene tau gade gabireri raga refa.For the Lord's sake submit yourselves under all your leaders.
ide2postinside, within, in.Mida bi yava ideri amedo.The child is inside the house.Yi uka ide reremamari ini buni mina ogau niyaine.Within the conduct of your heart its beauty must be revealed.Minari bae desi beredi be moigiya rofu waini ideri birisi iri.Come over here and take some bread so that you dip it in the wine and eat it. varukaunspec. comp. formtunicMina ideri varuka bi odorori egona rofu dabua yokoi maka dudu vadiyo.This tunic was woven from top to bottom with just one cloth.ide ro fai keikaunspec. comp. formunderpants, underwear.Yi ide ro bi fai keika riyo ba ide?Are you wearing underpants/underwear?
isefulocover there, there further away.Mirona isefu ro moivo.You should get that one there further away.Barai vene bi omuna isefu ro amededi.The Barai people live over there on the other side of the mountain.Elevated further still locative8.5.1Here, there
iseniidonari1locup over thereIseni moi.Get it up over there.Elevated greater distance locativeunspec. var.idonari2isenai38.5.1Here, there
kefepostbesideCharles ya bi na kefe yava aku kumo ya nari regida.Charles you must build your house beside me so I will look after you. rinaunspec. comp. formcvside/partner with, join.Bedakai vene bi uka vari gira masi ina venesa kefe riyadi.Some were convinced and sided with them.Ma Greek vene kaere Sei rofu nivakeyadi ma rema tora tora tau gade ka vakoi kefe riyadi.So very many Greeks who worshipped God and leading women also joined with them.
midulocover hereBi goinari? Midu.Where is it? Over here.Proximal greater distance locative8.5.1Here, there
mirodulocover thereIni rautu bi mirodu.Their village is over there.Distal-2 greater distance locative8.5.1Here, there
miniminai1lochereIna gua bi mini.He is here now.Proximal generic locativeunspec. var.minai28.5.1Here, there
mironilocthereNa yaku mokeyaka bi aka mironi udedi bao niyaka.I assumed they were killing prawns there.Distal-1 generic locative8.5.1Here, there
nefaupostin front (of).Yava ida nefau amedo boro mina kiki reyaka.I kicked the ball that is in front of the path to the house. front of
odoropostabove, over, on (top of).Iya bi oma odoro ma vasa bi konori amegamo.Star was above the sky and Sand was staying on the ground.Badamisirika erena keika keika yaku doi odorori raka nigamadi.Small Wallace's fairywrens were singing on the cane grass.Noel nai baiburu bedi odoro moi de.Noel bring my Bible on top of the bed. amiyeunspec. comp. formGodOdoro amiye di rautu bi kamaidaforo gagani.The Lord's place (heaven) is a colourful (attractive, sparkling) place.
ramatandeep insideBi mina amiye remanu moisi ide ramatari aiyo.He took the two men and placed them deep inside.
soronilocover thereSoroni yabo adinari.It is over there next to the tree.Distal-1 greater distance locative8.5.1Here, there
vaifuropostaboveUni muro bi vaifuro.Our garden is above.Vaifuro baeko; bosi ve.Perhaps it is up above; go look.
yoisefulocright there further awayYoisefu moi.Get it right over there further away.Yoisefu bofa.Go right over there.Distal-2 further still locative8.5.1Here, there
yoisenilocright up over thereYoiseni moi bo.Take it right up over there.Elevated specific locative8.5.1Here, there
yomirodulocright over thereYomirodu aiyafa, to kaere ya moiyo?We put it right over there, but who took it?Distal-2 specific locative8.5.1Here, there
yomironilocright thereIni rautu bi yomironi.His village is right there.Distal-1 specific locative8.5.1Here, there
yominilocright hereYomini moi bo!Bring it right here!Proximal specific locative; Proximal specific locative8.5.1Here, there
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