9. Grammar

ka1neg. prt.not; used before a verb to make a negative statement about the past.A ka kiŋɛ.he has not gone.Budaa la daa ka wa'am.the man did not come.9.1Grammar
ka2pron.3rd pers. s. subj., obj. she, he, her, him, it. Used when the noun referred to belongs to the KA class.Pɔka la, ka wa'am na.the woman, she came.pɔka la ka bia la.the woman and her child.Ma nyɛ ka.I saw him.9.1Grammar
kaŋa1ká̰ŋa̰dem.that; usu. combined with nouns belonging to the KA class.pugekaŋathat girl9.1Grammar-ŋa
kelumkèlʋmadv. prt.still, even yet, never. Used only before the verb.A kelum lɛmena mɛ.he will still come back.A kelum ka di.he still has not eaten.N kelum ka nyɛ nɛreba la.I have never seen the people.9.1Grammar
kɔdagilɛkɔ̰̀'dà'gɩ́lɛkɔdagilan.a short vowela, e, ɛ, i, o, ɔ, u9.1GrammarDI/'A
kɔdawokokɔ̰̀'dà'wókokɔdawogeron.long vowelaa, ee, ɛɛ, ii, oo, ɔɔ, uu9.1GrammarKU/TU
kunakʋ́na̰1dem.that. Usu. modifying nouns in the KU class.tɔŋɔ kuna.that ball of mud.Ku'uŋɔ kuna ka tibegɛ.that guinea fowl is not heavy.9.1Grammar2dem. pron.that, referring to nouns in the KU classKuna ka tibegɛ.that one is not heavy.KU
kuŋɔkʋ̰́ŋɔ̰dem.that, referring to sth. not necessarily visible at the time of speaking. Usu. combined with nouns belonging to the KU class.dugekuŋɔ.that pot.9.1GrammarKUkana, -na
la4dem. pron.it, that, matters in general.La ani suŋa.it is well, things are fine.9.1Grammar
la31conj.and, joining noun phrases.budaa la pɔka.man and woman.9.1Grammar2prep.withPee suŋa suŋa, la ki'ibɔ.wash very well, with soap.
la1det.the, that one. Approximately corresponds to the English definite article, but always indicates that the qualified entity has already been mentioned or is the one known to the speakers. Always used at the end of a relative clause, and at the end of a clause that provides the context for the rest of the sentence.nɛreba bata la.the three people.solene la ti tu wum la.the story that we heard.Mam sɔɔri ni la, ba zu ma ligeri.when I was bathing, they stole my money.9.1Grammar
la2laaffm. prt.Used immediately after the verb to give affirmative focus to the predicate, but only if another word follows the verb. Its tone is the opposite of the tone it follows, and it is usu. followed by tone lowering.A diti la sagebɔ.he is eating tz.9.1Grammar
memɛ̰́, mɩ̰́advtoo, alsoMam me wan bo fu gɔŋɔ.I too will give you a book.9.1Grammar
3mɛ̰́affm. imperf. prt.Occurs after an imperf. verb if no obj. or adv. follows, to affirm that the situation is a continuing state of things.A karegɛ mɛ.she is fat.A diti mɛ́he is eating.9.1Grammar
miŋamɩ̰́ŋa̰misi1intens. pron.self. Used following a noun phrase or with a pron. as an intensifier; can also be used as a reflexive. Either the s. or the pl. form can modify a pl. noun or pron., indicating a group (s.) or several individuals (pl.).Budaa la miŋa wa'am ya.the man himself came.Dibega la amiŋa n kɔ'.the stick itself got broken.Amiŋa n wa'am.he came by himself alone; he came unaided; he himself came.A nyɛ la budaa la kamiŋa.he saw the man himself, the very man.To'o la kumiŋa n lui.the baobab fruit fell of itself.9.1Grammar2reflex. pron.selfBudaa la ŋma la amiŋa.the man cut himself.Kɔma la nyɛ la bamisi bisega puan.the children saw themselves (one by one) in the mirror.Kɔma la nyɛ la bamiŋa bisega puan.the (group of) children saw themselves in the mirror.Fu nyɛ la fumiŋa.you have become pompous.KA/SIamiŋa, bamiŋa, fumiŋa, kumiŋa, mamiŋa, tumiŋa, yamiŋa
-nn, ŋsfxlocative suffix Indicates a place, in, attiŋanbottom9.1Grammar
n1n m ŋpron.11st pers. s. subj. I. The pronunciation is affected by the following consonant.N wa bo fu basɛba.I will give you some.21st pers. s. poss. myn fuo.my cloth.9.1Grammar
n2n m ŋ1foc. prt.Follows a noun, pronoun or other pre-verb element to give contrastive emphasis to that element, and is often written suffixed to it. The pronunciation is affected by the following consonantFum n nyɛ e.You (not someone else) saw him, it was you who saw him.9.1Grammar2rel. prt.joins a noun to a rel. clause, when the noun is also the subj. of the relative clausesɛba n ka mi a yire la...those who don't know his house...9.1Grammar
yelebita'anɛyèlə'bì'táʔanɛ̰yelebita'aman.compound word9.1GrammarDI/'A
yelebireyèlə'bíreyelebɛan.1utterance3Language and thought2word9.1GrammarDI/'A
yelesumyéləhʋ̰m̀n.1messageDa tam yelesum la.don't forget about the message.synlasebaarɛsɔɔleŋa3Language and thought2sentenceA la gulesɛ la yelesum buyila ma'a.he wrote only one sentence.9.1Grammar
yumɛŋerɛyʋ̀'mɛ̰̀ŋərɛyumɛŋeran.1true name, real nameA yumɛŋerɛ de la Amilɔ'ɔrɔ.his true name is A. 2proper noun9.1GrammarDI/'A
yoque. prt.used at the end of a question to indicate that it should be answered with yes or noFu wa'am zaam yo?did you come yesterday?9.1Grammar
yu'urɛ1yʋ̀ʔʋrɛyu'uran.1name, of a person, thing or place.A yu'urɛ de la Adenaba.his name is A. 2fame, renown3noun9.1GrammarDI/'A
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