sudenesʮ³³tə³³nə³³🔊n.a type of herb that has medicinal qualities葱茏把/cónglóngbǎ/Sudene mel naxcir ar yoxr a, xilbe zzar ssaexr a dda ddo, wordabbor yarzi miur.“Sudene”是一种药,内热可以喝,山上很多。"Sudene" is a type of medicine, when something in the stomach is (too) hot, (it) can be drunk, there is a lot of it on the mountain.In the context where some kind of food or herb is considered 'hot' in a way that is related to health rather than simply a rise in temperature, the Chinese Mandarin loanword 'hot ' which is pronuonced /ssaexr/ is used rather than the Loxrlavu word /gielco/ 'hot ' (for the temperature of the air) or /taxl/ 'hot ' (for the temperature of food, water or things).某些食物或药草被认为‘热’或‘火气大’‘易上火’(对于身体的寒暑而不是温度上的冷热),多半用汉语借词 /ssaexr/ ‘热’来表达,而不用彝族话的热 /gielco/。/gielco/ 是指空气的温度。也不用 /tal/ ,/tal/ 是形容食物或水的‘烫’。


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