Search results for "ɨ"

miadzɔ wu kɨbɔŋɔ window glass (sem. domains: - Something used to see.)
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mɨ tiu in my ears, hearing (sem. domains: 9.4.5 - Evidentials.)
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mɨ yəsɨ in my eyes (sem. domains: 9.4.5 - Evidentials.)
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mɨ yi bigɨndə v. to drown in the water
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mɨ ŋ'wɔ lə I have heard that (sem. domains: 9.4.5 - Evidentials.)
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mɨ ŋŋəŋ ma I guess so (sem. domains: 9.4.6 - Yes.)
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mɨ nəfiə in front of me (sem. domains: 9.4.5 - Evidentials.)
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mɨ nende wə I plead to you (sem. domains: - Sad.)
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mɨ mɨ moment (sem. domains: - A short time.)
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mɨ kaŋ myself (sem. domains: - Reflexive pronouns.)
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mɨ mfə bubiə I have done bad (sem. domains: - Sorry.)
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mɨ bushi wɨ in my face (sem. domains: 9.4.5 - Evidentials.)
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mɨ bə fo nod your head (sem. domains: 9.4.6 - Yes.)
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n. 1at (sem. domains: 8.5 - Location.) 2there (sem. domains: - Spatial location of an event.)
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pro. me, first person singular pronoun used as object for nouns of class 1 (sem. domains: 9.2.3 - Pronouns.)
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1v. swallow Nná mmɨ̀ muntaŋ . I am swallowing tablets. (sem. domains: - Bite, chew, - Use up.) 2eat by swallowing (sem. domains: 5.2.2 - Eat.)
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pro. I
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pro. self
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mi v. 1press, squeeze, force Nná mìyi fəŋ. He is blowing his nose. Mi kɨsoŋkɔ ka nə fəŋ (sem. domains: 7.7.4 - Press, - Nose.) 2blow (sem. domains: 2.2.4 - Mucus.)
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mfuŋsɨŋ adj. tireless (sem. domains: 2.4.3 - Energetic.)
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mfunsɨ sɨŋ no problem (sem. domains: - Convenient.)
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mfufiɛ ntɨŋ being on holiday (sem. domains: 4.2.9 - Holiday.)
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mfɨtɨ nəŋ fə mfɔ how do I get to (sem. domains: - Way, route.)
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mfɨyə nɔŋ practice to search (sem. domains: 7.6.2 - Find.)
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mfɨyɛ study (sem. domains: 3.2.5 - Opinion, - Traditional medicine.)
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