Search results for "baleiga"

baleiga [HH ] KA/SE n Agama_lizard (domain: - Lizard.)
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dale₁ [L ] A1 v 1hide behind, lean against, follow at a distance { Ba dale ba cheigi taane. They secretly listen to conversation. | Baleiga ná dale de tio, ba wó ke-ba daane mo. When a lizard hides by a tree, they treat them both the same (as targets).; Associates may get tarred with the same brush. } (domain: 7.6 - Hide, 7.1.6 - Lean.) 2depend on, trust, take refuge in { dalem jei place of security, refuge }
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su₂ [L ] C1 (suga) v wash (the face) { N sugi n yia na? Have you washed your face? | Wɛ mo su baleiga yia. It is God who bathes the eyes of the lizard. }
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tio₁ [R ] KO/DE (pl: teeni) n tree { Baleiga ná dale de tio, ba wó ke-ba daane mo. When a lizard hides by a tree, they treat them both the same (as targets).; Associates may get tarred with the same brush. } (domain: 1.5.1 - Tree.) [ feila-tio , der. tio-bia , der. tio-leira ]
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