

adj adjective
adjidm idiomatic adjective
adv adverb
AFF affirmative
ant: antonym
cf confer
cjattr attribute
comp compare
conj conjunction
der derivative
DET determiner
exist existential
gen: generative
idm idiom
interj interjection
interr interrogative
interrog. interrogative
locdem locative demonstrative
locn locative noun
locprn locative pronoun
n noun
neg negative
num numeral
part particle
persdet personal determiner
ppp personal possessive pronoun
pprt personal particle
prep preposition
prndem demonstrative pronoun
prnloc locative pronoun
prop n proper noun
PRT particle
STAT stative
sth something
syn: synonym
temppart temporal particle
unspec. var. of unspecified variant of
v verb
v INTR intransitive verb
vaff affirmative verb
vinfix verbal infix
voc vocative
vprefix verbal prefix
vsuffix verbal suffix