₁0 . 1has become soft, ready for meal (cooked foods) Bidiəŋ ba bi bə li, bi ndzeŋ ndiə. When food is cooked, it is good for eating. (sem. domains: 8.3.4 - Hot, - Cooking methods.) 2has become soft, riped (for fruits that get soft and do not turn red or yellow) Na ji wə fukiə bə bia buni, diɔ bɨŋ tɨŋ kɨji bo bə. When avocado pears are well covered, in five days they will be riped. (sem. domains: 6.2.5 - Harvest.) 3has become soft, fertile (soil) Dɨ wuŋ nə bə ndzɨ bə nə shishə binɨ mɨ kɨyɛŋ. This place is fertile because many dirts has been thrown there.

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