Search results for "ntɨŋ"

dɨ ŋgunə ntɨŋ call in a phone (sem. domains: - Call.)
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chi gwɨntɨŋ id. restore the body (sem. domains: 2.4.5 - Rest.) balance of body
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chanyɛ ŋgunə ntɨŋ talk in phone (sem. domains: - Telephone.)
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butsu kɨntɨŋ kɨntɨŋ midnight (sem. domains: - Time of the day.)
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bushə kɨntɨŋ kɨntɨŋ noon (sem. domains: - Time of the day.)
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buntaŋ ntɨŋ in old age (sem. domains: - Adult.)
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bulo ntɨŋ be in pain (sem. domains: 4.4.2 - Trouble.)
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boso ntɨŋ in fire (sem. domains: 4.9.6 - Heaven, hell.)
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bo ntɨŋ amongst them (sem. domains: - Window.)
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bo fi ntɨŋ see to it (sem. domains: - Certainly, definitely.)
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bo bəŋgə ntɨŋ find a solution (sem. domains: - Solve a problem.)
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Bitɨ ntɨŋ Nkambe (sem. domains: - Names of cities.)
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bɛyɛ fəntɨŋ start from the middle (sem. domains: - Since, from.)
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v. 1take a part (out of something, for example liquids, sauce/soup (P), potatoes) Bɛ bubu nə kpənsɨ ntɨŋ. Dish sauce/soup (P) out of the pot. (sem. domains: - Take something out of something, 5.5.6 - Fuel.) 2distribute, serve, share (P) by taking a part out of something, for example liquids, sauce/soup (P), potatoes Bə bɛbɛ ba mbiŋ kɨŋfidi ntɨŋ. They are sharing wine in a celebration. (sem. domains: - Take something from somewhere, 5.2.1 - Food preparation, 6.7.7 - Container.) 3steal by taking in a fast motion Yu chɛ ba bɛ bikpa bi miɨ wudɔ lə. He has taken somebodies shoe. (sem. domains: 6.4.2 - Trap.)
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badi v. weed, clear Gəŋ wə badi bəndzudu ntɨŋ (sem. domains: 6.2.8 - Agricultural tool, 6.2.4 - Tend a field, - Uproot plants, - Poking tool, 6.2.1 - Growing crops.)
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be ntɨŋ move in (sem. domains: - Put in.)
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bɔntɨŋ within (sem. domains: - Around.)
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bɔŋ v. melt Shɛ̀ nyî yà yibònko. This butter is melting. Shɛ yi na ya bɔŋ wɨmbɨ ntɨŋ (sem. domains: 1.2.3 - Solid, liquid, gas.)
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bɔlu ntɨŋ in the sky (sem. domains: 1.1 - Sky.)
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kɨtɨ ntɨŋ in trees (sem. domains: 7.6 - Hide.)
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gwɨntɨŋsiŋ adj. thin (sem. domains: 2.4.2 - Weak.)
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gwɨ ntɨŋ healthy (sem. domains: 8.1.7 - Enough.)
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nəntɨŋ buŋgbɔŋkɔ big inside (sem. domains: 8.2.5 - Big area.)
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yəsɨ wu fəntɨŋ phr. pupil (of eye)
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yɨ wu fəntɨŋ middle name (sem. domains: 9.7.1 - Name of a person.)
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