ggur gɤ²¹ that time; just then刚好/gānghǎo/Ngo yar ake ssi ci a qie, yar lei ggucirmi ddux lei ggur. 我刚走到他家,他刚好出来门口。When I went to his/her house, s/he was just coming out the front door.Mi lei halcar malmal, ngo mel mi gga hher dae ggur, yel ngo leil deil nr no. 地震那时候,我刚好在田里,所以我没有被打伤。Just when there was an earthquake, I was in the field at that time, so it didn't hurt me.2turn轮到/lún dào/Arni ngo miar bei a, eilni ni miar bei ssi ggur a. 昨天我干活了,今天轮到你去干活。Yesterday I worked, today it is your turn to work.ggur gɤ²¹

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